OT: Workout/Lifting/General Fitness & Nutrition Thread

The Blue Baron

Registered User
Nov 13, 2015
Hoser Country
With the whole slew of OT Threads, thought i'd start one too.

Post your workout routine or split, goals, or other activities that you might partake in. Post some Personal Records or accomplishments that you any that you're proud of.

Currently on a "power-building" type split. Main focus being getting stronger at Flat Bench, Overhead Press (OHP) and both Conventional & Sumo Deadifts, with evidently a blend of hypertrophy-type exercises and rep schemes in there. Think this is a great way to gain both strength and muscle and still focusing on core movements.
I do the YMCA StV 5-6 times a week.
I still do a lot of focus body part training but the YMCA St. Vital got a new cross trainer turf install. So I do a lot of sled pushing, deadlifting, attack bike, TRX, the rope, etc...
I also mix in a lot of hard cardio on the mill and the bike with weight lifting in between intervals. For example I like doing sprint intervals on the mill while every 5 mins jumping off the mill and doing 100 lbs shoulder press then jump back on the mill for a couple more sprints with brisk walking in between and so on...for example
My goal is to be 180 ripped by spring. I’m 5’10.5”
I’ve been at a gym consistently for 20 years now. It’s about having fun, challenging myself and not over doing it. Its a good habit and fun to me. I’ll pop in tomorrow.
Helps I quit drinking for the duration of the winter.:thumbu:
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Jets 31

This Dude loves the Jets and GIF's
Mar 3, 2015
I have learned some pretty valuable lessons to say the least.
First one is that that I am not 20 or even 30 anymore :laugh:
Second one less running. More strengthening.
Had I done a bit more strength work, I am thinking I would have been as hurt as I got.

you should do a half. Doing 13.1 miles can sounds rough, but isn’t really that bad. It’s actually quite enjoyable.
I am really thinking of doing a full marathon one day. Not sure I have the guts to try it.
I would run more but it's hard to run and not spill your drink . :naughty:


Feb 24, 2015
I do the YMCA StV 5-6 times a week.
I still do a lot of focus body part training but the YMCA St. Vital got a new cross trainer turf install. So I do a lot of sled pushing, deadlifting, attack bike, TRX, the rope, etc...
I also mix in a lot of hard cardio on the mill and the bike with weight lifting in between intervals. For example I like doing sprint intervals on the mill while every 5 mins jumping off the mill and doing 100 lbs shoulder press then jump back on the mill for a couple more sprints with brisk walking in between and so on...for example
My goal is to be 180 ripped by spring. I’m 5’10.5”
I’ve been at a gym consistently for 20 years now. It’s about having fun, challenging myself and not over doing it. Its a good habit and fun to me. I’ll pop in tomorrow.
Helps I quit drinking for the duration of the winter.:thumbu:

Awesome stuff
Keep up the good work :thumbu:

Howard Chuck

HFBoards Sponsor
Jan 24, 2012
I have anyways enjoyed running, all the way back to my high school days. Always hated lifting. Still hate it haha. Even though that does need to change shortly.
I started up jogging again three years ago to lose weight and it took on a life of its own.
I started entering race events. 5k’s 10k’s even half done a couple half marathons. Broke two hours which I was really happy with... but I got hurt training, decided to push through. Which in hindsight was the stupidest thing I could have done.
I have been struggling to get healthy since then (May of last year) just finished 3 months of physio.
Finally to the point where I can really get back at it. Got myself up to 10 miles last weekend.
Hoping to be ready for a half marathon in June.
I also ran for years, quite a few half marathons, but at 56 now I have to work slowly into everything because as you say, every injury can set you back months now. I really want to get back into it this spring. I used to be gearing up for the police half by this time of year, but like you I’d like to be ready in June even if it’s not for a personal record. Just to finish.

good luck getting back!


A pint of dark matter, please.
Jan 7, 2017
The 100th Meridian
I want to underline that bolded part of your comment, wholly worth to read.

Why. I have never weighted more than 63kg and that happened when I was at my peak of 'athletism' in age of late teens. Doctors never measured any temperature when my own experience and other visible symptoms were clearly indicating 'high fever'. No matter what I ate, regardless of energy contention, only places on my body where that change could've been seen were a depth of cavity of my cheeks, and then only for those rare who knew me and meet me enough long to spot the difference. I always wondered how there can even exist multi-hundred kilos tanks of irresponsible eating for something that low than pleasure or comfort. I was and I still am very 'dry' guy by fat percentage.

With age I got "wiser" and more complex (metally particularly), and I realized that I was born with relatively rare genetic and physical complexion. Not even over two decades of extremely irregular and generally very unhealthy, changing life (both physically and psychologically) did chance the fact. My body temperature in rest is very low (~35.8 celcius degrees) and I avoid instinctively sweets and sugars, as my body doesn't ever make me feel that I need such things, and in those very rare occasions when it does really need more fast fuel, it doesn't have any impact to outlook of the ectomorph. Generally, mandatory amounts of minimum eating are always been automatically determined by the energy consumption I spent when doing something/anything in exact ratio to the reality. I have no culinary drive beyond the fact that I must eat. But oh'boy how I can enjoy when I get sometimes something really good... :) For me this all is normal, but I can easily understand that this isn't the case with the majority of people browsing these threads.

Spartan body with spartan metabolism. Never going to be Mr. Universe, no matter what I do, or not to do, it simply doesn't make any difference. One of the "symptoms" is that I've been able to recover my basic level fitness easily within few weeks this far (42 yo currently), regardless of a state of being (100 book nerd on a sofa in few months, 100 bottles train-hobo with something to eat once in every 3 days, 10g/d skunking hippie, pathological HF rage-spammer...)

The point of the essay being that; do not only look to your outer measures and limits, look also what was set into your mostly genetically determined metabolism, what you need, and what you try achieve, but in sensible relation to a nature of your base metabolism. You can fight against your 'default settings' to some degree, highly more probably with lot more higher margin of success I ever could/can.

That is commented generally for all, not particularly directed to dear @FonRiesen. :)

Great words, lots of wisdom here. Its my firm belief that genes do in fact, rule the day. There is an old idea that we meat sacks are merely (relatively huge vs a DNA strand) lumbering robots, servants to the true masters, our genes. The book that describes this idea is entitled "The selfish gene" written by Richard Dawkins, I have it in my library and first read it when I was in my early 20's. I recognize that Dawkins is a controversial sod, but he is a legit evolutionary biologist.

Dawkins builds upon the even older idea which argued that altruism among individuals is not based on group benefit but rather the result of selection that occurs at the level of the gene mediated by the phenotype. Thus apparent "altruism" is governed for the benefit of the individual, rather than the group.

Fitness is relative, but maintaining a steady activity is important as we surf past 40 years. Improved microcirculation, even a seemingly incremental improvement, goes a long way, regardless of your phenotype/outward appearance. :nod:
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Howard Chuck

HFBoards Sponsor
Jan 24, 2012
I have learned some pretty valuable lessons to say the least.
First one is that that I am not 20 or even 30 anymore :laugh:
Second one less running. More strengthening.
Had I done a bit more strength work, I am thinking I would have been as hurt as I got.

you should do a half. Doing 13.1 miles can sounds rough, but isn’t really that bad. It’s actually quite enjoyable.
I am really thinking of doing a full marathon one day. Not sure I have the guts to try it.

I would love to say that I did a full marathon!

The best thing I ever did for my running was to change my form. I read a book called chi running but all I got out of the book was about two paragraphs about form which led me down a rabbit hole for about two years where I ended up barefoot running and doing my halfs in water shoes.

I wear minimalist running shoes now for some cushioning, but my form allows me to not get injured as easily. It will be a long slow road for me to get back into running but I hear you about being anxious to get back.

King Woodballs

Captain Awesome
Sep 25, 2007
Your Mind
I would love to say that I did a full marathon!

The best thing I ever did for my running was to change my form. I read a book called chi running but all I got out of the book was about two paragraphs about form which led me down a rabbit hole for about two years where I ended up barefoot running and doing my halfs in water shoes.

I wear minimalist running shoes now for some cushioning, but my form allows me to not get injured as easily. It will be a long slow road for me to get back into running but I hear you about being anxious to get back.

slowly is now the key. For me at least.
I ramped my mileage too much and too fast last year for the police half. That’s what did it to me. As I have said. Lesson learned.
This year I signed up just for the 5k. Just to get back into an event. Be in the crowd of people. Etc etc.

I am pretty certain my form is/was an issue. When I get back outside, I am going to be a real concerted effort into changing it.
I have a book by Running rooms John Stanton that is supposed to be a holy bible for running/training. I need to start reading through it and figure out what I need to do.


Registered User
Dec 26, 2010
Got into power lifting last April. I always did body building style workouts and meal prep however those competitions are just laughable. I don't find anything cool about starving yourself and getting a spray tan to be considered better.

I decided to switch to power lifting to get stronger and in turn hold less fat (hovering around 13%) and still working on it and my numbers but I had to perfect my form and readjust. I do paused bench every time since touch and go is dumb and I always warm up to my top weight. Current days are like this:

Saturday - 3x6 squat, 2x6 sumo deadlift
Monday - 3x7 bench, 3x10 bent over row
Tuesday - 4x4 paused squat, 4x5 bench, 3x4 paused sumo deadlift
Thursday - 6x3 bench, accessory work

Some core and cardio, you name it, but the best thing during all of this was learning that you should not kill yourself every time in the gym.
Nice man, what #s you hitting? You gonna compete in a meet you think?
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Registered User
Jun 29, 2016
Rehabbing from torned ACL and helix. Hope that Jets players would not get this. It is really strange change for me to not have played any sports for 9months. Only gym and swimming. Can't wait to hit the rink in a few months.
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Registered User
Feb 13, 2019
Wendler 5/3/1
Brazillian jiu jitsu 3-5x/week
Keto/zero carb w/ IF 16:8 or OMAD
Start training for the half marathon when the snow melts

Feel better at 44 than I ever have in my life


Registered User
Jan 31, 2019
Nice man, what #s you hitting? You gonna compete in a meet you think?

I'm actually going to start a different program and learn more about RPE since the 3x6 squat is killing me at this stage. This Saturday my 3x6 was 345lbs, four reps is very easy, those last two are just draining. Deadlifts were at 375lbs. On my paused day I usually do about 30lbs lighter on each lift. My 6x3 bench this week will be 205, 3x7 185, and 4x5 195.

I do plan on competing in meets yes, I just would prefer to have overall higher lifts. I don't go for PR's often, and you shouldn't and like these are from July lol... 250 bench, 410 squat, 440 deadlift. With the volume I'm pushing for reps now I'm certain those lifts have gone up a good number (except bench, I really wanted to fix my grip width and arch) and that'll be good. I'm not there to win my first meet but to have fun and learn how it works. I have a buddy who is actually going to worlds in Belarus in the future.
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silent prayer
Apr 27, 2016
I'm doing Nike+ for Kinect, four days a week (2x cardio 2x muscle [body weight]). That has been a lifesaver because I'm not much of a gym guy.

Cardio sessions are

5 min warmup
12 x 1 min cardio sessions with 30 sec in-between
2min break
Another 12x 1min 30sec break
5min stretching

Muscle sessions with same warmup and stretching with 12 x 20 reps of whatever is the focus (determined by the fitness test once per month).

If you don't like the gym, get an Xbox 360 Kinect with Nike+ (costs peanuts nowadays). It will kill you and you will love it. Even if you don't have a large space, pop the Kinect on top of your monitor and make a bit of room in front of it and you are set.
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Registered User
Jan 31, 2019
Knees are shot from baseball catching for years.
No running for me.
Treadmill, weights at home.
Started Keto recently to drop a few pounds.

Have you done your proper research with Keto? I personally don't recommend it however it is beneficial to people who do it correctly and are disciplined.

Only asking since I know far too many people who think it's simply eating no carbs lol.

On another note, is anyone else huge into intermittent fasting? Changed my life two years ago. My trainer actually opened up a FBBC in Transcona and I'm sad that since moving away I still haven't had the chance to go.


silent prayer
Apr 27, 2016
Have you done your proper research with Keto? I personally don't recommend it however it is beneficial to people who do it correctly and are disciplined.

Only asking since I know far too many people who think it's simply eating no carbs lol.

On another note, is anyone else huge into intermittent fasting? Changed my life two years ago. My trainer actually opened up a FBBC in Transcona and I'm sad that since moving away I still haven't had the chance to go.

I started intermittent fasting recently, nothing until 11:30, nothing past 19:30 (weekend cheating and also sometimes cheating otherwise).

Also doing the vegan (mostly, I cheat for social events, and I'm a sucker for cheese) diet (vegan diet is the best diet if you can get your nutritional bases covered. If you do eat meat, make sure to eat vegetables also so they can counteract the bad stuff in the meat [if there is no meat in the diet, the vegetables go straight to improving your own body, which is why vegan athletes recover faster with lower levels of inflammation].

If you are a complete noob with planning meals, it may be better to eat a mediterranean diet as the animal will have covered the nutritional bases you should cover yourself. It's better to cover your bases with a middleman that hurts you a little than to not have the bases covered.

Also, supplement B-12, no matter your diet. You can't OD on it and you can't be sure if you are getting enough of it (they supplement livestock with B-12, which is mostly the reason meat has it).
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Registered User
Jan 31, 2019
I started intermittent fasting recently, nothing until 11:30, nothing past 19:30 (weekend cheating and also sometimes cheating otherwise).

Also doing the vegan (mostly, I cheat for social events, and I'm a sucker for cheese) diet (vegan diet is the best diet if you can get your nutritional bases covered. If you do eat meat, make sure to eat vegetables also so they can counteract the bad stuff in the meat [if there is no meat in the diet, the vegetables go straight to improving your own body, which is why vegan athletes recover faster with lower levels of inflammation].

If you are a complete noob with planning meals, it may be better to eat a mediterranean diet as the animal will have covered the nutritional bases you should cover yourself. It's better to cover your bases with a middleman that hurts you a little than to not have the bases covered.

I'm definitely not very big on being vegan lol. But that doesn't mean go savage on eating meat too. I was eating upwards of 800g of chicken a day at one point for a few months and my doctor said that's how you can get gout so I actually learned a lot more about gaining adequate protein through other means too. When I hear people now go "yeah I eat like 250g of protein a day" I'm just not going to argue with them.

In general, cheating shouldn't make you feel bad. Social events you shouldn't ruin by not having some good indulging, and the whole "super healthy" food except on certain days is how eating disorders develop. My lower body days I'll usually end up having some candy because that pure sugar definitely helps my workout.


Searching for Mark Scheifele
Nov 14, 2014
Have you done your proper research with Keto? I personally don't recommend it however it is beneficial to people who do it correctly and are disciplined.

Only asking since I know far too many people who think it's simply eating no carbs lol.

On another note, is anyone else huge into intermittent fasting? Changed my life two years ago. My trainer actually opened up a FBBC in Transcona and I'm sad that since moving away I still haven't had the chance to go.
Intermittent fasting a cold showers for the past year.


silent prayer
Apr 27, 2016
I'm definitely not very big on being vegan lol. But that doesn't mean go savage on eating meat too. I was eating upwards of 800g of chicken a day at one point for a few months and my doctor said that's how you can get gout so I actually learned a lot more about gaining adequate protein through other means too. When I hear people now go "yeah I eat like 250g of protein a day" I'm just not going to argue with them.

In general, cheating shouldn't make you feel bad. Social events you shouldn't ruin by not having some good indulging, and the whole "super healthy" food except on certain days is how eating disorders develop. My lower body days I'll usually end up having some candy because that pure sugar definitely helps my workout.

I have a tendency to speak in general terms, I was not directing most this stuff directly at you.

No worries, I'm not one of those militant vegans. I just love to optimize, and if we are strictly speaking health, the science seems to suggest that the vegan diet is the best. We also have a threshold of how much protein we can handle. Once that amount of protein is reached, no extra protein will help. It will just be empty calories basically. Protein is often mentioned with the vegan stuff but it's not an issue (just need to plan your meals, I eat a lot of high protein vegan yoghurt, tofu, and peanut butter).

You are absolutely correct about the psychological side of the cheating stuff. I have no problem with my cheating because I know I'm doing good enough and I'm not a robot. And also, being one of those "what can I eat you f***ing bad host" persons at social events is lowering my social score so I actually enjoy eating meat or such at those. It's a perfect excuse :D. Meat is damn tasty.
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Registered User
Jan 31, 2019
I have a tendency to speak in general terms, I was not directing most this stuff directly at you.

No worries, I'm not one of those militant vegans. I just love to optimize, and if we are strictly speaking health, the science seems to suggest that the vegan diet is the best. We also have a threshold of how much protein we can handle. Once that amount of protein is reached, no extra protein will help. It will just be empty calories basically. Protein is often mentioned with the vegan stuff but it's not an issue (just need to plan your meals, I eat a lot of high protein vegan yoghurt, tofu, and peanut butter).

You are absolutely correct about the psychological side of the cheating stuff. I have no problem with my cheating because I know I'm doing good enough and I'm not a robot. And also, being one of those "what can I eat you ****ing bad host" persons at social events is lowering my social score so I actually enjoy eating meat or such at those. It's a perfect excuse :D. Meat is damn tasty.

Didn't take it that way, and most definitely do see what you're saying! Trying to explain to people that anything over 200g of protein, idgaf what you weigh, your kidneys won't be a fan of you. Hell, I don't even eat 1g per lb and I'm gaining strength so.

I was surprised to see how much protein I was getting from my rice and Brussels sprouts, so hey I won't complain.


Searching for Mark Scheifele
Nov 14, 2014
Your body doesn’t need meat, that much is certain, we’re better off without it. I enjoy it too much to quit though :laugh:.
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silent prayer
Apr 27, 2016
Didn't take it that way, and most definitely do see what you're saying! Trying to explain to people that anything over 200g of protein, idgaf what you weigh, your kidneys won't be a fan of you. Hell, I don't even eat 1g per lb and I'm gaining strength so.

I was surprised to see how much protein I was getting from my rice and Brussels sprouts, so hey I won't complain.

Yeah and I will admit that I'm riding on the documentary Game Changers, and the debate on Joe Rogan between the Game Changers guy and the "Game Changers debunked" guy (protein stuff start at 2:27:0 or so).

The vegan dude is super annoying because he is super annoyed that the debunker has been on Rogan for 4 times talking shit about vegan diets, but he does absolutely demolish him with facts. It would have been better if he would have kept his cool for the listener, but I get that people can be defensive.

In any case, I'm not a nutrinional militant so everyone just do your own thaaaaang. I have my vices, God knows.

Howard Chuck

HFBoards Sponsor
Jan 24, 2012
Intermittent fasting for two years now, mostly 20/4 and quite a few 48 hour fasts each month. Keto for the past 9 or 10 months. Never felt better in my life at 57.

Went from prediabetic and borderline high cholesterol and overweight to perfect bloodwork with no meds and normal weight for my height.

IF is great because when you cheat, you just start over. No big deal. Keto is trickier because you have to stay in ketosis in order for it to work so you have to be more strict. I lost all the weight I want to And actually started trying to bulk a little over this winter but it’s super easy for me to get back on the wagon and lose what I want now. It never has been my entire life.

Can’t say enough good things about either.


Registered User
Feb 13, 2019
Have you done your proper research with Keto? I personally don't recommend it however it is beneficial to people who do it correctly and are disciplined.

Only asking since I know far too many people who think it's simply eating no carbs lol.

On another note, is anyone else huge into intermittent fasting? Changed my life two years ago. My trainer actually opened up a FBBC in Transcona and I'm sad that since moving away I still haven't had the chance to go.
I think the biggest mistake people make with keto is that they prioritize fat over protein (unless of course it's for therapeutic reasons).

Focus on .8 to 1.2 grams of protein per pound of lean body mass (depending on activity levels/goals), <50g carbs per day and personally I think that added fats should he avoided (don't put butter in your coffee or on your ribeye). Most people will find that this will naturally lead to IF just because they're never hungry due to the satiety signaling of the fat and protein
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