Rate the Dee

Drop the Sopel

Registered User
May 4, 2007
Why do people keep saying this? We're perfectly fine, and damn good already without a franchise defensemen. Plus Edler could easily fill that void soon anyways.

How can you say 10 out of 10 without a franchise dman? You can't. Hence why that poster put a 9.

The number system seems kind of arbitrary. As far as how they stack up against the rest of the league - it's a top 5 defense corps IMO.

I watched probably 25 games of Garrison last season and the guy was unbelievably reliable and consistent - comparable defensively with Hamhuis IMO. He just doesn't have the head scratching, firedrill moments we see from Bieksa, Edler and Ballard at times and gives the Canucks 2 elite level defensive defenseman. I also like that every pairing has a defense 1st, steady, smart guy.

Derp Kassian

Registered User
Jul 14, 2012
9. From everything I hear about Garrison he's abit Sami Salo like. I think the D will be the greatest strength of the team especially if Ballard got his head out of his ass and out of AV's doghouse.


Win the week!
Jun 9, 2006

Three good pairings, lots of mobility, good outlet passing, some veteran depth.

But, not a ton of size, especially on the first and third pairing. Bieksa is the closest we have to intimidation. Still some inconsistency from most of the guys. And durability is still an issue until proven otherwise. That and no legit 25+ minute guy.

Still very good, and should get better as Edler/Garrison gel and as Tanev gets more experience.


Registered User
Jun 19, 2011
Would rate them at an 8.5. There are a lots of variables coming into the season. As people have mentioned garrison and edler forming chemistry us key. On paper there aren't many teams that can match our depth. I think Ballard will have a bounce back year...but then again I said that last season

Lonny Bohonos

Registered User
Apr 4, 2010
Middle East

The Dee is awesome.


Registered User
Jun 24, 2009
Depends how we define our scale. If it is in comparison to the rest of the league, with the best defence in the league scoring a 10, we are probably a 9 or so. We are in the upper echelon.

However, if you compare it to a hypothetical best possible defence (ie: if you could build your own with money as no object) then this team is probably a 7. It is a very good defence but has some clear holes. That said, every team in the league has holes because sacrifices have to be made due to the cap.

I'll call it an 8.

Steve Bennett*

Garrison Hot Springs
Ballard Coola
Lac La Hamhuis
Bieksada Island

dude, like, uhhh wtf, i'm gonna have to sit down for a while now... if that's not poetry than Avril Lavigne aint pop music...


Lord Flacko*

Easily the best D-corps offensively. 10/10 offensively, 8/10 defensively. 9/10 overall.

Steve Bennett*

So here we are about a quarter of the way through the season and imho the d has settled down since some earlier bumps and skids. It's not where it needs to be yet as the coach is still doing some juggling but I am confident they will find their gel and be even better than they are now. If they stay healthy watch out, I think this would be the best d in the league. And it is too bad that Alberts has not had any playing time, but really, I don't think there is someone he could substitute for at this point.

Ballard and Tanev have been pleasantly surprising - although some have noted that it shouldn't be that big of a shock as Ballard improved his play last season as well - something I admittedly missed.

I've been pleased with the offensive play of Edler and generally his defensive play but he does make some major defensive brain collapses that make you scratch your head.

Hamhuis has been steady and seems to have worked out some earlier bugs or stiff legs.

Bieksa is Bieksa. He too I think is settling down but still doing some 'what were you thinking' moves.

And Garrison still hasn't found his A game but like the others has slightly improved since the first handful of games. He has shown glimpses of a stud dman and as he improves I think he will get comfortable mid way through the season and really show why he got such a nice contract.

What do others think about their earlier expectations, where the d is now, and where they are headed?

Anzes Eyes

5th line centre
Jun 2, 2011
8. Depth in lineup. Good pairings. Once settled on pairings and playing effectively will be a 9. Could be a 10 if we had a dynamic Norris Trophy candidate... Edler do you want to step up?


Registered User
Jun 25, 2009
Our D is very underrated. Too much made of singular mistakes and not enough made of the overall play of our group. We're a top 4 defensive team (again) and are probably leading the league (or close to it) in scoring from the defence.

Do people appreciate how hard it is to push the game with your defence and still keep the puck out of your net?

Drop the Sopel

Registered User
May 4, 2007
What do others think about their earlier expectations, where the d is now, and where they are headed?

Still think it's a top 5 defense and love that there is a steady, reliable dman on every pairing.

Garrison started slow but will be invaluable if he can play with Bieksa and bring the best out in him. There are a lot more options for the coaching staff with Hamhuis and Garrison both able to slot in alongside Bieksa.

With how well Tanev and Ballard have played this should be an elite defensive team this season. And as usual, the defense will contribute a ton of offense.

vadim sharifijanov

Registered User
Oct 10, 2007
yep, 10 is if one of our guys can, but doesn't always have to, play 35 minutes in a game, in every single situation (ES, PP, PK), puts up 50+ points/82, and looks like a norris contender no matter who he's paired with. short of adding one of those or edler making that step, we can't be a 10.

9 would be one of our guys filling the ehrhoff hole and being an elite puck distributor on the PP at the same time as being a consistently-hitting-the-net shooting threat that PKs have to play high and respect. unless we get one of those (streit/visnovsky from NYI?) or, again, if edler takes a step, we're not at that level. would probably need two good point shots and better chemistry on the PP too-- garrison and edler could conceivably get there in a month, but we are far from that right now, with gary not even on the first unit anymore.

8.5 is also garrison/edler related. we need one more d-man comfortable on the right side. is edler getting there? and is pairing him with hamhuis speeding along that transition? looks like it might be. but again, not there yet.

which puts us at 8. the deepest D in the league, with the bottom pairing being top pair material for a handful of the crappier teams in the league. chemistry is not totally there yet, and the whole top four still looks rusty-- though hamhuis is looking much better-- but they're more than getting the job done.

so just to be clear, 10 isn't greatest top six imaginable; i'm holding the scale up against the deepest 1-6 (technically 7) cup winning d-corp i can remember: the '89 flames.

macinnis macoun
mccrimmon suter/ramage
nattress murzyn


Registered User
Jan 25, 2010

Good and getting better is how I see it. They've started to turn it around (especially Bieksa) but they aren't quite there yet. Never expected Garrison to just slide in and replace Salo, but it seems like he's still adjusting. Ballard - Tanev would have to be in the conversation for best 3rd pairing in the league which is awesome. I'd like to see Edler unload on someone. Just once to know he still can. Not worried as its still early.


This is the year....
Feb 8, 2003
Across Canada
I say 8/10.

We might lack a true #1, but collectively we have one of the best groups, if not the best in the NHL. We have a top 6 that are all strong two way defenseman.

Not it's just about getting everyone on the same page.

PG Canuck

Registered User
Mar 29, 2010
Still don't feel the defense is on their 'A' games yet, and feel there is still lots of improving to be done considering the conditions of this season with no training camp, no preseason, condensed schedule, trying to shake off rust, and trying to accommodate a new top four defensemen into the system which has shaken up the pairings for now.

I give the defense an 8.5/10 right now, but when they're on their games, I'd give them 9/10 easily.


Registered User
May 28, 2007
I give it a 9.

Once the last wrinkles get ironed out and Garrison gets his game going, we have one of the best defenses in the league.


Registered User
Nov 14, 2010
I'm more uncertain than you guys. I gave it a 7, and would prefer another right hand shot. Only having two makes me uncomfortable.


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