Payne and the Kings Powerplay


Registered User
Jul 25, 2011
Philadelphia, PA
Not from the area and don't get access to any of the local FSW or other media reports.
I was wondering if there has been any interviews or information on what Payne to implement changes on the power play? Or any thoughts he had on that after working with the players earlier this week.


In Byfield We Must Trust
Aug 16, 2008
Reno, NV
Jim Fox did a four part interview with Payne a few months ago:

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:

JF: Taking over as an assistant coach, sometimes that entails specific duties and roles, the power-play will probably be one of those duties. Can you take us through the process of where you are going to get started with a new group and the things you feel you have to get from the players and the things you have to offer, when you are starting that process of joining a new team and then specifically, working with the power-play?

DP: I think there’s always a start of getting the guys to a foundation point and so when we get started we are going to anticipate things will go very quickly and we will not have a great deal of time to implement the finer complications that eventually will happen but it will be important for us to establish a baseline of movement, motion and pressure and how we accomplish that and how we accomplish that “in sync” is something that has to be done through a lot of repetition and I think there is going to be a point where I am going to have to ask them for some trust and I’m going to have to demonstrate why I am asking for that trust and as we see some of that unfolding within the play, I think you’ll see the abilities these guys have and really kind of take off and blossom and their skills will come from that foundation that we establish, of how we want to attack, how consistently we want to attack and in what areas and I think that is crucial, especially with what will be a very short training camp, it’s build a quick foundation and lets get going and there will be a lot of correction, trial and error, but I’m going to give these guys some rope and some trust to be the players that they are supposed to be and yet at the same time, always bring them back to that foundation because it’s what you’re going to rely on, it’s what you will go to, it’s what happens when a power-play gets called late in a game, in game six of a playoff series and that could be the one that determines it. It’s kind of your go-to play, you know, Vince Lombardi’s Green Bay Packers, everybody knew he was going to be running right or running left, you just had to stop it, so that becomes a mentality of a power-play. It’s a great place to start.


Registered User
Jul 25, 2011
Philadelphia, PA
...establish a baseline of movement, motion and pressure ...

Thanks for the link and info. I am now very curious to see this movement and motion in action. And with the skill he's been given on the PP unit, they should be able to amp it up. This is a critical area, esp in shortened season when by March after playing so often, you'll have tired players. Gotta take advantage of the PP.


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