Once again GM's, demanding fans and media prove why CAP was necessary!

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Feb 17, 2003
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Stop the insanity GM's and please come to your senses.

So much for the league getting younger and faster. GM's continue to sign old guys for millions of dollars and some of them are actually getting a raise over what they earned before the lockout. Can you believe Malakov getting almost 4 million per? I can't wait to see Hatcher playing with no redline and seeing Hitchcock having to sit his sorry butt for not being able to keep up or control his man without holding or hooking. Can you believe how many 3rd and 4th liners and 3rd pairing Dmen are getting millions? They were supposed to be brought back down to earth. I can see salaries being more than 54 percent which will result in a pay decrease across the board which may be the only saving grace for many of these GM's.

Gary Bettman is being proven right again (Goodenow wrong) as the salary cap is acting like a magnet to most clubs in the league.

A combination of GM competitiveness and lack of business experience proves why the owners wanted cost certainty. Bravo Gary for getting it done.

Once again, I look forward to being able to say "I told you so" to posters, fans and GM's crying after signing all these old guys to long term deals when they get injured or start to suck and their salaries still count towards each teams cap.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


Registered User
Apr 27, 2005
I agree with the sentiment, but the market is still skewed. I think it will take a few years for the market to correct itself.

Naslund, Forsberg, etc, will all take the big monies, which will leave their respective franchises with less money for the other 19 players. Sooner or later, the franchises will want to pay the other 19 players a bit more than they've managed to sign them for, since there might be other offers for those players, whatever. Point being, the next time that the big money players are due for resigning, the franchises would hopefully have less money to give the upper echelon players. Since they're still in a frenzy with the UFA, it created the bidding war problem. I suspect the market needs the correction, and the 39million leash is a start, but the subtle corrections will probably take a while.

It's too bad we can't have sanity right away.

However, your points about the veterans getting the big contracts is completely valid. They really should be signing the younger stronger guys to longer term contracts. Maybe it's all about the right balance.


Proper Villain
Jun 26, 2003
eye said:
some of them are actually getting a raise over what they earned before the lockout.

This is the part that just blows my mind. Some people are saying the big guys are the ones making all the money and the mid-range and lower tiered players are suffering, but that doesn't seem to be the way it is at all. Guys like Naslund, Forsberg and Niedermayer are making LESS (though getting longer contracts) then they would have under the old CBA. It is guys like Roberts, Malik, and McGillis who seem to be really cashing in. I mean, what the hell is going on?

Brent Burns Beard

Powered by Vasiliev Podsloven
Feb 27, 2002
eye said:
Stop the insanity GM's and please come to your senses.

So much for the league getting younger and faster. GM's continue to sign old guys for millions of dollars and some of them are actually getting a raise over what they earned before the lockout. Can you believe Malakov getting almost 4 million per? I can't wait to see Hatcher playing with no redline and seeing Hitchcock having to sit his sorry butt for not being able to keep up or control his man without holding or hooking. Can you believe how many 3rd and 4th liners and 3rd pairing Dmen are getting millions? They were supposed to be brought back down to earth. I can see salaries being more than 54 percent which will result in a pay decrease across the board which may be the only saving grace for many of these GM's.

Gary Bettman is being proven right again (Goodenow wrong) as the salary cap is acting like a magnet to most clubs in the league.

A combination of GM competitiveness and lack of business experience proves why the owners wanted cost certainty. Bravo Gary for getting it done.

Once again, I look forward to being able to say "I told you so" to posters, fans and GM's crying after signing all these old guys to long term deals when they get injured or start to suck and their salaries still count towards each teams cap.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
I have to say, I agree with you. The way these guys are spending, they should be allowed to go broke.

Who doesnt agree that the fair and just response to paying Marek Malik 2.5m should be LOSING MONEY. Thats what was GREAT about the last CBA. If you didnt spend your money WISELY, you would LOSE money.

However, let it be noted, I agree some of these GM's are idiots. There have been very few good signings.

Amonte, McCarty, Stillman, Robataille, Yzerman, and Gelinas all took paycuts, as was expected.

Holik and Hatcher made up almost all the money they lost for petes sake !

Oh well ... I knew I would hate thsi CBA and so far I would like to say as well "I told you so".

I have seen nothing positive yet.



Registered User
Jan 26, 2005
DR said:
I have to say, I agree with you. The way these guys are spending, they should be allowed to go broke.

Who doesnt agree that the fair and just response to paying Marek Malik 2.5m should be LOSING MONEY. Thats what was GREAT about the last CBA. If you didnt spend your money WISELY, you would LOSE money.

However, let it be noted, I agree some of these GM's are idiots. There have been very few good signings.

Amonte, McCarty, Stillman, Robataille, Yzerman, and Gelinas all took paycuts, as was expected.

Holik and Hatcher made up almost all the money they lost for petes sake !

Oh well ... I knew I would hate thsi CBA and so far I would like to say as well "I told you so".

I have seen nothing positive yet.


The thing is, they can spend and spend and not be allowed to go broke. Remember, no matter how much the teams commit to in contracts, the total league payroll will still be 54% of league revenues - no more, no less.

What will happen with all these teams with payrolls in the mid to upper $30M's is that the league will blow well past the 54% limit and these big spending teams will be getting escrow rebates of $3M or $4M.

With an estimated league revenues of $1.7B, the average team payroll can only be $28.4M before the escrow account kicks money back to the owners.

Brent Burns Beard

Powered by Vasiliev Podsloven
Feb 27, 2002
kdb209 said:
The thing is, they can spend and spend and not be allowed to go broke. Remember, no matter how much the teams commit to in contracts, the total league payroll will still be 54% of league revenues - no more, no less.

What will happen with all these teams with payrolls in the mid to upper $30M's is that the league will blow well past the 54% limit and these big spending teams will be getting escrow rebates of $3M or $4M.

With an estimated league revenues of $1.7B, the average team payroll can only be $28.4M before the escrow account kicks money back to the owners.
and I think organizations that pay Marek Malik 2,500,000 a year to play hockey, should not be prevented from going broke if thats how they conduct business. In fact, they deserve it because thats what should happen to business's who operate like that.

i think organizations that pay Sergei Gonchar 5,000,000 a year to play hockey, should not be saved from going broke if thats how they conduct business. In fact, they deserve it because thats what should happen to business's who operate like that.

i think organizations that commit 5 digit million dollars (combined) to hockey players like Alexei Yashin and Miroslav Satan to play hockey does not deserve to shut down the NHL to save themselves. In fact, they deserve it because thats what should happen to business's who operate like that.



Registered User
Nov 22, 2004
good example...

DR said:
and I think organizations that pay Marek Malik 2,500,000 a year to play hockey, should not be prevented from going broke if thats how they conduct business. In fact, they deserve it because thats what should happen to business's who operate like that.

i think organizations that pay Sergei Gonchar 5,000,000 a year to play hockey, should not be saved from going broke if thats how they conduct business. In fact, they deserve it because thats what should happen to business's who operate like that.

i think organizations that commit 5 digit million dollars (combined) to hockey players like Alexei Yashin and Miroslav Satan to play hockey does not deserve to shut down the NHL to save themselves. In fact, they deserve it because thats what should happen to business's who operate like that.


of why you havent understood the basis for the lockout.

Gms are in deep to find chemirstry and players. As soon as a CBA is signed they will spend money to try to win. Thats why there had to be a cap.

You can call them stupid, but thats obviously not true. Rich guys rarely open the purse stings to total idiots... they wouldnt be rich for long if they did.

Brent Burns Beard

Powered by Vasiliev Podsloven
Feb 27, 2002
AM said:
of why you havent understood the basis for the lockout.

Gms are in deep to find chemirstry and players. As soon as a CBA is signed they will spend money to try to win. Thats why there had to be a cap.

You can call them stupid, but thats obviously not true. Rich guys rarely open the purse stings to total idiots... they wouldnt be rich for long if they did.
you know what AM, i have a very good understanding of the CBA, as far as us laymen go. it just happens to be a little different than your take. thank you very much, thats what makes these discussions interesting.

anyhow, i happen to have liked the system that applied financial punishment to teams that mismanaged their finances.



Global Moderator
Feb 27, 2002
eye said:
Gary Bettman is being proven right again (Goodenow wrong) as the salary cap is acting like a magnet to most clubs in the league.

No he's not, when teams that are over the cap have to get under, they have to get signed by teams who are under.


Registered User
Feb 24, 2004
I don't agree that the cap is acting as a magnet, but I do agree with everything else.

Why in the world would you ever sign a 30 something year old to a 4 or 5 year contract for ANY amount? He'll be way overpaid by the end of the contract and unless he retires, some of these teams are really screwing themselves down the road. 3 or 4 years from now a lot of teams are going to have to end up buying players out or being stuck with a terrible old player making a couple of million.


DR said:
I have to say, I agree with you. The way these guys are spending, they should be allowed to go broke.

Who doesnt agree that the fair and just response to paying Marek Malik 2.5m should be LOSING MONEY. Thats what was GREAT about the last CBA. If you didnt spend your money WISELY, you would LOSE money.

However, let it be noted, I agree some of these GM's are idiots. There have been very few good signings.

Amonte, McCarty, Stillman, Robataille, Yzerman, and Gelinas all took paycuts, as was expected.

Holik and Hatcher made up almost all the money they lost for petes sake !

Oh well ... I knew I would hate thsi CBA and so far I would like to say as well "I told you so".

I have seen nothing positive yet.

Wheres gscarpenter or Icon when you need em?

Brent Burns Beard

Powered by Vasiliev Podsloven
Feb 27, 2002
ResidentAlien said:
Wheres gscarpenter or Icon when you need em?
you cant speak for your self ?

i should be honoured that you bring in the ringers to respond ...



DR said:
you cant speak for your self ?

i should be honoured that you bring in the ringers to respond ...

umm DR..you left your sarcasm decoder ring turned off again:sarcasm:

Brent Burns Beard

Powered by Vasiliev Podsloven
Feb 27, 2002
ResidentAlien said:
umm DR..you left your sarcasm decoder ring turned off again:sarcasm:
ok .. i will take your word for it .. but that sound you hear is something obviously going over my head.



DR said:
ok .. i will take your word for it .. but that sound you hear is something obviously going over my head.

I agree with you, a lot of these signings are questionable, shows that some of the spenders are still willing to pay as much as they can with no regard for the future.
Giving five and four year deals? Without knowing whats gonna happen in the new world?
Some of the deals I think tho have been for purely marketing..making a splash, the ones that have always been sellers, now can be buyers and sell some tickets,

I was just joking that some of the posters here such as the aforementioned have been silent when they *guarunteed* it was never about stupidity but more about greed, of the players.
If I misunderstood you, pardon me:yo:


Registered User
Nov 22, 2004
DR said:
you know what AM, i have a very good understanding of the CBA, as far as us laymen go. it just happens to be a little different than your take. thank you very much, thats what makes these discussions interesting.

anyhow, i happen to have liked the system that applied financial punishment to teams that mismanaged their finances.


You mean the system that was going to force the NHL into bankruptcy and result in the loss of at least 15 franchises?

Yah sure that sounds like a good thing!

Brent Burns Beard

Powered by Vasiliev Podsloven
Feb 27, 2002
AM said:
You mean the system that was going to force the NHL into bankruptcy and result in the loss of at least 15 franchises?

Yah sure that sounds like a good thing!
if it was genuine true that 15 owners would fold, i say awesome. those idiots deserve to lose those millions and their capital investments.

if you dont think that a new league and organizations wouldnt immediatly fill that void, you dont understand pro sport.



Registered User
Sep 18, 2003
Oiler fan in Calgary
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DR said:
anyhow, i happen to have liked the system that applied financial punishment to teams that mismanaged their finances.
Thats bad for the overall health and viability of the league. In a perfect system, no-one loses money, but teams that make bad decisions lperform poorly and become the bottom feeders of the league. Isn't it better that mismanaged teams suck, as oppposed to lose money which affects the rest of the league?


Registered User
Nov 22, 2004

DR said:
if it was genuine true that 15 owners would fold, i say awesome. those idiots deserve to lose those millions and their capital investments.

if you dont think that a new league and organizations wouldnt immediatly fill that void, you dont understand pro sport.


ya sure!

Obviously you dont understand pro sports.

Eg.... what actually happened?


Brent Burns Beard

Powered by Vasiliev Podsloven
Feb 27, 2002
AM said:
ya sure!

Obviously you dont understand pro sports.

Eg.... what actually happened?

well, i can see where this is going, so you are welcome to the last official word.



Cawz said:
Thats bad for the overall health and viability of the league. In a perfect system, no-one loses money, but teams that make bad decisions lperform poorly and become the bottom feeders of the league. Isn't it better that mismanaged teams suck, as oppposed to lose money which affects the rest of the league?
Isnt it better that mismanaged teams get better management? Come one lets be real here. In a perfect world? You suck at managment your biz sucks as a result.


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Sep 18, 2003
Oiler fan in Calgary
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ResidentAlien said:
Isnt it better that mismanaged teams get better management? Come one lets be real here. In a perfect world? You suck at managment your biz sucks as a result.
Well, of course. Its just that saying teams should be financially punished is dumb. That does nothing good for the league.


Cawz said:
Well, of course. Its just that saying teams should be financially punished is dumb. That does nothing good for the league.
I agree that is is dumb that they should be punished, but ( and its a big but , big as my ex wife''s butt) it is the way it works..do something stupid and you pay.


Registered User
Jul 6, 2002
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Cawz said:
Well, of course. Its just that saying teams should be financially punished is dumb. That does nothing good for the league.

Losing money should signal to the team owner that he hired a wrong person to run the business. Then the idiot GM gets replaced with somebody who has a clue. How can that be bad for the league?


Oct 26, 2002
South Cackalacky
Cawz said:
Well, of course. Its just that saying teams should be financially punished is dumb. That does nothing good for the league.

So making dumb business decisions shouldn't result in you losing money? Maybe the US government should simply give each NHL team a printing press and the US Mint bill slabs then.
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