OHL a joke


Registered User
Jan 13, 2016
Rock & Hardplace
Same answer that they gave Windsor when they disallowed a goal in the 2017 playoffs. Wonder if it was the same video review official? Makes you wonder if they should use neutral officials for playoff games?
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Registered User
Sep 1, 2013
That is a WOW statement. Just WOW.

I know mistakes happen but this proves sis supposed to be mistake proof. That is the whole reason for Video review, to eliminate mistakes made on the ice. Actually, I shouldn’t call them mistakes. The game is played so fast that it isn’t reasonable to ensure all calls made are completely accurate.

Usually when these sorts of mistakes are made, there is some sort of follow up to announce what CHANGES are being made to address the mistake. NOPE. Nothing. NADDA.

I guess this is the new normal for the OHL? Or is it the same OLD Normal? I dunno. But, what I do know is this needs to be addressed to ensure these types of mistakes don’t happen again.

Purple Phart

Registered User
Apr 4, 2016
If the league admits that it made a mistake, how do they then justify a fine for the team drawing their attention to that mistake ??? Then to compound the error of their ways, they do not announce ANY examination to address the flaws in the current system. This league office is being run by "hear no evil, speak no evil, see no evil" monkeys.

The irony is that the on-ice refereeing crew were just about to drop the puck at centre ice, when they were summoned to the scorer's area, and the announcement made that the play was under review. This screw-up wasn't on the on-ice officials....it was all on the video goal judge(s).


Junior Hockey Fan Since Birth
Aug 25, 2016
Owen Sound, Ontario
Video reviews have always been a topic of accuracy and inaccuracy.

Take the OS/FLNT series not once but twice in this series has their been off-ice and on-ice points where you watch the officiating crew make you roll your eyes and say what was the men in zebra shirts thinking. 🤔

Yes I understand that they're only human but since they've added video review it has seemed to give the officials way too much time to make up their minds in pivotal moments of games.


Stupid Sexy Flanders
Aug 14, 2006
Using tonight's London vs Kitchener game as an example of how many people are staffed.
Including officials in Toronto,how many people do you need to get the correct call when goals are under review ? What an absolute joke

Referee 1Sean Reid
Referee 2Mike Hamilton
Linesman 1Kevin Hastings
Linesman 2Dustin McCrank

Score KeeperDean Johnson
Online ScorekeeperGlenn Auger
TimekeeperRon Deleeuw
Official ScorerRay McManus
Video Goal JudgeSteve Baker


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