Looking for some new pads, suggestions?

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Registered User
Feb 26, 2006
Well after highschool I took off a year or so for school, work and some other things going on and now I finally have the time to start playing again, only problem is half my gear doesn't fit anymore. So I'm looking for some suggestions on what to check out. I've recently moved to my area and just found a few shops so I'm maybe going to check them out today or tomorrow. Thanks in advance for any help.

If it helps, I'll explain what I like in my equipment for suggestions. In addition I am 19yrs old, 5'10", 185lbs and usually play Right Wing, sometime Right D, I am an aggressive player and I like as much movement as I can get while wearing pads, while still having protection from big hits and/or taking a puck to any said area.

For pants I've heard good things about the RBK 8K that's why I'm looking at them, but I've read a few reviews saying they were a bit tight on the legs and that's my main problem with my Bauer Vapor 10s, the weight/feel of them is fine and everything, but they're pretty tight on the legs and really loose fitting in the waist, theyre the right size, it's just the design. So I'm looking for something that will fit a little better in the waist without feeling like they'll fall off and a bit looser in the legs for movement. Other options I've thought about are Tackla 9000s and Synergy 900s.

The helmet I'm pretty much decided on an RBK 8k w/ an Oakley Pro Mod Aviator Visor provided I like the fit, I have a Bauer 5000 that's pretty worn out right now and have never cared for it to begin with.

For the shoulder pads I'm mainly looking at the Synergy 900 because I like the low profile look of them and I've heard nothing but good things about the Easton Synergry gear. They look far from restrictive in any way which I like. Of course this is just from pictures which I'd never decide my gear on without trying it on first.

Elbow pads, I like the 3-Piece design of the Easton Synergy 900s basically because everything else I've used has been way too restrictive for my taste. Currently I have the 2 piece Franklin EP 9655 complete with purple mold. Similar to any other 2 piece elbow pad design that I've tried, for example Easton Airs before them. The Bauer 8000s are another pair that caught my eye.

Other than that I have the rest of the gear I need...

-Graf 705s which I'm getting T-blades for(absolutely hate the Cobras, I'll melt them if I cant sell them)
-Eagle x80s are being replaced with Eagle Xtremes becase they lost a battle to a can of lysol and my mom, they used to be the most comfortable gloves ever, now the day after being sprayed to death I've hated them since.
-Jofa 8090 shin guards still fit just fine and see no reason to replace them since I'd be getting the exact same ones with RBK anyways.
-Easton Z-Bubble Grip 85, bladeless right now cause the last game of highschool I broke it and haven't replaced it yet, but I plan to get the Z-Carbon Si-Core for it. For now I just screw around in my basement with my TPS Rubber with a cheap wood Bauer blade till I get back to playing. But I'm thinking of possibly trying out a Synthesis, probably a grip with the Synthesis Si-Core blade.

I think that's it, oh well, thanks for any assistance.


Registered User
Mar 28, 2006
Mod Squad is a great site. They will tell that hockey equipment is 99% personal preferance. I agree. I Can't stick with a single brand. I use Nike Elbow pads, Easton Shoulder pads, RBK shin pads, Salming Stick, Mission Skates, and KOHO gloves and CCM pants. They just fir right and I can move and still do my job on the Ice. Can't find a better combo. Try on lots of equipment and try it all on at the same time. you will drive the guy at you LHS crazy but he'll get over it especially when you drop a few hundred bucks on new equipment. Best advice I can give is TRY IT ALL ON. you wont regret actually wearing it first. good Luck and welcome back to the greatest game on earth


Registered User
Mar 9, 2006
North of Boston
All my stuff is old...like me. I did go through a fiasco with pants. Pants have gone way overkill if you ask me, they go way up your back to guard cross-checks, and are just crammed with extra padding. Which to me means extra weight. Same for shoulder pads.

I got new reeboks, and switched back to Tackla. Tackla Air 9000.. best pants I've ever owned. Loose on the legs, and very adjustable on the waist, I use no suspenders. If you get knocked on ***, you don't feel it, they also dry overnight if wet at all. If your heart is set on Reeboks, they have zippers along the inner leg, so don't worry too much about them being tight.

Helmets have come lightyears... most good ones have memory gel in them. Memory gel/foam is your friend.

I also broke down and bought those Easton elbow pads, they're fine. But, I use short gloves, if they were longer they'd probably interfere with my gloves, so be advised.

Shoulder pads I can't help you... I use ones made in the early 90's...skimpy and light. The ones they make now you could get shot out of a cannon and walk away, they're also bulky, and I don't play in the NHL.
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