Looking back and forward (Your 2016/17 Goals)


Jan 12, 2011
Going off memory, but my biggest goal was to complete a full Ironman, which I did. Not the way I would have liked to :laugh: but I did ****ing finish.

I know another goal I had was a sub 6 hour half Ironman, which I did not achieve. Wound up only doing one half this year, and it was a tough ****ing half to do. I was actually quite close, and on most other courses probably would have hit the goal. So while I technically didn't hit that goal, I am beyond happy with the results of the half I did do.

Can't remember if I had a sub 4 hour marathon as a goal, but if I did, big fail on that one. Was injured for the race I could have done it at, and didn't even get to run it period. Hoping to hit that goal next March, though.

2017 goals will be a more time specific full Ironman, and to hit a sub 6 hour half regardless of course. The sub 6 shouldn't be an issue. So much stronger on the bike now than when I initially created that goal, and I've really been working on my running a ton of late. Still unsure of the time goal I want to set, and will depend on which course I decide on.


Registered User
Jul 9, 2012
Pittsburgh, USA
2016 Goals
- Pistol Squat equivalent of +50% bodyweight: done.
- Raise functional threshold power on bike by 10%: done, closer to 17%
- Full handstand push up (shoulders touching hands): failed. Made it more than halfway there before injury.
- Pull up +100 lbs: failed. I gave up on this goal since I now employ a 4-second concentric portion of the lift, as I do with some other lifts. In turn, I actually use even less weight now.
- Place in some MTB races: I got a 3rd place finish in a field of 44 riders.

2017 Goals
- Pistol Squat +88 lbs x 8 reps.
- Raise functional threshold power by 15%; achieve 5+W/kg.
- Full handstand push up.
- Kettlebell swing bodyweight x 20 reps.
- Win several MTB races. Get sponsored by a team.

Phil Kessels Hot Dog

Nice guy, tries hard, loves the game.
Sep 25, 2013
Edmonton in 5
My goals were 4 plate dl, 3 plate squat and 2 plate bench. I hit 455 dl, 365 squat and 235 bench at 205 lbs. Then decided I was too fat and lost 30 lbs.

2017 goals are to hit those PRs again but at 170lbs


Registered User
Jul 24, 2011
Terrible year :(

Deadlifts: 250kg
Squats: 200kg
Bench: 150kg

Messed up my shoulder kitesurfing in February - so all of that out the window. Funny how your shoulder isn´t directly involved in any of those exercises (well - somewhat in bench), but it made it impossible for me to do any of them for months.

Also 15 minutes behind my targeted time for a cycling race I participated in. Felt great all the way up to the race - got a slight fever the night before so not 100% healthy on the starting line. Pushed myself so hard I was "half sick" for over a month after.

Less strength and more cycling for 2017.


Registered User
Apr 14, 2007
One of my best years ever.

I didn't have any specific goals at the start of the year. Once I started with CC my goals were more along the lines of adding a rep or two per week.

And that will be my goal this year too.


RIP Fugu Buffaloed & parabola
Mar 27, 2008
One of my best years ever.

I didn't have any specific goals at the start of the year. Once I started with CC my goals were more along the lines of adding a rep or two per week.

And that will be my goal this year too.

I'm similar to you when it comes to goal-making. I had simple goals. I'm very blessed to have embraced a healthier lifestyle a while ago and now it's just easier every single year.
- Create workout plans and document them each week. Check.
- Continue the quest for a healthy lifestyle change. Been progressing on the journey for years. Check.

Goals for 2017 are equally simple:
- Stretch more.
- Focus on rest/recover days. This is my big downfall. I need to focus on rest/recover days and start planning ways to not get in my own head that I constantly need to be active.


Chief Justice of the HFNYR Court
Jul 12, 2004
Terrible year :(

Deadlifts: 250kg
Squats: 200kg
Bench: 150kg

Messed up my shoulder kitesurfing in February - so all of that out the window. Funny how your shoulder isn´t directly involved in any of those exercises (well - somewhat in bench), but it made it impossible for me to do any of them for months.

Also 15 minutes behind my targeted time for a cycling race I participated in. Felt great all the way up to the race - got a slight fever the night before so not 100% healthy on the starting line. Pushed myself so hard I was "half sick" for over a month after.

Less strength and more cycling for 2017.

Shoulders are connected to everything unfortunately. I derailed after a labrum tear a few years ago. My 2017 goal is to stop making it an excuse, it's been long enough :)


Registered User
Apr 9, 2007
For me, 2016 was about getting started, putting on weight, and gaining strength. I did a decent job of that and now I want to be a bit more focused. I didn't get going until May, but once I did, I decided I wanted to hit these numbers for the big 3 by the end of the year:

1x Bodyweight Bench (145)
1.5x Squat (220)
2x Deadlift (290)

I actually hit all of those pretty easily, so I'm definitely happy with my progress. I know that in general those are pretty low numbers, but I have some serious issues with my health (was less than 120lbs at one point) so it feels amazing to me that I could achieve them.

For the end of 2017:

165lb body weight

190lbs Bench
290lbs Squat
405lbs Deadlift

It will take some real dedication for me to hit those numbers, but I think I can do it.

Jim Bob

Feb 27, 2002
Rochester, NY
I didn't really have a goal entering 2016.

But, I did hit something that would have been a cool goal: get my bodyweight under 200 lbs for the first time in over a decade and a half.

2017 is about a journey I'm calling 350+150 - eat on my diet for 350 days and workout 150 times.

I just ate strict Paleo for 6 straight weeks followed by 16 block Zone Diet for 6 straight weeks without a cheat day. So, it's possible, in theory.


Wood Stick

Registered User
Dec 25, 2015
In 2017 I really want a 250 lb flat bench 1RM.
Back to squatting regularly, 185lbs-ish for 10.


Registered User
Dec 2, 2008

Can't remember if I had any goals lol

For this year I'd like to really up my weighted pull-ups which I recently started messing with.

Right now I can do sets of 8, 6, 6 with a 45

Bench I'd like to get up to repping 200. Currently can rep out 3-4 at 185

the pen is mightier

Registered User
Apr 24, 2012
Goals for 2016 were:
Half Marathon sub 2 hours - 2:03, just missed
Complete a full marathon - done, 4:55
Full tour of commonwealth stadium sub 1 hour - nope.

2017 goals:
Finish off 2016 goals
Sub 22 min 5k
20 min 5k


Registered User
Jun 13, 2014
The last time I worked out regularly was in my mid 20's. At 41, I took it up again this past year.

I didnt really have any "specific" goals for 2016. I started in mid-July and my goal was to get in better shape. I've been an avid cyclist for several years so my legs were "ok" but my upper body was complete *********. I also happen to have a really bad back.

So, I cleaned up my diet (a lot). I still have my cheats but overall, I eat 100000% better than I did. I kept my caloric intake high to gain a few lbs (6ft tall and was stuck at 171 or so). I wanted to get up to about 195 with more muscle "bulk" (as opposed to being "cut").

Anywho, I started at:
Bench press: just the bar, 3 sets of .. bleh. If I could do 3 or 4 each set, it was a lot. Brutal.
Deadlifts: much the same. was doing the bar +20lbs and was doing SO few reps cause my back is awful. But form was good so thats something
Squats: could pump out 4 sets of 10 at 200lbs. It was tough but it was done
Then other stuff like barbell curls, etc, etc. were all crap. Like a concentration curl with anything more than 10lbs was so tough.

Fast forward to mid November:
Bench: could do 4 sets of 15 at 100lbs. What a HUGE gain. Its not an impressive number by anyone's standards but for ME? I was so proud of myself.
Deadlifts: not as much gain as I would have liked. Was doing 4 sets of 15 at roughly 105lbs. My lower back is still constantly sore (this has been going on for 25 years so .. whatever).
Squats: 4 sets of 15 at 245 or so.
The other stuff had good gains in some areas, not so much in others.
Gained about 12lbs or so and am up to about 184 or so. My shirts definitely fit tighter, no doubt. Across the chest and across the top of the back. Its SUCH a great feeling. Pants .. meh. A bit but whatever.

Then .. life happened. I threw out my back hardcore. Then got the flu which lasted like 3 weeks. Then xmas and new years and travelling. I havent been to the gym in like 6 weeks and .. as stupid as it sounds .. Im terrified to go back. As Ive mentioned before, Ive dealt with depression in the past and .. the thought of going back and realizing that all the gains I had (as minimal as they are) are likely gone and Id be close to "starting over" .. ugh. The rational part of me knows that its stupid and ridiculous to think that way but ... emotions gonna emotion, eh?

So. For 2017, same thing really. No specific goals. Just get in better shape. Be healthy. Strive to make gains, whatever they may be.

Whence I eventually get the testicles big enough to go back ........


Registered User
Jan 9, 2017
What were your 2016 goals? Did you hit them? What helped you hit them? What kept you from making them?

2016: Aesthetics, BF reduction, & a good set of wheels (coming off a broken leg in 2014)
Results: Yes. I cut down in the summer to the point where I have abs and a 30/31" waist without loosing too much lean muscle mass.

And what are your 2017 goals?

2017: Improve hip flexibility, Maintain lean muscle mass and sub-15% BF, leg strength and power improvements, and train ice hockey at least 5 times per month.


Bingo Bango!
Jun 22, 2010
Mid Michigan
My 2016 goal was to qualify for nationals in bodybuilding. When show time came close (the last national qualifier of 2016) I became pretty ill from training and dieting too hard and had to drop out. It took me over a month to get better, my body was so broken down. At least pushing myself isnt a problem like it is for many lol. I tend to push myself too hard, but at the same time I truly enjoy it.

Fast forward to now, I am very confident I can take my states first national qualifier. Which leads up to my 2017 goal. Compete in nationals, with my lifetime goal going pro. Once I achieve that my focus will be on my health and not dieing at a young age due to the sport I love.


Registered User
Feb 26, 2015
Goals for 2016: Didn't really have any. Perhaps to establish my 1RM for all of the lifts, and that I did for everything except the bench press. I ended up with a deadlift of 130kg, back squat of 120 kg, front squat of 100kg, C&J 70kg (probably could have done 80), snatch 63 kg. Another goal was to gain mass, I went from about 62 kg (135 ish) to 68-70kg (150-155).

A lower back injury in the summer and an old shoulder injury returning and not really healing were disappointments, plus I missed a couple months of training from July to the start of September.

Goals for 2017: I want to get back to running more regularly and to complete a half marathon. Something like 3300m on the Cooper test would be fine. Dl 180kg, back squat 150kg, snatch 85kg. Body mass of 75kg at 7-9% fat would be close to ideal. Work the bench press into my training routine. Handstand and handstand pushups are on the bucket list along with getting more into gymnastic training. I've pledged to start kickboxing this year with the aim of increasing hip mobility.

Honestly these are pretty lame goals and could be all finished by summertime, but life seems to have a tendency to throw curve balls...


Registered User
Jun 13, 2014
My 2016 goal was to qualify for nationals in bodybuilding. When show time came close (the last national qualifier of 2016) I became pretty ill from training and dieting too hard and had to drop out. It took me over a month to get better, my body was so broken down. At least pushing myself isnt a problem like it is for many lol. I tend to push myself too hard, but at the same time I truly enjoy it.

Fast forward to now, I am very confident I can take my states first national qualifier. Which leads up to my 2017 goal. Compete in nationals, with my lifetime goal going pro. Once I achieve that my focus will be on my health and not dieing at a young age due to the sport I love.

You are smart to lay off a tad. Great to be in good shape. Great to have goals. But not **** you up long term.

When you decide to compete, nest of luck homie.


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