HF Caps Local Rules (New and visiting fans PLEASE READ)

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Retired Global Mod
Nov 22, 2007

Welcome to the Hockey's Future Washington Capitals forum!

Before posting, please take some time to familiarize yourself with the Hockey's Future site rules:


We all agree to abide by the above rules as a condition of registration. If you are a long-time member of the boards you will also want to read the rules as they have changed (September 2017). They have been compiled as a result of years of experience in board management by many skilled moderators and administrators, with the goal of providing a functional and somewhat flexible framework for allowing discussion. Without these rules we would not have this forum.

The intent of these Local Rules is not to further clamp down in any way, but to reduce the amount of mod intervention by making sure we're all on the same page. The HF Caps Local Rules are based on existing site rules and will serve as guidelines to improve discussions while hopefully minimizing the need for mod actions. We're here to talk hockey, after all.

HF Caps Local Rules

1) New Posters – All users are to treat new posters with respect and courtesy. We welcome the idea of growing our community and attacking or dismissing sincere questions with rude or condescending language is not acceptable. Just because something seems simple to you doesn't mean someone with less experience deserves to be insulted or humiliated. We were all new to this once.

2) Flaming & Trolling – Newer posters learn from what they see older posters doing so our experienced posters are called upon to lead by example. Regardless of registration date or post count, ALL users are subject to the same rules and standards (the obvious exception being mod duties such as editing posts, issuing warnings in threads, keeping conversations on topic, etc). A bit of banter is to be expected due to familiarity and years of debate. Since we know the positions others have held we may sometimes bring them up as part of ongoing discussions. But posts cross the line from banter/debate to violations when the perceived intent violates site rules regarding Flaming or Trolling, as judged by the moderating staff. As a rule of thumb, before you hit “Submit Reply”, think about whether what you're saying is really necessary, and if it can be perceived as a rules violation...particularly late at night after a tough game, a few beverages, or a bad day.

3) Reporting (and not Responding) – If you believe someone is violating the rules USE THE REPORT BUTTON. Do NOT respond to get revenge or escalate in any way. Feeling insulted does not give you the right to retaliate, and your response may instead put YOU in violation of the rules. There is also no “code of honor” here that forbids reporting posts. All mods would prefer you report rather than respond, so long as you do not use the report button for "revenge reports" against posters you disagree with. When you report a post it appears on a special mod forum where it may be reviewed and discussed by local, global, and supervisory moderators if necessary. Usually it is handled promptly by an available local or global moderator. If no action is taken there is always a reason. At times there may be a delay in response simply because we are part time volunteers, not full time paid staff. Date and time must be considered. Please be patient. Many mod actions are invisible to general users, so please do not assume you are being ignored.

4) Moderator Interactions – A moderator's job is not intended to be that of a babysitter or police officer. We do not sit around waiting to infract people. It's actually the exact opposite. We would much rather watch hockey and talk about hockey because WE ARE HOCKEY FANS JUST LIKE YOU. We have our own opinions and we may participate in discussions the same as any other HF member. We are simply tasked with enforcing the rules and keeping the boards orderly for all to enjoy. And because there are so many users with differing opinions on the site (along with some who just want to troll or flame), open discussion of mod actions in forums inevitably degrades and disrupts board functionality. So please do NOT discuss or complain about mod actions in the forums. Come to us first if you can't figure something out on your own. If you have a question about a mod action send a respectful PM to a mod. We will try to answer your question in kind and as soon as we are able. Remember that our private communications with you are to be considered confidential. And again, we are volunteers so please be patient if you do not get an immediate response. If we are wrong about something we will seek to correct it. If you still feel your issue was not resolved you can send an email to [email protected]

5) Profanity Filter – This is a 13 and up website so the content is generally "PG-13" in nature. Some words are filtered, otheres aren't. Just type out the word and let the filter handle it (or not). Use discretion. If you find something extremely offensive send a report.

6) Streams/Proxies – (UPDATED 10/17/15) Per site admins: "Links to illegal streams may not be posted. The forums may not be used to solicit links to streams." Because of DMCA issues this policy covers all threads, including gameday threads. We do not permit any discussion of illegal streaming services or proxy use whatsoever.

7) Spam/OT/Politics – NO politics allowed, not even in the OT thread, per HF Rules. There is a neutral political forum where all politics are to be discussed. Take all your political comments there. In general, stay on the given thread topic as much as possible. Some thread creep will often occur and topics will wander a bit, but always try to bring it back to the main topic. This is a discussion forum, not a dumping ground. If you are posting the same basic thing over and over, or if you begin “running a thread” with multiple posts, it may be considered spam. Use the multi quote button to your advantage. Similarly, if your posts are diminishing the ability of others to discuss the topics in any way, either due to content or frequency, your posts may be considered spam. Try to bring something interesting and thoughtful to the table. Gameday threads are the exception, since exclamations and simple posts like "nice shot" will be common.

8) Starting Threads/Injury & Fantasy Questions/Etc. – All users who aren't restricted in some way can start threads. We just ask that the topic be unique and/or newsworthy enough to warrant its own thread. Check the existing threads and use the search function to see if your topic fits somewhere already. We have several ongoing threads that are likely to cover most of the basics (roster, lines, contracts, league news, player discussions, injuries, fantasy, etc). Please post there if your topic or question fits those categories, as this keeps our discussions linear and helps prevent confusion and cross-posting. Visiting fans should limit questions about lines/fantasy/etc and should not start threads on the subject. Try sites like this first: http://www2.dailyfaceoff.com/starting-goalies/ We typically start GDTs the morning of a game. Anyone can start one, and there is no set rule about how elaborate it can or can't be (within the rules), but "minimalism" has been an HFCaps tradition. Just include the teams, time, date and so forth in the title and keep it tasteful. Pregame talk on non-gamedays usually takes place in other threads.

9) Neutral Boards vs Home Boards (and Visiting Fans) – This forum is primarily for Caps fans. Things said here may not fly on other team boards or even neutral boards. Similarly, some topics or comments that might be OK on neutral boards may be unwanted on a team board. Be advised that this is Caps fan “home ice” and rival fans stopping by making questionable posts probably won't get the benefit of the doubt (meaning high possibility of infractions, threadbans, forum bans, etc). On our team board we may make comments about how we don't like rival cities or buildings or teams, but we MAY NOT make insulting, general comments about the fans as people. What we post is searchable on the web and isn't limited to our board. Keep that in mind before posting.

10) Libel/Claims of Insider Information – As stated above, we are searchable on the web. If you post rumors about player conduct someone could search the web and find your post, which would then add to the rumor mill and possibly put HF in a liability situation. Since HF is a business this is taken very seriously. If you have insider information then contact a site admin about being vetted.

11) Ads & New Layout – Yeah, we know. We don't control the ads. That's several tiers above us. But they do keep the site up and running. You can always use the various support options to let the site admins know your opinions on the ads, so do not complain about them or discuss them in the forum itself. It's clutter/spam/OT and, again, we know. If you have issues with ads or the functionality of the site contact support. Moderators are not tech support.

12) Advanced and Extended Statistics - We recognize that not everyone is into deep statistical analysis. So we have created a thread for "extended stats" discussions. Stats can still be used in the general roster discussion to make a single point, but if someone wants to debate a player's statistical value in great statistical depth, or engage in back and forth about the value of X or Y stat, it must go in the stat thread. If you have extended analysis that applies in another thread, rather than jam up that thread with large charts and so forth you may want to link to a post in the stat thread, or use a collapse tag in your original post (if they are still available in the new format).

13) Ticket Exchanges - Note that we are not here to facilitate ticket sales or scalping. Fans can exchange tickets at or below face value only. Prices must be listed in the post. Modifying prices for any reason other than a clear mistake in the listing is forbidden. Directly soliciting, or spamming multiple members, via the site messenger is prohibited. Transactions should not be conducted in threads other than to remove/edit a post when the ticket is no longer available, and HF assumes no liability for any aspect of any transactions. All ticket discussion must be conducted in the appropriate thread: http://hfboards.mandatory.com/threa...et-thread-for-the-washington-capitals.482170/

We hope these Local Rules add clarification to some aspects of the existing site rules, and broaden your understanding of how HF Caps operates.

If you have any questions, send a PM to one of the site mods. If you have a support or technical question then please use the support and help links at the bottom.

--HF Caps Mods
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Retired Global Mod
Nov 22, 2007
Updated today:

6) Streams/Proxies – (UPDATED 10/17/15) Per site admins: "Links to illegal streams may not be posted. The forums may not be used to solicit links to streams." Because of DMCA issues this policy covers all threads, including gameday threads. We do not permit any discussion of illegal streaming services or proxy use whatsoever.

Due to legal considerations, HF cannot allow discussion, posting or solicitation of illegal streams. Violation of this rule will be an infractible offense, per site ownership/administration.

As a rule of thumb, if you did not pay the NHL or one of its official affiliates for a stream, it is probably illegal. Do not post it or ask for it.
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Retired Global Mod
Nov 22, 2007
Fantasy thread re-stickied with new prefix. Some other information was added, including a link to a starting roster/goalie resource.
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Retired Global Mod
Nov 22, 2007
Added rule:

13) Advanced and Extended Statistics - We recognize that not everyone is into deep statistical analysis. So we have created a thread for "extended stats" discussions. Stats can still be used in the general roster discussion to make a single point, but if someone wants to debate a player's statistical value ad nauseum, or engage in back and forth about the value of X or Y stat, it must go in the stat thread. If you have extended analysis that applies in another thread, rather than jam up that thread with large charts and so forth you may want to link to a post in the stat thread, or use a collapse tag in your original post. Contact a mod if you do not know how to do this.


Retired Global Mod
Nov 22, 2007

14) Ticket Exchanges - Note that we are not here to facilitate ticket sales or scalping. Fans can exchange tickets at or below face value only. Prices must be listed in the post. Modifying prices for any reason other than a clear mistake in the listing is forbidden. Directly soliciting, or spamming multiple members, via the site messenger is prohibited. Transactions should not be conducted in threads other than to remove/edit a post when the ticket is no longer available, and HF assumes no liability for any aspect of any transactions. All ticket discussion must be conducted in the appropriate thread: http://hfboards.mandatory.com/showthread.php?t=482170


Aug 3, 2006
Almost Canada
Please note: Threads may not exceed 1,000 posts. All threads must be closed and rebooted at that point. Posters may request a reboot or start one themselves and a mod will close the old thread.

To avoid “wasting” posts expounding on the 1,000 post limit, please do not post in threads and instead PM a mod if you have questions or concerns about this rule. Same principle applies for any board rule or mod action.
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