Player Discussion Henri Jokiharju

Artemis Clyde Frog

Registered User
Feb 1, 2019
I remember seeing Chicago fans saying he started last season great as well but started to decline 10-20 games in. This season he started declining for real after like half the season imo. So it's at least an improvenent and probably common for young d-men.


Registered User
Jan 13, 2010
I remember seeing Chicago fans saying he started last season great as well but started to decline 10-20 games in. This season he started declining for real after like half the season imo. So it's at least an improvenent and probably common for young d-men.

He’s been crap for like 20 games


Registered User
Jun 13, 2011
Any update about him ?? He's °2 or °3 on defence ? Do you think is able the have a big step this year ?


May 28, 2012
Any update about him ?? He's °2 or °3 on defence ? Do you think is able the have a big step this year ?

He's probably Dahlin's partner, so he'll get plenty of minutes. I really liked how those guys looked together under Granato last year, so hopefully they can both build on that this season.


Game Changer
Jun 6, 2018

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I see you fixed it :laugh:
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Irving Zisman

Really Bad Grandpa
Nov 5, 2007
Bumping this thread-

What does the board honestly feel like we have in Jokiharju?

If you go by last year’s TOI and his role, and bringing in a #4-5 RD guy like Lyubushkin, I’m guessing they see him currently as a #3 who can either help stabilize a pairing with Power, or form with Bryson to play tough minutes in the D-zone (I personally don’t think they mess with Dahlin-Samuelsson, at least not to start).

What do we have currently, and what’s his remaining upside?

Can he become a shutdown #2 D like Hjalmarsson back in the day?


Registered User
Feb 16, 2022
Top Shelf
Bumping this thread-

What does the board honestly feel like we have in Jokiharju?

If you go by last year’s TOI and his role, and bringing in a #4-5 RD guy like Lyubushkin, I’m guessing they see him currently as a #3 who can either help stabilize a pairing with Power, or form with Bryson to play tough minutes in the D-zone (I personally don’t think they mess with Dahlin-Samuelsson, at least not to start).

What do we have currently, and what’s his remaining upside?

Can he become a shutdown #2 D like Hjalmarsson back in the day?
I think he can probably turn into a player much like the former Sabre who just retired, Sekera.

A solid 2nd/3rd pairing guy who can move the puck well but isn't going to be a huge point producer outside of maybe 1 or 2 outlier years.

People will complain about him while he's on the team and not realize he was actually pretty decent until after he leaves.
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Give 'em Enough Rope
Feb 28, 2002
Bumping this thread-

What does the board honestly feel like we have in Jokiharju?

If you go by last year’s TOI and his role, and bringing in a #4-5 RD guy like Lyubushkin, I’m guessing they see him currently as a #3 who can either help stabilize a pairing with Power, or form with Bryson to play tough minutes in the D-zone (I personally don’t think they mess with Dahlin-Samuelsson, at least not to start).

What do we have currently, and what’s his remaining upside?

Can he become a shutdown #2 D like Hjalmarsson back in the day?

A bit of an undersized 4/5 who is mobile and might have some untapped potential for shot suppression IMO. I don't know if I have trust in him as a d-heavy rotation guy, but in balanced pairings, he's sort of okay. I'm partial to defenseman who, when playing defense, one does not talk about and he has moments like that. I wish he was bigger or more physically engaged and I wonder how last year's attempt to use him as a top pair guy will influence their moves going forward. He's the one guy who it seemed like struggled to find himself under Granato among the younger players, and some of that seems like role/use. Being hurt right away also seems like it put him off his game. *shrug*

I would not be averse to seeing if he has value around the league if his game isn't better to start this season. The idea of using him as a lever on some other RHD move might be something to look at down the line.

Flip side, if he can get back to being just average or a little bit above league average in terms of shot and chance generation for and against, like he was for most of the previous years up to last season, they have a nice #4 at $2.5M until the end of 2024 when he becomes an RFA.

Der Jaeger

Generational EBUG
Feb 14, 2009
Cair Paravel
I think he’s going to be better with different usage.

Dahlin’s partner needs to be a strictly defense first type of player. Dahlin isn’t a space creator. He’s more of a tight confines playmaker who finds open players. He’s also going to make mistakes.

So if you’re Dahlin’s partner, you need to be ready to defend by yourself at times, most the puck fast, and not get caught trying to do too much. That’s Samuelsson.

Power creates a lot of space for others on the ice because of his skating. He’s drawing people to him, and then moving the puck. He can also get back on defense fast.

Power’s partner can be a little more offensive and will get space and chances.

From what I saw, I think that’s why Jokiharju and Power worked well.

If Jokiharju gets bumped to the 3rd pair, he’ll have a similar dynamic with Bryson, who also creates space with his skating.


Registered User
Oct 29, 2015
I don’t disagree on the thought he has more…but there is a lower ceiling on him than the other three guys no matter what he does. I want a better partner for Power long term. I don’t believe he’s top 4 on a good team.
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HFBoards Sponsor
Feb 27, 2002
Toronto, Canada
I see him as part of a package for a better RHD like Andersson.

It would take a lot of +++ to add to Joker to get Andersson IF the Flames move him (and I think they move Hanifin before Andersson TBH). CGY would have to go pretty scorched-earth rebuild to want to move him.

Dumba would be a more realistic trade target. Joker+ for Dumba would be less expensive than Anderson and would be of interest to MIN given their cap situation. Of course, Dumba would need to waive and extend here.

That said, I'd be leery of sending Joker out given we don't have more depth in the system, especially on the right side and especially if Johnson doesn't sign. I'd rather keep him for the 3rd pair long term, and look to add via UFA or make a trade at a later date when we arrive at the eventual log jam of too many forwards if most of them youngins pan out.


Registered User
Nov 14, 2010
Pacific Northwest
It would take a lot of +++ to add to Joker to get Andersson IF the Flames move him (and I think they move Hanifin before Andersson TBH). CGY would have to go pretty scorched-earth rebuild to want to move him.

Dumba would be a more realistic trade target. Joker+ for Dumba would be less expensive than Anderson and would be of interest to MIN given their cap situation. Of course, Dumba would need to waive and extend here.

That said, I'd be leery of sending Joker out given we don't have more depth in the system, especially on the right side and especially if Johnson doesn't sign. I'd rather keep him for the 3rd pair long term, and look to add via UFA or make a trade at a later date when we arrive at the eventual log jam of too many forwards if most of them youngins pan out.
You guys are nuts :laugh:

Jokiharju is 22 and playing a top 4 role and finally starting to show poise and signs of figuring out the NHL and you want to move him for a year of Dumba?


Duncan Keith's rookie year was at 22, and he showed promise, but was seriously flawed when he came into the league.

I watched a lot of Winterhawks games while Jokiharju was there, and I guarantee that he has another level to him and has not come anywhere near his ceiling.

The way his development has been botched, it would not surprise me if he is a player that continues to develop and doesn't peak until his late 20s.


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