Goodenow and his thugs once again

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Oct 17, 2003
I am embarassed that I admired these players at certain points in my life. I can see how they can believe in their cause and respect that but this stuff is just insulting. Modano just said the equivalent of 'you are all completely stupid and I am super-intelligent'.

It's like an infant with birthday cake smeared all over his face and denying that he has touched the cake.


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Jun 15, 2003
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If you read the article, Modano like completely stumbles in explaining himself. I mean how could you possibly get quoted as saying one thing and then go back and say the complete opposite.

It's like, "man, i would find it hard to believe the PA could last through next season and stand firm through another season while we lose our ridiculous paychecks that will still be ridiculous after the lockout."

And then he says, "it was taken out of context. It may have seemed like I said I thought the PA would break, but what I really meant was I can't imagine a scenario with the PA breaking after going into next fall because we are stronger than ever now"

Yeah right Mikey, you should've stuck with the first stuff you said.

BTW, if any of you remember seeing Mike Modano's house on ESPN a few years ago, he probably wants to go back because his taxes are probably like way more than he gets from the PA alone.

John Flyers Fan

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Feb 27, 2002
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slats432 said:
And John, like I have been commenting lately, I am closer to center than before because the NHL took a very good NHLPA starting point and wiped their ass with it.

But I don't understand how anyone can try to defend the Pejorative Slured gestapo NHLPA antics.

Agreed, let the players talk, and get rid of the fine hanging over the owners heads ... and we might hear some actual dialogue and get a deal done.


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Jun 17, 2003
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Wetcoaster said:
Madden flat out denied ever saying that to the reporter. He stated it was made up.

The reporter claimed to Stan Fischler that he had Madden on tape saying this but when challenged to produce the tape the reporter was unable to do so.

I guess this is worse than being fined $1 million if you say something Bettman does not like about the CBA negotiations. :lol

The NHL Head Office has a strict gag policy when it comes to negotiations. If an owner/nhl employee crosses the line by divulging sensitive info pertinent to the CBA negotiations and/or the owners stance/strategy, he should be fined. Leaks will not speed this up. I much prefer this way over the NHLPA's KGB of clarifying someones idea for them.

sound of tape recorder running...CLICK...CLICK.. Hello, my name is Mike M., I was recently quoted in an article regarding the current CBA negotiations. What I said is not what I meant. My english is .. how you say.. not good. The reporter was a talking fast, I got confused & there was no adult supervision. I'm not liable for anything my silly mind may have come up with. After speaking with Mr. Saskin, I now know what I meant

Shadow Journal

Non, je ne regrette rien
Jun 20, 2003
Mayor of MacAppolis said:
This is some behind the scenes looks at how the NHLPA deal with dissenting opinions:

*cuss words have been replaced with cereal names, as to not offend*

say 'cap' again! SAY.... 'CAP'.... AGAIN! I dare you! I double dare you mother-cornflaker! Say 'cap' one more lucky-charmed time!


Jules: What does Bob Goodenow look like?
Modano: He's bald.
Jules: Does he look like a Fruit Loop?
Modano: What?
(Jules shoots him in the arm. Modano screams in pain)
Jules: DOES... HE.... LOOK... LIKE... A Fruit Loop?
Modano: (screaming) Nooo!
Jules: Then why you tryin' to Raisin Bran him like a Fruit Loop, Modano?
Modano: I didn't!
Jules: Yes you did! Yes you did, Modano. You tried to Raisin Bran him. And Bob Goodenow don't like to be Raisin Braned by anybody, except Mrs. Goodenow.
Last edited:


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Jun 15, 2003
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Jack Black said:
*cuss words have been replaced with cereal names, as to not offend*

say 'cap' again! SAY.... 'CAP'.... AGAIN! I dare you! I double dare you mother-cornflaker! Say 'cap' one more lucky-charmed time!


Jules: What does Bob Goodenow look like?
Modano: He's bald.
Jules: Does he look like a Fruit Loop?
Modano: What?
(Jules shoots him in the arm. Modano screams in pain)
Jules: DOES... HE.... LOOK... LIKE... A Fruit Loop?
Modano: (screaming) Nooo!
Jules: Then why you tryin' to Raisin Bran him like a Fruit Loop, Modano?
Modano: I didn't!
Jules: Yes you did! Yes you did, Modano. You tried to Raisin Bran him. And Bob Goodenow don't like to be Raisin Braned by anybody, except Mrs. Goodenow.


Bicycle Repairman said:
It was inevitable that Modano clarified his statements, as they were not consistent with his earlier ones.

Here is TSN's Bob mckenzie's take on the issue:

A lot of people snicker at how quickly the NHLPA speech police swing into action every time a player "misspeaks" but truth be told, that's normal operating procedure in any labour dispute. No union, or association, can afford its membership to have free speech, unless that free speech matches the union's party line. Dissension is like a disease, it can spread very quickly, and no union leadership in any business sits idly by while individual members speak out against the union.

That may seem a little Draconian but it's how the labour world operates.

Mangement, too, for that matter. That's one of the reasons why the NHL has the potential of a million dollar fine for speaking out of turn on the lockout.

And it's why it's highly likely that Hurricane ower Karmanos will be fined for his comments about projecting the end of the season and pontificating on the prospect of another lost season on top of this one.

Both sides do it, they just go about it in different ways, and it is the way of both management and union during labour strife.


A ribbon reflector
Mar 13, 2002
Crystal Koons' cold, dead eyes.
Jack Black said:
*cuss words have been replaced with cereal names, as to not offend*

say 'cap' again! SAY.... 'CAP'.... AGAIN! I dare you! I double dare you mother-cornflaker! Say 'cap' one more lucky-charmed time!


Jules: What does Bob Goodenow look like?
Modano: He's bald.
Jules: Does he look like a Fruit Loop?
Modano: What?
(Jules shoots him in the arm. Modano screams in pain)
Jules: DOES... HE.... LOOK... LIKE... A Fruit Loop?
Modano: (screaming) Nooo!
Jules: Then why you tryin' to Raisin Bran him like a Fruit Loop, Modano?
Modano: I didn't!
Jules: Yes you did! Yes you did, Modano. You tried to Raisin Bran him. And Bob Goodenow don't like to be Raisin Braned by anybody, except Mrs. Goodenow.



Registered User
May 16, 2004
Digger12 said:
The NHLPA Politburo can rearrange their deck chairs all they want, it still doesn't change the fact they're still on the Titanic.

These comical retractions mean nothing...the cracks are forming, and the owners know it.

What is your exit strategy, Mr. Goodenow?

The resignation door probably, after they lose a two year battle and he gets fired for not doing what was in the best interest of the PA (as in 'Making a Deal when there was one to make')


Go ahead foot
Jun 28, 2002
Make my day.
no13matssundin said:
The resignation door probably, after they lose a two year battle and he gets fired for not doing what was in the best interest of the PA (as in 'Making a Deal when there was one to make')

Doesn't he have $9m or so in salary left to be paid (IIRC it was $18m over 6 years). I'd wait until I'm pushed and try to get all that money.


Registered User
Aug 30, 2004
Wetcoaster said:
I guess this is worse than being fined $1 million if you say something Bettman does not like about the CBA negotiations. :lol

You're once again missing the point. Owners are not allowed to say ANYTHING (good or bad) without Bettman's approval and the fine is not $1M, it's UP TO $1M. So far only one fine has been given and it was $250K IIRC.

MacDaddy TLC*

me2 said:
Doesn't he have $9m or so in salary left to be paid (IIRC it was $18m over 6 years). I'd wait until I'm pushed and try to get all that money.
Of course HE won't LEAVE withOUT HIS money, even after he costs the players a good chunk of theirs.

Gee Wally

Old, Grumpy Moderator
Feb 27, 2002
HF retirement home
Jack Black said:
*cuss words have been replaced with cereal names, as to not offend*

say 'cap' again! SAY.... 'CAP'.... AGAIN! I dare you! I double dare you mother-cornflaker! Say 'cap' one more lucky-charmed time!


Jules: What does Bob Goodenow look like?
Modano: He's bald.
Jules: Does he look like a Fruit Loop?
Modano: What?
(Jules shoots him in the arm. Modano screams in pain)
Jules: DOES... HE.... LOOK... LIKE... A Fruit Loop?
Modano: (screaming) Nooo!
Jules: Then why you tryin' to Raisin Bran him like a Fruit Loop, Modano?
Modano: I didn't!
Jules: Yes you did! Yes you did, Modano. You tried to Raisin Bran him. And Bob Goodenow don't like to be Raisin Braned by anybody, except Mrs. Goodenow.



my compliments.. This is one of the funniest posts I have ever read here.
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