From the Prince of Pucks

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Registered User
Jun 27, 2003
Devon, AB
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Hey hockey fans! Wanna read a sure-fire way to bring this lockout to a swift end?
Hit the NHL right where it hurts, in the wallet, by returning your season tickets and demanding a refund unless this lockout is brought to a speedy end.

If hundreds of thousands of season ticket holders demanded the millions of dollars in refunds that would be owed them by canceling those tickets, there would be panic at NHL headquarters and amongst the owners. Trust me, this lockout would be settled within two weeks.

Sadly, it's highly unlikely that sort of thing is going to happen. And hockey fans wonder why the league doesn't pay any attention to them?


Registered User
Apr 29, 2003
Moncton, NB, Canada
Obsessed said:
Hey hockey fans! Wanna read a sure-fire way to bring this lockout to a swift end?
Hit the NHL right where it hurts, in the wallet, by returning your season tickets and demanding a refund unless this lockout is brought to a speedy end.

If hundreds of thousands of season ticket holders demanded the millions of dollars in refunds that would be owed them by canceling those tickets, there would be panic at NHL headquarters and amongst the owners. Trust me, this lockout would be settled within two weeks.

Sadly, it's highly unlikely that sort of thing is going to happen. And hockey fans wonder why the league doesn't pay any attention to them?

All that would be accomplished by that is putting pressure on the owners to cave, meaning the players would win and the NHL would remain unhealthy... So, you are proposing for us to force the NHL to start up again so we can see hockey, only to have the league fold in 5 years from financial ruin... Great idea! :banghead:


Registered User
Mar 11, 2003
Tonawanda, NY
I'm not sure how many other teams are doing this, but in Buffalo, they only took a deposit of $50.00 (I believe that is the amount I read months ago...) from people that wanted to buy season tickets. If many other teams did that, it wouldn't hurt teams much at all...


Veni Vidi Toga
Jul 29, 2003
Now this is a great idea. Current season ticket holders have a great opportunity to extract better deals. By organizing, and the situation should present itself as ripe for it, fans have the power to ensure a deal is struck AND they get lower ticket prices. No one should do it on their own. A golden opportunity exists for a fan association to wield some influence and accomplish the pressing goal on their agenda - lower ticket prices. At the very least provide a spot for fans willing take that stand to do so and encourage it.

The hard part of course is organizing. The fun part is watching the deals offered to entice you back. The association could even keep track of everybodys seat and demand all are repurchased in unison after owners make concessions.

Whatever lower price we get in ticket prices, will determine what they can set as budgets. It doesnt matter how much they make. The problems dont get solved apparently if they just make more money. They simply spend more money. Similarly if we wrangle concessions from them giving them less money. They just make the corresponding adjustments throughout the system.
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