Forum Posting Rules

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RIP lomiller1, see you in the next life buddy.
Nov 8, 2011
Please read and familiarize yourself with the forum rules. Ignorance of a rule is not a valid reason for not following the rules of the forum.

Posting Rules:

1) Flaming: Critique the opinion, not the person. Personal attacks against members are not permitted. Report flaming, do not respond to it. Counter-flaming is also prohibited.

2) Trolling: Do not make posts that could be interpreted as though they were made to cause an argument or provoke others. Making generalizations about other posters is a common form of trolling. Posting questionable content on team boards, particularly those of rivals, is likely to be seen as trolling.

3) Spamming: Posts that advertise anything without the authorization of site Administrators may be considered “spam”. If you wish to advertise on HFBoards please contact [email protected]. No money leagues are allowed in the Fantasy Talk forum. Do not post the same content multiple times, whether on the same forum, or across multiple forums.

4) Threadjacking/OT/Politics: Posts that waste space or time on the site, annoy users due to characteristics or repetition, disrupt the site functionality, or cause threads to veer off topic may be considered “threadjacking/OT”. This also applies to signatures, user titles, avatars, profile fields, and so forth. Stay on topic as much as possible. Post new threads in the appropriate forum only. Political discussion is not permitted on the forums except within the narrowly defined scope of hockey-related matters.

5) Offensive Content: This is a site for ages 13 and up. Minors will be viewing our content, and threads are searchable on the web. Do not post slurs and stereotypes, sexually-oriented material, gore (human or animal), or any other potentially objectionable material. Our users are diverse in all ways so please respect that. Do not circumvent the profanity filter with alternate spellings/characters. Simply type out the word and let the filter handle it. Wishing injury on players or other persons is considered offensive.

6) Streams/Copyrighted Material/Illegal Topics:
Do not post any of the following:
• Links to or requests for links to illegal streams
• Discussions of illegal streaming services or proxies
• Large portions of ANY article. The reader must have incentive to visit the source.
• Excerpts from any publication without providing editorial commentary
• Discussions of piracy techniques
Promotion of anything illegal is strictly prohibited. See our separate section on copyright infringement for additional information.

7) Forum Management: Threads and posts that are redundant, in the wrong forum, or deemed unnecessary per the assessment of moderators are subject to being merged, moved, edited, deleted or closed. Thread titles must be as specific and informative as possible (no clickbait) and first posts must provide relevant commentary (“discuss” is not enough, for example). One account is allowed per user and you are responsible for what’s posted from your account. Please check the sticky threads at the top of each forum for any forum specific rules. If a moderator gives you a specific instruction in a warning, and you blatantly disregard it, you are subject to an account review.

8) Claims of Insider Information/ Rumors & Hearsay: If you're an insider, contact us with proof BEFORE you post. These posts will be allowed/rejected at the discretion of administrators after consulting with other posters, moderators, and relevant sources. Deference will be given to veteran members who have established credibility. It's not acceptable to post that you heard someone has a drinking/drug/sex/personal problem from a "good" source. Do not post information that can be considered defamatory without a link to a credible media source. Other forums, personal websites, amateur/unvetted blogs, hearsay, and personal testimonials are not considered credible.

9) English Only: For the purpose of rules enforcement the entire site is considered “English Only”. Moderators may remove any posts made in languages other than English.

10) Warnings are issued anonymously. If you believe a warning is unjustified use the Contact Us form to tell us why. Do not attempt to excuse your behavior by pointing at others. Be respectful and courteous. You will only receive a reply if your complaint has merit.

11) No Disclosure of Personal Information: Do not disclose any other member's email, real name, address, phone number, IP address, private communications, or other personal information. Do not post publicly about your moderation history or the actions of moderators.

* Please note: rules are interpreted and enforced at the discretion of Moderators, Moderator Supervisors, and site Administrators. Violations deemed severe enough will be reviewed by the administrators.

** If you see a post that violates any of the above rules, use the report post feature. Using this can bring it to the attention of all active moderators and it will be addressed as quickly as possible. Once a post is reported, leave it alone and let the mods do their job. Do not respond to the post, tell the poster they were reported, or chide people for violating the rules.


RIP lomiller1, see you in the next life buddy.
Nov 8, 2011

The Mod team just wants to remind everyone of our forum rules, so you may want to reread them again so you’re familiar with them. Most common infractions we see are:

- Flaming & trolling

- Thread jacking (which can take multi forms) & OT posts

- Insider claims of information & non approved sources.

- Pointless spam posts.

- Discussing forum management & moderation.

This is the Jets team forum, we want to promote open & constructive conversations & posts regarding the team, players, organization and management. We want Jets fans to feel open to post in a constructive way and enjoy our Team board.

Thanks all
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RIP lomiller1, see you in the next life buddy.
Nov 8, 2011
Mod team is seeing more & more OT, trolling, thread derailing and spam posts everyday in many threads. Posters would be wise to read again the forum rules sticky thread on our board to ensure they are following those rules and avoid infractions & deleted posts. There are rules to post here, if people want to post whatever they feel like without rules......go else where. All points can be made while following forum rules.

Reference the rules above when in doubt.
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RIP lomiller1, see you in the next life buddy.
Nov 8, 2011
I’m bumping the rules thread, the season is over & we’re heading into the summer. Some people might see the season as an overachievement, some might see it as an underachievement.

Either way, follow the rules & make your comments constructive. Spamming how you feel the coach sucks (just an example) every day or in multi threads isn’t constructive, it’s spam and will earn you an infraction. Follow the rules.


RIP lomiller1, see you in the next life buddy.
Nov 8, 2011
Bumping the rules thread, reminder to all posters going into a busy summer
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