OT: Don't know where to put this: Bobblehead help


wasn’t gonna be a fan but Utalked me into it
I can't make tomorrow's game, but I really want the bobblehead. If anybody is going tomorrow, and can grab a brotha a bobblehead, I will shoot you like 20 bucks! Plus shipping if we're not close. Sorry there wasn't a game day thread yet, and I didn't know where to put this.

I really want the Max Domi bobblehead, but i may get tickets to that game anyway. But if not, there might be another thread in the future like this :laugh:


wasn’t gonna be a fan but Utalked me into it
For the record I have a John Paddock Regina Pats bobblehead in my office. It's glorious.

It's funny you say that. I'm creating a home office and i havent collected bobbleheads since i was a teenager. I think the last one i picked up was an Olli Jokinen. But i thought to myself that an OEL, and a Domi bobblehead would be awesome desk fixtures. If either get traded...then a paper-weight :help::cry:


5,000 strong
Feb 15, 2010
Mesa, Arizona
I’m down with bronchitis and gave my ticket away for tomorrow.

If anyone wants to hook a brotha up as well that would be great. I just didn’t wanna get everyone in the section sick

I shall throw something your way
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Salt Lake Bound
Feb 16, 2012
Someone sticky this as a bobblehead exchange thread.



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