Crosby would make more money in a large market...

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Feb 27, 2002
Danbury, CT
you must be ignorant to the power

The Iconoclast said:
What a load of crap. Sounds like a bitter agent and nothing more. Who are making the most in endorsements right now? A Toronto Maple Leaf? A New York Ranger? How about a Calgary Flame and a Vancopuver Canuck. Yup, you GOTTA be in a big market to make endorsements. Facts prove otherwise. What a freakin' idiot.


of the New York Marketing machine.

If Sid is the real deal, add up what both Iggy and Naslund are making and Sid could double that in NY.

You don't have to be in NY to make big marketing dollars, but if you were in NY you would make ASTRONOMICAL marketing dollars.

Everyone and their mother would die to get a piece of this kid, assuming of course he's as good as advertised.

1 glimpse of greatness in this kid in his 1st season and it's over.

I am Jack's Fish

I in the Eye said:
If someone is, however, in the market to purchase hockey equipment or have his/her muffler fixed, having Crosby attached to a specific product will perhaps influence someone to choose the hockey equipment or muffler repair service that Crosby endorses - assuming that the someone actually likes and respects Crosby and his opinion...

Dont forget mattresses from "Jimmy's Mattress Barn"...


Registered User
Jun 5, 2005
2 things come to mind when i read this:

1. DUH
2. This coming from someone in Mississauga, Ont

Exactly what I was thinking!


Splatman Phanutier said:
But the NHL player leading in $ endorsments plays in Calgary :eek:
Can't let those little things like facts get in the way.;)

For those hyping Yankee-Country for Crosby:

Instead of telling us about how many big endorsements and advertising is in New York ready to embrace Crosby could someone tell us in the last thirty years (eight New York/New Jersey) cup winners, countless star players, how many have had endorsement deals have NHL players signed besides Ron Duguay with Sasson?

How many endorsements did Leetch, Richter, Potvin, Bossy, Trottier, Brodeur, Niedermayer receive?

Tell me why why the entire history in this market now changes.
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Pep City
Aug 20, 2003
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The Iconoclast said:
What a load of crap. Sounds like a bitter agent and nothing more. Who are making the most in endorsements right now? A Toronto Maple Leaf? A New York Ranger? How about a Calgary Flame and a Vancopuver Canuck. Yup, you GOTTA be in a big market to make endorsements. Facts prove otherwise. What a freakin' idiot.


Even Crosby's agent says the same thing. Given a choice, I'll believe the guys who actually market people for a living over a couple of posters on a hockey bulletin board.


Digger12 said:
The thing that sticks with me is watching TSN tonight, and they're interviewing 'hockey fans' on the streets of New York. It was pretty much like this (except for one guy):

Reporter: Are you a hockey fan?
Fan: Oh yeah...
Reporter: Who is Sidney Crosby?
Fan: *blank stare*
What does in tell you when TSN from Canada is running around New York looking for hockey fans and no one from the media in New York is?

Anyone actually watch some of those early negotiating sessions with Goodenow in the streets of New York afterward as he was leaving. Every mic (about five) were all from Canada, nothing local.

Lanny MacDonald*

shakes said:
Even Crosby's agent says the same thing. Given a choice, I'll believe the guys who actually market people for a living over a couple of posters on a hockey bulletin board.

Wanna explain WHY Jarome Iginla makes gobs more endorsement cash than Mats Sundin then? Also, wanna explain the competitive disadvantage of large markets when it comes to large markets? Who would you rather have promoting your product in New York? Derek Jeeter, Eli Manning, Anfernee Hardaway or Sydney Crosby? Who do you think is going to make all the money there when it comes to endorsements? Common sense. Try using some.

I am Jack's Fish

NYIsles1 said:
How many endorsements did Leetch, Richter, Potvin, Bossy, Trottier, Brodeur, Niedermayer receive?

Tell me why why the entire history in this market now changes.

As amazing as those players are, they havent been getting the hype that Crosby is having. Also some of those players are from years that the NHL was literally in the dark ages of publicity, and still consideredd a regional sport.

But honestly, all this Crosby talk will depend on how the NHL markets the return of the game more than anything.

If the status quo remains in how the NHL markets itself, than the Crosby blitz might not have the same impact as thought. He would still make more money in a market like NY, TOR or LA.


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Feb 3, 2005
The Iconoclast said:
Wanna explain WHY Jarome Iginla makes gobs more endorsement cash than Mats Sundin then? Also, wanna explain the competitive disadvantage of large markets when it comes to large markets? Who would you rather have promoting your product in New York? Derek Jeeter, Eli Manning, Anfernee Hardaway or Sydney Crosby? Who do you think is going to make all the money there when it comes to endorsements? Common sense. Try using some.
I have no doubt Iginla makes a ton of endorsement money right now, but are you actually trying to say that if, say, Iginla were to go and sign with Toronto that he wouldn't keep all endorsements he has now plus get a whole lot more? I mean Tie Domi gets endorsement dollars in Toronto.
And following your New York logic, then obviously Mark Messier shouldn't be getting any endorsements with all the other options available should he? Oh wait he does.
Try using your own common sense.

Lanny MacDonald*

alexmorrison said:
I have no doubt Iginla makes a ton of endorsement money right now, but are you actually trying to say that if, say, Iginla were to go and sign with Toronto that he wouldn't keep all endorsements he has now plus get a whole lot more? I mean Tie Domi gets endorsement dollars in Toronto.
And following your New York logic, then obviously Mark Messier shouldn't be getting any endorsements with all the other options available should he? Oh wait he does.
Try using your own common sense.

Get a grip buddy. I guarantee that Iginla would not be making the endorsements he does if he were in New York. Hockey is still the fourth most popular sport in the city and the Rangers lag well behind the Yankees, Mets, Giants, Jets and Knicks in popularity. Toronto is likely another story, but it is debateable as to whether being there would have a significant impact on endorsements. If Toronto were all that and a bag of chips why is Sundin not on top of the heap? He is the big boy in the center of the universe! Frankly all of this endorsement stuff is ********. Lebron James isn't hurt one bit by playing in Cleveland. Tiger Woods, the absolute KING of endorsements, is not hurt one bit by not living in a big market and never playing in one for more than a week at a time. Local endorsement deals are peanuts, its the national deals that make you money, and national deals don't care where you are based. Be the best at your sport and you will make money off of endorsements. End of story.


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Mar 13, 2002
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The Iconoclast said:
Get a grip buddy. I guarantee that Iginla would not be making the endorsements he does if he were in New York. Hockey is still the fourth most popular sport in the city and the Rangers lag well behind the Yankees, Mets, Giants, Jets and Knicks in popularity.
Frankly all of this endorsement stuff is ********. Lebron James isn't hurt one bit by playing in Cleveland. Tiger Woods, the absolute KING of endorsements, is not hurt one bit by not living in a big market and never playing in one for more than a week at a time. Local endorsement deals are peanuts, its the national deals that make you money, and national deals don't care where you are based. Be the best at your sport and you will make money off of endorsements. End of story.

If Lebron James played in NY, he would be the KING of the city. Hoops are still huge in that area and for the Knicks to thave THE guy, the one everybody is talking about, would be unbelievable. If it were ever to happen, you would see his face on absolutely EVERYTHING. Tiger Woods, I don't really see the comparison, b/c golfers don't play in a specific "market" like team sport athletes do. They play everywhere. Where he lives is irrelevant. This being said, we are leaving a key point of the whole Crosby thing out of the mix, and that is that he has to be the real deal. If he is not every bit as good as all this hype says he is, then this is all for naught. Being a Rangers fan, I would be tickled pink to get him, but man it's alot to heap the future of an entire league on the shoulders of a 18 year old kid. He should be playing hockey and worrying about that, not his layout for GQ, his cameo on CSI, and giving away free crap at whatever sporting goods store. I really hope this kid can handle it. Gretzky pulled it off, but I just dont think the media had the ferocity it does now back then. They are doing the same thing to him that they did to Lindros, putting him in the HOF before he ever takes a faceoff. I hope whereever he lands, they just let him play hockey.


Registered User
Feb 3, 2005
The Iconoclast said:
Get a grip buddy. I guarantee that Iginla would not be making the endorsements he does if he were in New York. Hockey is still the fourth most popular sport in the city and the Rangers lag well behind the Yankees, Mets, Giants, Jets and Knicks in popularity. Toronto is likely another story, but it is debateable as to whether being there would have a significant impact on endorsements. If Toronto were all that and a bag of chips why is Sundin not on top of the heap? He is the big boy in the center of the universe! Frankly all of this endorsement stuff is ********. Lebron James isn't hurt one bit by playing in Cleveland. Tiger Woods, the absolute KING of endorsements, is not hurt one bit by not living in a big market and never playing in one for more than a week at a time. Local endorsement deals are peanuts, its the national deals that make you money, and national deals don't care where you are based. Be the best at your sport and you will make money off of endorsements. End of story.
Agreed, the greatest players in a sport will always make good endorsement money where ever they play (as is the case with Iginla, Lebron James, et al).
It's the 2nd tier stars that stand to make a lot more playing for big markets. Can you possibly actually believe that players like Heatly, Kovalchuk, Nash, would not be getting more attention (and more endorsements) were they playing for NY or Toronto.
Comparing Sundin's skill level to his endorsement value, I would bet anything that he makes much more in endorsements then anyone else in his skill level. Sundin's a good player, but he's not the greatest.
Tiger Woods is irrelevant to this discussion since golfer's, as you mentioned, do not have a home town. The basis of this arguement is would playing primarily in a large market vs. a small markey effect a players worth. Look at Lindros, why did he hold out when drafted by the Nordiques, it was at the advice of his agents that he stood to make a whole lot more money playing for a large market.
Say Atlanta/Nashville/Columbus/Pittsburgh (or any other small market) wins the lottery and drafts Crosby, do you possibly believe that he will get as many endorsements as if Toronto won the lottery and selected him? To deny that is simply not using any common sense. Would Tie Domi have national endorsements if he played for Minnesota?


Registered User
May 24, 2005
The Iconoclast said:
Wanna explain WHY Jarome Iginla makes gobs more endorsement cash than Mats Sundin then? Also, wanna explain the competitive disadvantage of large markets when it comes to large markets? Who would you rather have promoting your product in New York? Derek Jeeter, Eli Manning, Anfernee Hardaway or Sydney Crosby? Who do you think is going to make all the money there when it comes to endorsements? Common sense. Try using some.
You know, I think there are a lot of professional athletes, especially hockey players, who want no part of endorsements. They're here to play a team game, not promote themselves or some product they don't even use. For some, it isn't all about the money.

It is amusing though, how personally some people are taking the opinion of one man.


Registered User
Jan 7, 2005
all this talk is rediculous. i live in Ohio, which is 90% farm according to people from ny :) so we must suck in endorsments. yet whenever i turn on the tv to see commercials or promotions(i.e. games involving athletes like the show teammates) i see players who play in ohio. from lebron to chad johnson to nash when hockey was playing. but hey, we farmers out the midwest, we dont have a market and you cant make jack out here


shakes said:
Even Crosby's agent says the same thing. Given a choice, I'll believe the guys who actually market people for a living
You hit on the key word.
People? Yes. Hockey players? No. That's the fine point your missing here.

It's great to go out and find some sports marketing person to give quotes about big markets and advertising, what are Crosby or his agent going to do disagree?

It goes down nice and easy and reads well especially to anyone not living in the New York Hockey market.

Leetch and Richter were Americans who won a Stanley Cup in Manhattan, none of the things people are talking about for Crosby happened. Mike Richter won a World Cup, none of this happened. Kenny Morrow won a Gold Medal and four cups in a row here and none of what this marketing people are describing happened.
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