OT: College Sports


Staying classy
Jun 10, 2009
We talk often about College Sports and I wanted to get more of a picture of who follows who overall though it's obvious that we have more ASU supporters here than UofA seeing this is Phoenix Coyotes Board. Then of course, there is college hockey that others follow as well though no NCAA Level Hockey in Arizona.

Who do you follow in college sports?

Summer Rose

Red Like Roses
May 3, 2012
Gainesville, Florida
I don't watch college sports as much as I used to, but when I do it's ASU.

When I lived in Hawaii I liked to follow UH football, but I don't do that anymore.


Staying classy
Jun 10, 2009
When it comes down to college hockey, I can't get fully behind one team though I have tried. I enjoy seeing certain teams win at certain times depending such factors as(though not limited to) winning the title for the 1st ever time or ending a drought or if Coyotes Prospects are playing on the team.
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Alcoholab User
Jan 31, 2007
Sun Belt
Locally, I went to a Grand Canyon U basketball game, that was pretty fun so I'll go with them. Only college sport I get fired up for is hockey, and I have about 20 favorite teams. I'll give ASU hockey a shot at some point, just haven't yet.


Registered User
Jun 7, 2011
Lund, Sweden
I have recently gotten into college football. I don't follow any schools in particular, just watching the big games and following it as a somewhat neutral spectator. If anything I probably follow ASU a little closer since they're in the valley and I went to a game there. And probably the Huskers too, thanks to persuasive forces.

I don't follow college hockey because of the complete lack of tv options over here, but I could probably get into it if the circumstances were better. I don't think I could get into college basketball though, don't like the sport.

Dirty Old Man

So funny I forgot to laugh
Jan 29, 2008
Ostrich City
For college hockey I root for North Dakota (I'm a Grand Forks native - although I was moved to Florida at age 2..."thus killing my hockey career" as I like to tease my dad).

For all other sports, I am a Florida Gator alumnus (which could be interesting the next few weeks)


Staying classy
Jun 10, 2009
I don't think I could get into college basketball though, don't like the sport.

Basketball is really one of those sports(or most people anyway) either one really loves or really hates the game. Even those for those who really love basketball there is a big divide of who to really follow seeing it's the NBA or NCAA College Basketball as it's rare to come across those who like both.

Those who prefer College Basketball over the NBA do so because the games are more played as a team and there is more competition where as the NBA has less competition and is more of a one man show. Those who prefer the other way around do so because they want to see players like LeBron, Jordan, Kobe, etc and not a bunch of players that aren't pro.

For college hockey I root for North Dakota (I'm a Grand Forks native - although I was moved to Florida at age 2..."thus killing my hockey career" as I like to tease my dad).

For all other sports, I am a Florida Gator alumnus (which could be interesting the next few weeks)

It's very common that hardcore fans of college teams are made either because they went to the same school they follow or they were born in an area where there is no Major League sports in the same town or city and such a team is not near them at all for that matter.

Chances are we maybe facing each other in the Final 4 as well nut who knows.


Waiting for Ishbia
Dec 10, 2002
College basketball would be far better if they forced players to stay at least three years like football. The NBA would be better off as well. The golden era during the 80s/early 90s is over. College basketball is now about who can build the best roster in a year by making the most outlandish promises to kids coming out of highschool. It's ridiculous.

There's no parity in the NBA, so I couldn't care less about it. They may as well go the soccer (futbol) route and let the big players just outright buy talent, because they already are and the small teams get nothing for it. So there's really no compelling reason to watch these one-and-done kids unless you happen to be a fan of the teams that can (eventually) afford them, or the teams that manage to recruit them. It's a small group.

College hockey on the west coast needs to be a thing. The Pac 12 should start working towards that.

Dirty Old Man

So funny I forgot to laugh
Jan 29, 2008
Ostrich City
College basketball is now about who can build the best roster in a year by making the most outlandish promises to kids coming out of high school. It's ridiculous.

(which makes Florida's 30-2 all the more impressive - Donovan has turned a group of 4 second-besters into a cohesive unit...and beat Kentucky - the worst offender of the "one-year NBA rental" schools - 3 times)


Approaching infinity
Feb 8, 2004
College football is pretty much on par with NHL hockey in my world. If I had to choose between the two...I couldn't, it'd be like dividing by zero.

Summer Rose

Red Like Roses
May 3, 2012
Gainesville, Florida
I agree about basketball. The sport itself is something I actually quite like. Both the NBA and NCAA basketball are not competitions I'm interested in though. I like Olympic basketball.

But maybe I'm biased because I'm American and the USA is pretty dominant at the Olympic basketball tournament.


Approaching infinity
Feb 8, 2004
I used to be basketball obsessed! I followed the Suns the way I do the Coyotes now. Hell I was even a Suns ball boy. I will say this much, I don't think any team will ever compare to the '93 Suns team, at least not here in the valley. That team kinda put the city of Phoenix on the map and the percentage of people who followed the Suns was extremely high. The bandwagon could be spotted from space it was so huge. Every fast food restaurant, church, mechanic shop...basically any establishment with a sign had "Go Suns" on it. It was easier to count cars without Orange and Purple paraphernalia than it was to count those with it. Hell my grandma was a huge Suns fan (so cute..."those bigger boys shouldn't treat KJ that way" haha)! It was just a culmination of a burgeoning city with it's original professional team busting out on the national stage, new state of the art arena, the love affair with newly acquired superstar Sir Charles, the best record in franchise history, etc. They were a team of destiny and practically the whole city new it and embraced it. Then....John Paxton. Seriously, **** that guy! I will hate that man for as long as I shall ever live!!

Sadly, now days I don't care about the NBA at all. Somewhere in the late 90's I just got tired of it. The flopping was starting to get ridiculous, fouls for even thinking about a superstar, the final 30 seconds taking 2 hours, etc. It was just getting lame and the straw the broke the camels back for me was the over infusion of the NBA being a "lifestyle" and not just a sport. It's like you had to dress a certain way, listen to certain music, etc. in order to be an NBA fan. It was all style, no substance and I got tired of it. I haven't followed the NBA since.


Staying classy
Jun 10, 2009
Michael Jordan

Such a dominate player in the league but it was also his style of play that led more of the NBA to become a one man show instead of playing the game as a team. Forget passing the ball back to someone to take a 3 point shot, pass the ball only to the superstar.


Registered User
Jan 26, 2009
Goldwater Blvd
NHL Yotes and ASU football and NFL Cards are the team I really follow. Dbacks and Rattlers are sort of an afterthought. Hoops not so much. Since Olbermann went back to ESPN this year I've seen more NHL hoops highlights than I had in the prior 10 years combined (and I don't watch it every night its on). About the only college hoops I watch is March Madness...


Registered User
Sep 23, 2010
I idly follow ASU football, kind of hard not to when you go here. I'll watch the games on TV and go out with friends sometimes, but that's it for college sports. I also don't see the allure of basketball. Can't get into it for whatever reason.


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