California revises sports agent relationships (new law)


Registered User
Sep 22, 2004
Sin City

California State Senator Kevin de León’s sports agent reform bill (Senate Bill 238) has been signed by California’s governor and will become law starting on January 1, 2012. However, I am not quite ready to go on the record and agree with de León’s statement that “California’s collegiate student athletes scored big when [the bill] was signed by the Governor…†Any informed person realizes that state sports agent regulations do little to nothing to benefit the student-athletes; they are put in place to protect the universities, which could suffer tremendously from NCAA punishments based on impermissible sports agent activities on their campuses. In the past, I have even stated that it may make the most sense to just repeal all sports agent laws, which I argue would benefit the student-athletes more than anything else.

Mainly focused on Football and Basketball agents, hockey agents (recruiting out of college) may be impacted.

And while it seems well intentioned, there seems little change to existing laws regarding enforcement.


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