WWE Match Rating


Aug 2, 2005
I did a few reviews for 411mania back in the day before school took over my life.

WWF WrestleFest 95

* Stephanie Wiand welcomes us to this exclusive Coliseum Home Video! Apparently she’s going to be our host. Fun.

* Jean-Pierre Lafitte vs. The Undertaker
We’ve got Gorilla Monsoon and Stan Lane on commentary for this contest. Monsoon tells us that Lafitte is legit blind in one eye, which is covered with an eye patch. Interesting. This will probably suck but I hope it surprises me. Lafitte was undefeated up until this point. To get us started, Lafitte ducks a clothesline attempt. Undertaker no-sells a bunch of strikes before choking Lafitte in the corner. Undertaker whips Lafitte into the corner who hits hard. Lafitte heads to the outside to catch a breather and yell at Paul Bearer. Undertaker follows to the outside to hit a throat thrust. Lafitte scampers backed into the ring and takes control with a bunch of kicks and punches before Undertaker fires back with a clothesline. Undertaker misses a huge elbow drop which allows Lafitte to hit a sidewalk slam. Lafitte drops a leg drop across the throat of the Undertaker from the second rope. Undertaker, of course, no-sells it. Undertaker sends Lafitte into the corner but gets met with an elbow. Lafitte on the second rope again and hit’s a flying clothesline. Lafitte puts on a chinlock which is probably the only thing the Undertaker will sell this match. Undertaker finally gets back to his feet and hits some punches to the mid section. Lafitte misses a clothesline and turns around .. TOMBSTONE.. NO!! Lafitte slides out of Undertakers grip. That doesn’t matter thought as Lafitte runs right into a choke slam. Undertaker covers, 1…2…3! (5:01) This was just The Undertaker going through the motions. Lafitte wasn’t bad in the ring but he had absolutely nothing to work with here. I know The Undertaker is already dead, but sell a damn move already! I don’t understand why they’d build Lafitte up either just to have him look like a jobber here. Next. ½*

* Yokozuna, Owen Hart & Hakushi w/ Mr. Fuji, Jim Cornette & Shinjo vs. Bret Hart, Razor Ramon & Savio Vega
Gorilla Monsoon & Stan Lane are with us for commentary again. Lane tells us that Yokozuna is apparently over 650 pounds at this point. Yokozuna and Razor Ramon start us off with a lock-up in center of the ring. Yokozuna gets a cheap shot after Razor gets to the ropes. Yoko whips Razor into the ropes and misses a clothesline, but promptly follows that up with a big body slam. Yoko misses an elbow drop and Razor fires back with some huge slaps, which knocks the big man down in his corner. Yoko lands on the foot of Owen Hart which draws a huge pop from the crowd. Hakushi and Bret both tag in. They had a great match around this time on an In Your House show. Find it if you haven’t seen it. Some beautiful chain wrestling stars of us off before Bret takes control with some clubs to the back. Bret tags in Savio, who comes off the second rope with a fist to the back of Hakushi. Hakushi fights back with a poke to the eye and quickly tags out to Owen Hart. Owen has no luck though as Savio catches him with a back body drop. Savio goes to tag in Razor but as he does, he nails Owen’s face on the out-stretched boot of the Hitman. Razor comes in and takes control with some shoulder strikes. Razor rings Owen’s arm but Owen reverses to a headlock. Razor tries for a back body drop, but Owen reverses again. Owen off the ropes and goes for a crossbody, but Razor reverses into his signature fallaway slam. Cover by Razor, 1..2.…NO! Razor goes back to the arm crank, but Owen rakes the eyes. Owen sends Razor head first into the turnbuckle before dragging his face across the top rope. Owen hit’s a few European uppercuts, but Razor fires back with some strikes. A few seconds later, Owen catches Razor with a spinning heel-kick. Owen follows up with a neck breaker before going up to the second rope but misses a flying elbow drop. Razor makes the tag to Bret but Owen gets to Hakushi just in time. Bret takes control with a couple of headbunts before whipping Hakushi into the turnbuckle. Bret hit’s a DDT and his flying elbow drop from the second rope. Bret covers, 1..2..NO. Backbreaker by Bret, followed by a quick leg drop. Another cover, 1…2…NO! Hakushi reverses a whip into the turnbuckle, which Bret hits dead on. Hakushi follows up with the wishbone in the corner. The crowd starts chanting “USA! USA! USA”.. what? Two guys are from Canada (The Hart Brothers), two from Japan (Yokozuna, Hakushi), one from Puerto Rico (Savio), and only one from USA (Razor) – and Razor wasn’t even in the ring! Okay then. Hakushi tags in Yokozuna. Yokozuna takes the Hitman down with a throat thrust before choking Hart on the ropes. Yoko tags in Owen, who takes advantage on his downed brother. Enziguri by Owen and a cover, 1…2.……..NO! Owen slaps on a chinlock. Bret gets back to his feet and breaks free, only to run into a belly to belly suplex. Owen slaps the chinlock on again. Bret fights back to his feet again, but Owen tags out to Yokozuna. Double body slam to Bret. Yoko tags in Hakushi who goes for a flying splash but misses. Savio gets the tag and hit’s a back drop on Hakushi. Savio with a cradle, 1…2…NO! A chop by Savio sends Hakushi flying to the mat. Backslide, 1..2..NO! Savio hits Owen and Yoko on the outside, which brings them in. Savio smashes their heads together, but that gives time for Hakushi to get some energy back. Hakushi goes to meet but Savio, but Savio sees him coming and nails a crossbody. Cover, 1..2..NO! Yoko is there to break up the pin. Razor dumps Yoko to the outside, while Savio applies a pump-handle type submission to Hakushi. Owen comes in to make the save. Savio ducks a double clothesline and then kills Hakushi with a clothesline of his own. Bret pulls Owen to the outside while Savio covers, 1…2.…….3! (12:56) Pretty good match. All 6 guys have had good matches in the past. Yoko and Razor had small parts while Owen, Hakushi, and Bret carried the majority of the workload. Good stuff. ***¼

* Stephanie Wiand joins us again to introduce the next match. She’s not funny at all.

* Tom Prichard w/ Jim Cornette & Jimmy Del Ray vs. Shawn Michaels
We’ve got Vince McMahon and Doc Hendrix on commentary. This could be pretty damn good. Lock up in the center of the ring to start where Michaels reverses a back body drop. Michaels trips up Prichard and just walks across his back to piss him off. Prichard back up and Michaels slaps him into next year. Micheals sticks out his hand, cockily, for a handshake but Prichard gains the upper hand with a couple boots in the mid-section. Off the ropes, Michaels slides to the outside and Michaels smacks Cornette on the ass with his tennis racket. Back in, Michaels hit’s a double axe handle from the top rope. Back body drop by Michaels followed by a dropkick which sends Prichard to the outside. Back in, Prichard whips Michaels to the corner. Michaels leap frogs and hits Prichard with a hip toss. The crowd is insane for this. Michaels catches the foot of Prichard, spins him, grabs a headlock. Michaels knocks Prichard down with a shoulder block. Michaels heads towards the ropes, Cornette jumps up to distract the referee and Del Ray pulls down the top rope, sending Michaels crashing to the ground. While the referee attends to Prichard, Del Ray hit’s a flipping senton on Michaels, from the apron, on the outside. Del Ray sends Prichard back into the ring. Prichard jumps on Michaels with some strikes before hitting a body slam. Prichard applies a Boston Crab in great ring position. Del Ray adds some leverage from the outside. The official catches it and makes Prichard break the hold. Back on their feet, Michaels goes for a bodyslam but grabs his back in pain. Prichard quickly jumps on him with a sleeper in the centre of the ring. Michaels is fading fast, but manages to feed off the crowd to get back to his feet. On their feet, Michaels hit’s a huge back suplex. Prichard first to his feet though and hits Michaels with a beautiful suplex, cover, 1…2…NO! Prichard going for another suplex, Michaels reverses, but clutches his back in pain again. Michaels ducks a clothesline and then hits a spinning neckbreaker. Michaels hits a flying forearm followed by a bodyslam. Michaels heading up to the top rope and hits his signature elbow drop. Michaels looks to cover, but Cornette jumps up. With the referees back turned, Del Ray heads up to the top rope but Michaels crotches him up top. Prichard runs at Michaels in the corner, but Michaels ducks, SUPERKICK!! Michaels covers, 1..2.……3! Forget about it. (7:09) Fun match. Nothing extraordinary but a lot of fun. Not quite as good as the 6-man earlier, but this had less time anyway. The interference didn’t hurt it too much because that’s just the kind of thing the Heavenly Bodies did back in the day. **¾

* Adam Bomb vs. Jerry Lawler
We’ve got Stan Lane and Gorilla Monsoon on commentary. Lawler starts off by grabbing a microphone. Lawler says “If I hear people call me Burger King again.” Not smart King, as a chant starts up. I actually used to like Adam Bomb back in the day. Not really sure why. Lock up to start which finishes with Bomb catching Lawler with a hip toss. Lawler stalls after this before we get another lock up in the centre of the ring, which finishes with Bomb nailing another hip toss. Lawler wins the third lock up with a headlock, but Bomb picks up him and just throws him off. Lawler complains to the referee about Bomb using the tights. Nice. Bomb hits two consecutive back body drops on Lawler, who quickly escapes to the outside. Lawler is an amazing heel for a live crowd, no doubt. Lawler grabs the microphone again and asks for a new referee because this one can’t see that Adam Bomb has been pulling his hair. Funny stuff. Back in, Bomb has a headlock on Lawler. Lawler shoves Bomb off the ropes, but gets hit with a shoulder block. Bomb off the ropes, but Lawler sidesteps and throws him over the top rope. Lawler slides out of the ring and crawls up behind Bomb before shoving Bomb into the ring steps. Lawler grabs Bomb and smashes his face off the ring steps again. Lawler is pretty happy with himself as he gets back in the ring and starts counting Adam Bomb out himself. What a great heel. Bomb tries to get back into the ring, but Lawler simply boots him off the apron. Lawler tells us that it’s not Adam Bomb, its Adam Bum. Back in, Lawler slams Bomb’s head into the turnbuckle multiple times, before firing off some jabs. Bomb is pissed. Uh oh. Bomb fires back with some punches before smashing Lawler’s head into each turnbuckle 10 times. Crowd loves it. Lawler pulls down his straps, puts up his fist, and falls face first into the mat. Bomb sends Lawler into the turnbuckle where Lawler begs for mercy. Bomb hesitates and Lawler headbunts him in the midsection and trips him to the mat. Lawler covers, with his feet on the ropes, 1…2.…..3! (9:28) Wow, I thought that was a lot shorter than it was. Lawler’s heel antics are fun once in awhile. It was mostly punch and kicks, heel antics, with a few wrestling moves thrown in. At the same time, it didn’t drag for me and I had fun watching it, though I think that had to do with nostalgia more than anything.

* Stephanie Wiand joins us again to introduce the next match. She is right about one thing, mixed tag team matches were pretty rare back at this time.

* Bob Holly & Alundra Blayze vs. Bull Nakano & Hakushi w/ Shinjo
We’re joined by Stan Lane and Gorilla Monsoon again for commentary. Lane had a solid voice, it’s a shame he didn’t sick around longer. It’s traditional mixed-tag rules. Blayze starts us off with a spinning heel kick. Blayze whips Nakano, who reveres but Blayze comes off the second rope with a spinning back elbow. Nakano whips Blayze into the corner again, Blayze tries to reverse it, but gets powerbombed for her trouble. Nakano throws Blayze to the mat by the hair a couple of times, which looks pretty good. Nakano with a couple of clubs to the back before slamming Blayze to the mat. Tag to Hakushi, which obviously brings in Bob Holly. Tie up in the centre of the ring, Hakushi powers Holly back into his corner. Nakano slaps Holly, which distracts Holly and allows Hakushi to roll him up, 1..2…NO! Shoulderbock by Holly. Off the ropes, Hakushi goes for a hip toss, but Holly reverses into a hip toss of his own. Tie up in the centre of the ring again, where Holly cranks the arm. Holly drops a leg across the arm of Hakushi, before applying an armbar on the mat. Hakushi gets back his feet and whips Holly into the corner, where he hit’s a cartwheel back eblow on Holly. Hakushi whips Holly into the opposite turnbuckle where he hit’s a beautiful running dropkick that sends Holly down. Bodyslam by Hakushi, followed by a Vader Bomb, cover, 1…2…NO! Snapmare from Hakushi who grabs a headlock in the centre of the ring. Holly quickly fits back to his feet and his an armdrag on Hakushi. Clothesline by Holly follows which knocks Hakushi down. Holly tags in Blayze. Blayze in and is met by a clothesline from Nakano. Nakano sends Blayze into the corner, and she flips to the outside, dropping Nakano’s throat across the top rope. Blayze goes for sunset flip, but Nakano sits on her, cover, 1..2…NO! Blayze back to her feet and catches Nakano with a hurricanrana, cover, 1…NO! Nakano clotheslines Blayze to the outside but she lands on her feet and grabs Nakano’s leg, tripping her to the mat. Blayze climbs up top and hit’s a front dropkick that sends Nakano to her corner, where she wisely tags out. The guys back in the ring, and tie up in the centre. Holly gains the advantage with a knee to the midsection, followed by a nice snap suplex, cover 1…2…NO! Holly whips Hakushi, who reverses, where Nakano trips Holly up. Blayze meets Nakano on the outside. Dropkick from Hakushi on the inside, cover, 1..2…NO! All four wrestlers in the ring, which ends up with Hakushi and Nakano shoved into each other sending them to the floor. Blayze and Holly both up top and hit a crossbody on their respective counterpart. Nice. This is fun. Shinjo distracts both Blayze and Holly, which allows Nakano and Hakushi to attack the faces from behind. Hakushi hit’s a springboard crossbody to the outside on Holly, but inside the ring Blayze ducks a clothesline and hits Nakano with a german suplex bridge, 1.…2.….3!! (7:10) The women weren’t legal, but that was still a lot of fun. Both women could go and both guys were more than capable in the ring. Blayze worked really hard in this one. Good stuff. ***

* Jimmy Del Ray w/ Jim Cornette & Tom Prichard vs. Bret Hart
We’ve got McMahon and Hendrix on commentary. This has the chance to be pretty good as well. Tie up in the centre of the ring to start which backs them into the corner. Del Ray shoves Bret away. Del Ray grabs a headlock, followed by a takedown. Bret grabs a head scissors and both guys are back to their feet. Bret knocks Del Ray down with a punch which he follows up with a headbunt to the midsection. Another tie up and Del Ray rings the arm, which is reversed by the Hitman. Del Ray goes for a heel kick, but Bret catches it and throws Del Ray to the mat. Bret applies an armbar on the mat. Back to their feet, Bret hits Del Ray with a shoulder block. Bret follows that up with a nice atomic drop and a clothesline. Bret with an armdrag and works the armbar again. Del Ray fights back to his feet and whips Bret off the ropes. Bret with a hiptoss followed by a couple of arm drags. Armbar again by the Hitman, but Del Ray battles up to his feet. Back in the corner, Del Ray hit’s a knee lift into the midsection. Del Ray reverses a whip in the corner and hit’s a nice back drop. Del Ray follows that up with some posing and a couple of elbows, cover, 1..2…NO! Del Ray picks Bret up and hit’s a scoop slam. Del Ray heading up to the top rope, moonsault, but Bret moves. Bret with a headbunt and a punch to the midsection. Russian legsweep by Bret, cover, 1…2…NO! Bret hits his signature backbreaker, followed by the second rope forearm drop, cover, 1…2…NO! Bret argues the count which allows Del Ray to regroup and hit a kick to the gut. Del Ray goes for a monkey flip, but Bret blocks it. Sharpshooter! Del Ray quickly taps out. (5:24) That was pretty good for the time given. I wish these two had another five or six minutes to work because what they had was nice. It basically seemed like the last 5+ minutes of a lengthy match. Was about as good as you can expect that amount of time. I was surprised by the lack of interference. **¾

* Stephanie Wiand introduces the next match as well after telling us that Bret Hart is a future Hall of Famer. She’s a rocket scientist! She does the Jeff Jarrett strut which makes me want to throw my remote at her.

* Allied Powers (British Bulldog & Lex Luger) vs. Jeff Jarrett & The Roadie
Stan Lane and Gorilla Monsoon join us again. Jeff Jarrett is the Intercontinental Champion here. At this point, the commentator let us know that Luger was the only person to slam Yokozuna up until now. They also go on to say that he probably couldn’t do it anymore with the extra 100 pounds or more that Yokozuna has gained. Jarrett tries to catch Bulldog from behind but he turns around. So we’ll get a traditional start with tie-up in the centre of the ring. Bulldog shoves Jarrett into the corner to show his power. Another tie-up which Jarrett wins with an arm drag. Another tie-up which Jarrett wins with a hip toss. Poor Davey Boy. Bulldog hit’s a couple of clotheslines before hitting a prolonged vertical suplex, cover, 1… NO! Roadie breaks it up. Gorilla even calls him the Road Dogg here. Never knew that. The Roadie tags in and kicks Davey Boy in the face, but that ends up with the Roadie getting taken down with a couple of hip tosses. Bulldog tags in Luger and they hit a double back elbow on Roadie, Luger covers, 1…2…NO! Luger cranks the arm but Roadie catches Luger with a knee to the midsection. Roadie whips Luger into the corner but gets caught with a foot to the face. Luger hit’s a hiptoss followed by an armdrag. Luger puts on a wristlock but gets caught with an elbow from the Roadie. Tag to Jarrett who comes in with some punches in the corner. Jarrett misses a back elbow and Luger slams Jarrett to the mat. Luger puts Jarrett in the Torture Rack, but The Roadie comes in to make the save by taken out Luger’s knee. Roadie tags in and hit’s a knee drop, cover, 1…2…NO! The commentators make fun of The Roadie’s experience for not going after the knee. I have to agree. Especially since his partners finishing hold is the Figure Four. Tag to Jarrett who whips Luger against the ropes, sunset flip attempt by Luger, 1…2..NO! Jarrett catches Luger with a clothesline followed by a couple of fist drops. Back up, Luger hit’s the ugliest looking face drop type thing I’ve ever seen. Absolutely ridiculous. Double clothesline knocks both guys down in the centre of the ring. Jarrett makes the tag to The Roadie and Luger gets the “hot” tag. Davey Boy cleans house with a few clotheslines on each guy, followed by suplex on The Roadie, cover, 1…2…NO! Jarrett makes the save. Luger knocks Jarrett to the outside while Davey Boy gets The Roadie into his signature powerslam, cover, 1…2.….3! (9:47) Not bad. It was decent enough, with the obvious issues that the announcers pointed out. Luger really was not motivated much at this point – or he just sucked. I’m not really sure. Davey Boy and Jarrett both looked pretty good though.

* M.O.M (Mabel & Mo) vs. The Smoking Gunns (Billy Gunn & Bart Gunn)
Lane and Monsoon join us again. The Gunns are upset with M.O.M for costing them the Tag Team Titles back when they actually meant something. The Gunns jump M.O.M to start off this bad boy. The Gunns duck clotheslines from M.O.M and each hit a dropkick. Mo goes to the outside, while the Gunns have to hit a second dropkick on Mabel to put him on the mat. Mabel heads to the outside to regroup . Mo and Billy start us off for real where Mo grabs the advantage early but runs into a bodyslam. Dropkick by Billy followed by an armdrag into an armbar in the centre of the ring. Billy makes the tag to Bart who kicks Mo in the arm. Bart cranks on the arm but Mo fires back with a club to the neck, which allows him to the make the tag. Mabel comes in with a couple of headbunts. Mabel knocks Bart down with a shoulder block, which puts Barts down to the mat. Bodyslam by Mabel. The crowd tries to get Bart back into it which he does with a couple of huge dropkicks. A moment later though, Bart gets caught in the corner with a splash by Mabel. He might be dead. Mabel sends Bart into the ropes where he meets a big boot. Tag to Mo who comes in with an axe handle to the back. Mo knocks Billy off the apron, which allows Mabel to come in without a tag. Mabel hit’s a couple of stomps on Bart, but he fights back with a fist to gut. Mabel comes back with a suplex-type move, which looks pretty good. Cover by Mabel, 1…2…NO! Mabel applies a chinlock in the closer to his corner, as Bart tries to feed energy off the crowd. Billy tries to get into the ring to break it up, but the referee stops him, allowing the heels to switch up in the chinlock. Mo tags back to Mabel, who applies a Bear Hug onto Bart. Bart fires back with a few elbows, but gets caught with a huge clothesline, cover, 1…2…NO! Mabel covers again, 1…2…NO! Tag to Mo, who comes in a headbunt. Mo now applies the Bear Hug as well. Too bad, the match wasn’t that bad up until this point. Bart makes the tag, but the referee doesn’t see it as he’s getting Mabel out of the ring. Illegal tag by M.O.M is allowed though, as Mabel sits on the head off Bart across the second rope. Mabel runs off the ropes and drops a running leg across the head of Bart on the rope. Ouch. Mabel then stands still on Bart’s chest. Tag to Mo, who comes in and irritates Billy on the outside which allows Mo to head back and choke Bart. Bart fires back with some more punches to the midsection, but Mo rakes his face. Bodyslam by Mo and another tag to Mabel who goes to the second rope. Mabel misses an elbow drop and takes a second to tag Mo, which allows Bart to make the hot tag to Billy! A few punches to both of the heels from Billy. The Gunns go to whip each member of M.O.M into one another, but Mo reverses sending Billy into Mabel. Mabel turns around and hit’s a huge clothesline on Bart, which sends him to the outside. Mo holds Billy in the corner while Mabel gains some steam to crush him, but Billy moves Mo in the way. Bart back in with a dropkick to the back of Mabel knocking him down, while Billy catches Mo in a small package, 1.…..2.……3!! (10:43) I expected the match to be a lot worse than it was. It wasn’t great, mind you, but it was fun enough. Basic tag formula. The restholds were a bit long in the middle, but not terrible. **

* Stephanie Wiand is back to introduce us to the tapes main event.

* Intercontinental Championship: Razor Ramon vs. Jeff Jarrett w/ The Roadie
Stan Lane and Monsoon join us for commentary. The Roadie is suspended in a cage above the ring for this one. Of course, The Roadie doesn’t want to get in the cage to start so Razor grabs a microphone and tells Jarrett that he’s carrying around his gold belt because of The Roadie. Razor calls on Jarrett, who is outside the ring, but The Roadie attacks him from behind. The Roadie holds Razor for Jarrett to hit a clothesline, but Razor ducks and The Roadie ends up in the cage. There’s no opening bell, so I’ll go with the moment the referee began to count Jarrett out at the start. Finally we get started, and Razor knocks Jarrett to the mat with a right hand, cover, 1…2…NO! Razor misses a clothesline, but hit’s a right hand, cover, 1..2…NO! Jarrett tries to kick Razor in the gut, but Razor catches it. Enziguri attempt by Jarrett, bur Razor ducks and hit’s a clothesline, cover, 1..2…NO! Razor goes for a back body drop, but Jarrett catches him with a swinging neckbreaker. Jarrett follows up with a couple of huge dropkicks. Razor goes for another back body drop, but Jarrett goes for a sunset flip. Razor counters and covers, 1…NO! Jarrett counters into a pinfall attempt now, 1…2…NO! Jarrett slows things down with a chinlock on Razor. Good start. Razor quickly fights back to his feet and gets a backslide, 1…2…NO! Jarrett back up and hit’s a spinning back elbow, 1…2…NO! Jarrett grabs the chinlock again. Razor fights back to feet and nails a back suplex. Razor stirs first and he makes a cover, 1…2.…..NO! Razor gets Jarrett into a side headlock, but Jarrett shoves Razor off into the referee, knocking him out. Both men are down to regroup. The Roadie lowers a rope down to Jarrett from the cage above, but Razor clocks Jarrett before he can use it. Razor wraps the rope around his hand as the referee gets back to his feet behind him. Razor goes to punch Jarrett, but the referee grabs Razor’s hand. Jarrett hits Razor with a punch, off the ropes and right into the Razor’s Edge! Razor hits it, but Jarrett hits so hard that he falls to the outside of the ring. Razor chases Jarrett to the mat with a double axe handle. Razor sends Jarrett into the guardrail as the bell rings for the double count-out. (6:17) Razor returns to the ring as the cage is being lowered and hit’s the Roadie with the Razor’s Edge. Jarrett comes back to the ring, but Razor throws both of them into the cage and orders for it to be sent back up. Pretty darn good match for the time restrictions. These two had some good matches against each other around this time, and this was no different. **1/2

* Stephanie Wiand thanks us for watching as the tape comes to an end.

The 411: Pretty damn fun tape. Nothing was unwatchable with the exception of the opening match which was kept short. The video had a lot of matches you wouldn’t see anywhere else. I really enjoyed the mixed-tag match, which surprised me. Nostalgia runs wild all over this tape and that’s always a good thing. This was a lot of fun, so I’ll give it the thumbs up.

Final Score: 7/10 (mostly for nostalgia)


Aug 2, 2005
Undertaker – He Buries Them Alive

· Your host is ‘The Million Dollar Man’ Ted DiBiase.

· DiBiase lets us know that he’s taking time out of his busy schedule to host this WWE Coliseum Video. DiBiase then lets us know that The Undertaker is one of the greatest superstars in the history of the WWE and that he should know, since he’s the one responsible for bringing The Undertaker to the WWE back at Survivor Series 1990.

· The Undertaker (w/ Paul Bearer) vs. The Undertaker (w/ Ted DiBiase)
This is from Summerslam 1994. Your hosts for this match are Jim Ross, Vince McMahon, and Jerry Lawler. Ted DiBiase’s impostor Undertaker was of course, Brian Lee who is better know as Chainz (Disciples of Apocalypse) later on his WWF career. In 2002, Lee would also go on to win the TNA Tag Team Championships with Slash. For reading purposes, I’m going to refer to the impostor Undertaker by his real name. I still can’t believe they thought this was the best match to start off the DVD with. The Undertaker’s entrance takes about 147 hours back in 1994 too, so new era wrestling fans, don’t think we had it any easier back then. The Undertaker gets us started with a kick to the mid-section of the Lee that doesn’t even come close to connecting. Lee comes off the ropes with a body block, but the Undertaker doesn’t budge. Then Lee just clocks the Undertaker with a few solid punches before whipping the Undertaker into the ropes. Lee gets hit with a clothesline for his troubles. The Undertaker sends Lee to the outside with a throat thrust. DiBiase distracts the Undertaker as Lee heads towards Paul Bearer, likely to get the urn. The Undertaker drags up to the apron and brings Lee back into the ring with a suplex. Lee does the trademark Undertaker sit-up, but gets thrown over the top rope. The Undertaker follows Lee to the outside and hits another throat thrust (Vince, it’s not a chop!). The Undertaker drags Lee back up to the apron but Lee reverses dropping Undertakers throat across the top rope. Lee back in, grabs Undertaker’s arm and starts to climb the turnbuckle. The Undertaker stops Lee through by throwing him off the top rope. Undertaker then shows Lee how its done as he climbs the turnbuckle and drops a forearm across the back of Lee. They proceed to botch a simple hot-shot spot before continuing with punches. Boring. Vince has a great line here “The capacity crowd in awe, they don’t know quite what to think.” I’ll let you have your own opinion here. Lee knocks Undertaker over with a clothesline before missing a jumping elbow drop. Undertaker hits a clothesline and then goes.. back to punches! OH MY GOD! The Undetaker goes for a running (sort-of) clothesline but Lee ducks sending Undertaker to the outside. Lee follows to the outside and slams Undertaker’s head off the steel steps. Back in the ring, and I’m just sitting here wondering who’s idea it was to make this the main event of Summerslam 1994. The Undertaker misses a clothesline and Lee hits a huge chokeslam. Lee hits The Undertaker with a tombstone piledriver but doesn’t even try to score the pinfall. Lee goes for another one, but The Undertaker reverses it into a jumping tombstone. The Undertaker picks Lee up and hits a second tombstone piledriver. The Undertaker hits a third tombstone piledriver and covers, 1…2…3! (9:10) Finally. DiBiase runs backstage as The Undertaker rolls Brian Lee into a cakset. Exciting. I think I can count on one hand the amount of wrestling moves used in the duration of that match. On the bright side, I think it’s impossible for the next match to be worse. 1/4*

· The Undertaker (w/ Paul Bearer) vs. Kwang (w/ Harvey Whippleman)
This is from an episode of RAW in 1994. Your hosts for this match are Vince McMahon and Randy Savage. Kwang is better known for his run as Savio Vega, about a year from the airing of this match. Kwang makes the first move heading towards the Undertaker but runs into a boot to the mid-section. Undertaker sends Kwang to the mat with a throat thrust before smashing Kwang’s head into the turnbuckle. The Undertaker whips Kwang into the ropes and ducks down, but Kwang hits him with a double karate chop. Of course, The Undertaker no sells and hits Kwang with a body slam. The Undertaker misses a jumping elbow drop and Kwang manages to capitalize with a kick to the jaw sending the Undertaker to the outside. The Undertaker climbs back onto the apron and Kwang meets him with a headbunt, before spitting his trademark mist into the air. The Undertaker drops Kwang’s throat across the top rope from the apron and Savage informs us that only the Undertaker would have that move in his arsenal. HA! Back in the ring and the Undertaker goes up top with Kwang’s arm cranked jumping off with his trademark forearm. OLD SCHOOL! Oh wait, this is 1994. The Undertaker chokes Kwang on the top rope. Okay, who’s the face here? Undertaker sends Kwang off the ropes and goes for a flying clothesline, but Kwang somersaults out of the way. Kwang hits the Undertaker with a baseball slide to send him out of the ring. CLIPPAGE! Probably for a commercial. Back in the ring, Kwang is still in control as he hits a double axe handle on the Undertaker. The two men exchange shots before Kwang high kick and clotheslines the Undertaker to the outside. The Undertaker lands on his feet though and climbs to the apron while Kwang poses in the ring. Kwang turns around and charges but the Undertaker grabs him by the throat and heads back into the ring. Whippleman distracts the referee and Kwang spits green mist into the fact of the Undertaker. Kwang goes to capitalize, but the Undertaker spits the green mist right back at Kwang. While blinded, Kwang is met with a chokeslam from the Undertaker who covers, 1…2…3! (5:17 shown) It was okay for a RAW match, especially with the limited time they had to work with. I’m sure Kwang had a longer heat segment during the tapings, but for what it we got, it was watchable. *1/2

· DiBiase apologizes to Kwang before introducing us to the next match, which closes the lid on one of the Undertakers biggest feuds at the time.

· Casket Match: The Undertaker (w/ Paul Bearer) vs. Yokozuna (w/ Mr. Fuji & Jim Cornette)
This is from an Survivor Series in 1994. Your hosts for this match are Vince McMahon and Gorilla Monsoon. Chuck Norris is the special guest enforcer. McMahon claims Yokozuna is over the 600lbs mark at this point. The Undertaker gains control but Yokozuna reverses a whip and hits a body splash in the corner. The Undertaker no sells, of course. The Undertaker hits Yokozuna with a throat thrust which sends to the big man to the outside on top of the casket. Yokozuna quickly gets off and rushes away to regroup. Yokozuna pulls the Undertaker to the outside but the Undertaker gains control by smashing Yokozuna’s head off the steel steps. Back in the ring, the Undertaker grabs Yokozuna with an arm crank and heads up the turnbuckle, flying off with a forearm smash to the back. Yokozuna doesn’t fall though. The Undertaker runs off the ropes but Yokozuna catches him with a Samoan drop. Yokozuna follows up with a series of headbunts that knock the Undertaker to the floor. Yokozuna tries to slide the Undertaker into the the casket to no avail. The Undertaker drops Yokozuna’s throat across the top rope, finally sending the big man to the ground. The Undertaker misses a jumping elbow drop, and Yokozuna hits a uranage (which makes me wonder if he taught Rocky how to do the Rock Bottom). Yokozuna follows up with a huge leg drop as the Undertaker was trying to sit up. Yokozuna pushes the Undertakers lifeless (HA!) body into the casket, but the Undertaker stops the lid from shutting. Undertaker brings Yokozuna into the casket with him as the both battle. The Undertaker takes the upper hand before Mr. Fuji grabs him. Undertaker knocks outs Cornette before getting back into the ring. Yokozuna takes control with a scoop slam. Yokozuna slams Undertakers skull off the steel steps from inside the ring. Nice. CLIPPAGE! King Kong Bundy comes towards the ring but Chuck Norris stares him down. Bam Bam Bigelow joins Bundy, but Norris doesn’t take a step back. Back in the ring, the Undertaker is about to slide Yokozuna into the casket but I.R.S. comes from the crowd nailing the Undertaker with a low blow. I.R.S. is a house of fire, nailing the Undertakers skull off multiple turnbuckles. I.R.S. follows that up with a sleeper and proceeds to throw the Undertaker in the casket. I don’t think Chuck Norris ever even noticed him. Yokozuna stumbles towards the casket to close it, but the Undertaker grabs Yokozuna by the throat. On the outside, Jeff Jarrett makes his way down but Chuck Norris levels him. In the ring, the Undertaker hits a flying clothesline followed by a jumping DDT. The Undertaker hits Yokozuna with a big boot sending him into the casket and slams it shut for the victory. (12:05 shown) As boring as the Undertaker was back then, I always enjoyed Yokozuna. Call it a guilty pleasure, but he was always entertaining. Match was a lot better than their effort from the Royal Rumble earlier in the year, but still nothing you need to see. *1/2

· The Undertaker (w/ Paul Bearer) vs. Jim ‘The Anvil’ Neidhart (w/ Owen Hart)
This is from an episode of WWF Superstars in 1994. Your hosts for this match are Vince McMahon and Jerry Lawler. We get some stalling to start, as the bell rings while Anvil and Owen are still talking on the outside. The Undertaker finally comes out to get some, but the Anvil quickly slides back in the ring. The Undertaker follows, but this allows Anvil to get the early advantage. Anvil ducks a clothesline attempt from the Undertaker but runs into a big boot. The Undertaker grabs Anvil by the arm and heads to the top rope coming off with a forearm to the back. The Undertaker sends Anvil to the mat with a short arm clothesline. The Undertaker goes for a jumping clothesline, but the Anvil ducks. Anvil hits a clothesline on the Undertaker sending him to the mat. The Undertaker gets back to his fet but Anvil hits him with a huge powerslam and covers, 1…2…NO! That was the first pin attempt of this collection that didn’t lead to a pinfall victory. Anvil with a blatant choke hold and follows up with a double axe handle on the Undertaker. Apparently Paul Bearer has left ringside. Anvil getting a lot of offense as he continues to pound on the Undertaker in the corner. Owen is on the outside telling the Undertaker to Rest In Peace. One of the greats. Anvil hits a throat thrust of his own, which sends the Undertaker down to a knee. The Anvil follows up with a nice suplex and covers, 1…2……NO! Anvil throws the Undertaker to the mat with a facebuster. Owen lets us know that the Anvil is awesome, while Paul Bearer returns to the ring with a casket (which appears to be the same one used at Survivor Series 1994). Back in the ring, the Anvil stomps on the Undertaker before hitting some elbow drops. The Anvil struts around the ring before continuing his assault on the Undertaker. The Anvil reverses an irish-whip, but the Undertaker springs off the ropes with a flying body block that sends Anvil to the mat. The Undertaker hits Anvil with a big boot, which sends Anvil into the casket on the outside. Anvil gets freaked and heads to the back with Owen, drawing the count-out. (6:02) Honestly, this surprised me a little. The Anvil was good in small doses (which is why he was a great tag team wrestler) and the match wasn’t long enough to expose the Undertakers lack of ability. *3/4

· Casket Match: The Undertaker (w/ Paul Bearer) vs. Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler
This is a Coliseum Video exclusive, likely taped sometime in 1994. Your hosts for this match are Stan Lane and Gorilla Monsoon. I’m going to assume this is a casket match, since their are two referees and both are on the outside of the ring beside the casket. The Undertaker walks towards Lawler, who quickly runs to the opposite side of the ring. The Undertaker and Lawler lock-up in the corner before the Undertaker manages to send Lawler to the mat with a right hand. Lawler quickly gets out of the ring to draw some heat. Jerry Lawler heads towards Paul Bearer, as the Undertaker follows him on the outside. Bearer takes off the lid of the urn shining a light into the eyes of Lawler. Stan Lane is unsure of how many watts it was. HA! I love Stan. Lawler stalls in the corner before heading to the outside. Lawer reaches into his tights and appears to have something in his hand. More stalling as the Undertaker whats for Lawler to get into the ring. Lawler gets onto the apron and the Undertaker walks over but its met with a fist full of something to the face. Lawler continues to use the foreign object as he punches the Undertaker multiple times back inside the ring. After a bunch of rights, Lawler puts the object back into his tights. Lawler grabs the Undertaker by the throat and asks for the casket to be opened. Lawler gets away from the grip and scampers to the outside of the ring, far away from the casket. Lawler is a great heel for the live crowd, no doubt. Lawler goes back into his tights and has something in his right hand again. Lawler pounds on the Undertaker with a bunch of rights. Lawler climbs up to the second rope and flies off with a right, staggering the Undertaker. Lawler does it again, this time knocking the Undertaker down to the mat. Lawler asks for the casket to opened and tries to toss the Undertaker inside to no avail. Lawler finally gets the Undertaker into the casket but can’t get the lid shut. The Undertaker climbs out of the casket and slams Lawler’s head into the top turnbuckle. Lawler back into his tights and grabs the foreign object, but the Undertaker blocks the punch. The Undertaker with a scoop slam and follows it up with a jumping elbow drop but misses. The Undertaker is back to his feet first though but Lawler manages to hit the Undertaker with a low blow. Lawler drags the Undertaker by his hair and tries to get the Undertaker back into the casket again to no avail. The Undertaker nails Lawler with the tombstone piledriver. The Undertaker struggles to get Lawler into the casket, but he finally gets him in and slams the lid shut for the victory. (7:47) This was just there. It didn’t kill me but that doesn’t mean it was good. Lawler was entertaining as a heel but he was a lot better for a live crowd than someone watching on tape or DVD. *

· DiBiase says he can’t imagine being wheeled off in a dark casket, especially because it’d wrinkle his suit. DiBiase lets us know that we we’re honoured to have him as the host and that he’ll see us all at the bank. DiBiase’s trademark laugh to end might possibly be the best part of the DVD.

The 411: Wow. I can honestly say that I will probably never watch this DVD again. Can't believe I spent my money on this DVD. Their are five matches on this collection and they average *1/4. Yikes. This is quite possibly the worst WWE Home Video ever produced and I beg for someone to prove me wrong... Actually, I don't because I don't want to sit through something worse than this. Thankfully it was only an hour in running time. Crazy to think this guy would go one to have two or three of the greatest matches in the history of the sport.

Final Score: 2/10


Registered User
Sep 13, 2007
Meltzers ratings for Jinders ppvs

  • Mahal vs. Orton: Money in the Bank (3.5)
  • Mahal vs. Orton: Battleground (0.75)
  • Mahal vs. Nakamura: SummerSlam (2.5)

M.C.G. 31

Damn, he brave!
Oct 6, 2008
Meltzers ratings for Jinders ppvs

  • Mahal vs. Orton: Money in the Bank (3.5)
  • Mahal vs. Orton: Battleground (0.75)
  • Mahal vs. Nakamura: SummerSlam (2.5)
I’m really wondering why you chose Jinder of all people and posted Meltzer’s ratings when the thread is for users to post their own ratings on any show.


Registered User
Apr 27, 2010
I enjoyed the reviews by Natey. Good stuff. I might post some reviews of my favourite matches, particularly those that are a bit underrated. Thinking of the Jericho-Benoit ladder match for instance.


RIP Fugu Buffaloed & parabola
Mar 27, 2008
Jericho/Benoit was the first ladder match I ever saw tbh.

First ladder match I ever saw was WM X. And the first ladder match I ever witnessed live was Summerslam 95. Yep. I attended Summerslam 95. I was 9 years old and it was awesome. HBK was my favorite.

When I was a kid.. 5* match. Now that I rewatched that PPV - 3.5/5. PPV.. 1/5.

M.C.G. 31

Damn, he brave!
Oct 6, 2008
Hell in a Cell -

Usos/New Day - ****1/2
Orton/Rusev - ***
Styles/Corbin/Dillinger - ***1/4
Natalya/Charlotte - **1/4
Nakamura/Mahal - *1/2
Roode/Ziggler - **1/2
Owens/McMahon - ***1/4


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