Advice: Skating Training


R.I.P. Thrashers
Mar 14, 2012
Is there a free or cost friendly way I could get a little faster and get my legs a little stronger. I want to be a better skater overall, I think it could help my game tremendously. Thanks!

The Sweetness

Registered User
Jul 15, 2010
Cost friendly? Besides ice time I don't think there will be any costs associated with training.

To get faster on the ice you need to improve your leg and core strength. I don't know what kind of shape you are in but if you are overweight then of course losing extra weight will help your speed.

But the best thing you can do is to work on your leg strength. Do plyometrics, lunges, squats (or even better power cleans, deadlifts, etc) and also start sprinting as well. Don't forget your core strength as it is surprisingly important in regards to speed. So work your stomach and lower back.


Registered User
Jan 26, 2012
if you can afford 20$ a month for a local gym itll do wonders for your skating.

without having seen you skate, itd be hard to specify a training regimen for you.

with beginners its usually balance and core strength.

if you cant afford anything id start with

wall squat: squatting position against a wall, hold for 1 minute, add heavy books or other objects to your lap for more challenge. 3 sets 30 second rest

lunges: this can be done outside in your yard. just lunge back and forth 10 sets or less if you have a giant yard

high jumps. if you have something that can be used as a box, great. but essentially do a small hop and then power into the second jump and raise your knees to your chest. try to do 10-15 of these 3 sets. 1 minute rest

one leg squats: if you have a couch rest one leg on the couch and squat to 90 degrees 3 sets of 10-15 each leg

bicycle crunch

plank 1 minute 3 sets

regular crunch

dead bug: this is a little more difficult. touch your elbow to its opposite knee and straighten the other leg. hold this position, slowly roll over onto your side and then reverse that to the other side. go until failure on each leg

flutter kicks

wind sprints: really just going max speed to a certain point as many times as you can

endurance run: add this in if you are also looking to shed some weight.

these are just a smattering of things you can do. if you get into a gym:

power cleans: hanging or olympic (go very light at first for form)

back squat/front squat


also in all of this, dont neglect your upper body.

hope this helps.


Is there a free or cost friendly way I could get a little faster and get my legs a little stronger. I want to be a better skater overall, I think it could help my game tremendously. Thanks!

Yea... but I got to admit its kind of funny that your asking such a question. I mean, its a really simple answer.

Be active, use your surroundings and be creative but intense.

You can work out in your own home, in your own bedroom. Start off by simply doing a bunch of push ups, sit ups, squats. A lot of it.

You can get out of the house, and use your lawn or a neighborhood park. Find a playground and make use of those tools. Go to a local woods or state park and make use of the trails, hills and dirt. Go to the beach for the sand, waves and water. Or your pool if any or community pool to do laps and hydrolic work outs.

Hydrolic workouts are one of my favorites. No where near as demanding on the joints and bones as weights are... yet still very restsitive and allows you to strengthen, condition but also work on your reaction and flexibility. Kicks in the water, flys, tread water, laps etc etc etc!

You do not need to go to a gym to do any sort of workout. Weight training is beneficial in many ways but there are plenty of pro athletes who limit their weigh training or once use to never use it until they reached the pros. Make use of your surroundings, learn about plyometrics and simple work out routines. And sprints!

You want to get faster? Well get ready to do a lot of sprints, core work outs, running, stairs and agility work. You dont need any tools besides yourself to work on it.

Mix up your environment for fun and for challenges. Like i said, use a park or woods or track and field. Also, go to the beach or use a pool. Basically free...


Set aside sometime a week to go to a local roller rink if any and do some work there.

As a quick thought,

I would set aside the first 15 minutes of warm ups and dynamic stretching. Do some jogging back and forth, rotating in some high knees, touch your ankles, kareoke swings, quick feet etc. Do some kicks, some punches and some jumps to break a sweat and raise your heart rate.

Use the next 20 minutes or so to do sprints. Start off with full rink sprints. take 15 second break in between. Do it like 3-5x. Then do 1 or 2 full rink sprints, touch the boards and back with 20-30 second breaks. Then do forward sprints touching your blue line and back. Do it like 3-5x. Maybe mix in forward and back sets or touch the line and run backwards.

Do some side way sprinting as well. Face one direction and sprint sideways to the red line and back. 3x.

Mix it up. Sprint to red line. Side way shuffle to the opposite boards and sprint forward or back idk... make it fun

My rink has benches... do some jumps on them. single and/or both legs. 3 sets of 10.

Mix in some push ups or bear crawls.

Do a full rink size lung set. Try it again if you can..

Then if you have roller blades, put them on and do skill work. Work on stationary shooting from differ angles. Coming down a wing and shooting. Get some plastic bottles and work on accuracy passing or saucer passes.

If you dont have a roller rink... go to a schools playground and do what I just said using imagination. Imagine a full rink size. Use a wall for your shooting.

After that, finish off with crunches and ab work out. Maybe add in back stuff like supermans and back extensions.

And what a great day.


If you have some cash to use,

$10 monthly pass for planet fitness. Has free weight dumbbells, has some solid machines, has benches but there hooked up as a machine. A lot of treadmills and bikes... Always one available when i use to go, and most of their clients are people who use them so the weights are always free lol.

24/7... and the price... you cant beat that.

So if you wnt to add in some weight lifting

I would say though to truly minimize if not get rid of machines from your workouts... I would say the same with treadmills and bikes. If you want to run or bike... go outside and do it.

Depending on your age... If you under 16 yrs old, I would say stay away from weights. People undervalue what natural workouts can do for you...


Cost friendly? Besides ice time I don't think there will be any costs associated with training.

To get faster on the ice you need to improve your leg and core strength. I don't know what kind of shape you are in but if you are overweight then of course losing extra weight will help your speed.

But the best thing you can do is to work on your leg strength. Do plyometrics, lunges, squats (or even better power cleans, deadlifts, etc) and also start sprinting as well. Don't forget your core strength as it is surprisingly important in regards to speed. So work your stomach and lower back.

Exactly... You want to be lean. The more lean you are, the faster YOU will be. Less baggage for you to carry in terms of speed, acceleration and agility.


HFBoards Sponsor
Jul 5, 2006
Somerville, MA
with the exception of an agility ladder and jump rope, the above suggestions cover the important dry land training options. also consider the hockey-specific stuff like slide boards or russian boxes. they all assume that your edge work and stride are good, though. if not, that's something you should focus on first, tho not to the exclusion of training. a slide board is great to work on consistently good (90 degree) knee bend and triple flexion (hip, knee, ankle) to get the most out of your stride. a power skating class would also be recommended. if you are self-motivated, there are a lot of good videos on the web that can give you direction, tho of course, having an expert there to examine your technique is ideal at some point at least.

if you don't want to spend money on an expensive slide board, you can build one from melamine and a couple of 2x4"s for < $20. it's a good workout as well.
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