Advice: Skating tips/drills for 22 year old beginner

Captain Serious 19

Registered User
Apr 8, 2013
I have been skating since March and playing as much as I can. I just finished up an adult beginners league and had 9 goals/11 assists in 12 games. When I play pick up hockey I am completely outclassed though. I have a good shot and can handle the puck well, but my skating is not nearly where it needs to be. What drills can I do to get better in game situations? My right side isn't nearly as good as my left and I have trouble turning and stopping on it quickly. I played competitive golf my whole life so getting into playing hockey is a great experience. Any help would be much appreciated. I will work hard and understand that skating a couple hours a week is not going to cut it.


Registered User
Jan 25, 2013
Enroll in some power skating classes if you are able to. Start with the basics, C cuts, crossovers, and forward/backward transitions


Registered User
Sep 9, 2011
Edge drills as much as you can take. The better you are on your edges, the better everything else will be. Make sure you're working on both the inside and the outside, on both legs.

I second the power skating idea too, they'll help you with your stride which should, in turn, help you balance out your right side's deficiencies. You'll get there!

Cursed Lemon

Registered Bruiser
Nov 10, 2011
Dey-Twah, MI
Strength is a huge, huge issue when talking about hockey ability. If you haven't been on your ice-legs too long, you won't have a hope of putting up numbers against people who have been playing ever since they could walk. The muscles you attain playing hockey all your life are muscles that never really go away, but they also take a long time to develop as well.

With that in mind, strength is what makes skating "easy". All of the shifty maneuvers that you want to be able to do come from your simple physical ability to pull them off. I guess my point here is that the longer you skate, the stronger you'll get, and you'll find that these quick and graceful skating movements will come to you more or less naturally.

There is a large element of knowing your own balance as well. Once you get up there in speed, just try to see what the limits of actual skating are; how far you can lean into a turn and how quickly you can make it, how quickly you can stop, whether a wider or narrower stance is better for what you're doing at any given time, etc. Being a good skater comes from experimenting on your feet.


Registered User
Jun 6, 2009
Every practice I had as a kid started with russian circles. Forwards and backwards. Then we did it with pucks.

Last two drills, we'd line up in the corner and make our way up the ice in a Z pattern. One doing tight turns and the next would be full stops at each faceoff dot. These drills force you to use all edges on both feet.

Do this and you'll figure out how to skate quickly. Adult camp and power skating clinics never hurt either.


Registered User
Apr 7, 2010
I think power skating schools and skating instruction is you're best bet. It's hard to learn how to really skate playing in an adult league or at a pickup session when you're focusing mainly on the game going on. I know a few guys that started at about your age (and older). They have been playing about 3-4 years now and can hold there own in games but the skating is still rough, sloppy and unorthodox. Knowing how to control you're edges and just how far you can push them is very important...It's also alot easier when you're younger more limber and the idea of falling or being embarrassed doesn't cross you're mind! LOL.


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