WJC: Report: Refs told Swedes to skip handshakes

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Novak Djokovic

#24 and counting... #GOAT
Dec 10, 2006
I think it's time to ignore Nordic. He's the biggest homer on this boards. And as for the refs, he's been complaining about it for years.

Canada has won five straight gold medals in this tournament without the help of the refs. Guess who got more powerplays last year in the Gold Medal game?

Where is STHLM? I'm surprised he hasn't showed up to complain about Canadian/American hockey.


Le Sex God
Aug 3, 2006
Surrey, BC
I have the solution to the problem with the cheating, dirty Canadians.

The Europeans should have a tournament by themselves and here in North America we can have a 7 game USA-Canada series.

Actually, I'd prefer it, as the Americans are really our number 1 rival these days.



Registered User
Nov 22, 2008
Fredericton, N.B.
I appreciate your honesty.

No problem.

After all, we all know that series are rigged in the favour of the team with the highest number of powerplay chances. I can't wait for Philadelphia's run to the cup!

P.S. To fuel the conspiracy theories:

2009 WJC Team Stats: http://stats.iihf.com/Hydra/172/IHM172100_84_1_0.pdf
2008 WJC Team Stats: http://stats.iihf.com/Hydra/142/IHM142100_84_2_0.pdf
2007 WJC Team Stats: http://www.iihf.com/Hydra/Tournamen.../data/iihf/output/xml/96/IHM096100_84_1_0.pdf

I couldn't find anything earlier offhand. Sorry!

Edit: And I agree -- if it was the ref's call, that should be announced a little more prominently instead of being reported by a player. It's the least the refs could do for Sweden after rigging the game for Canada!

Fantasy Billionaire

Feel The Heat
Jun 22, 2009
I'm so sick of people moaning after there team loses. How about your team lossed because they were outplayed. Not because of refs or the full moon.

It is one thing to be bitter but stupid is another story.
Do refs make bad calls? Sure they do. It happens at every level and in every league of every sport.


Registered User
Oct 24, 2009
I'm so sick of people moaning after there team loses. How about your team lossed because they were outplayed. Not because of refs or the full moon.

It is one thing to be bitter but stupid is another story.
Do refs make bad calls? Sure they do. It happens at every level and in every league of every sport.

Wait, what?
I though this thread was about bashing classless swedes and ignore the explanations as to why they left the ice.

Harry Kakalovich

Registered User
Sep 26, 2002
Both teams were dirty

This is it.

Team Sweden is actually much bigger than Team Canada, and they play really physical. They will intimidate a lot of teams, and may intimidate Team Canada next time the teams play.

The Team Swedish players are like super tough and nasty. I hope they don't forget their skill again if there is a rematch, but Team Sweden is definitely a really imposing team.

Team Canada has (traditionally) a reputation, but it's the players and not the country that make up the team. All this nationalist crap is a waste of time. These are just teenagers playing hockey. There were cheap shots and machismo all over that ice. It has nothing to do with where players were born.


Canadian referees in Canada´s international game in Canada? Classic... :laugh:

Hey - if you want IIHF refs for exhibition games, then maybe you people complaining can pony up the dough to pay for them to come over early. Get your cheap ass hockey federations to pay for it - good luck with that! :laugh:

Otherwise shut your complaining mouths up. They were Canadian refs because no other were available. Bring your own frigging refs next time you whiny *****es - we don't care.

I bet the exhibition games in sweden were with swedish refs - who ****ing cares???


Registered User
May 16, 2005
Thats basically due to the definition of a "clean hit" differs between NA and Europe.

A lot of clean hits that are not penalized in the NHL would be a boarding in European leagues.

There is a gap in the officiating causing most of the discussions during international tourneys. The officiating might be unbiased but because of the level one team (or rather their fans) will feel screwed.

Well spoken, Bruce! :handclap:


Modo Hockey
Dec 12, 2009
The Team Swedish players are like super tough and nasty. I hope they don't forget their skill again if there is a rematch, but Team Sweden is definitely a really imposing team.

You got it.
In the last tournaments, where Sweden has played agianst Canada in the finale, have pretty much all focus been on how dirty and unfair Canada plays. I hope that they will concentrate on their own game this year.



Try not to soil yourselves when we kick your *****, fair and square... again.


Modo Hockey
Dec 12, 2009
Oh please.
Some people here are whining about that it's "unclassy" not to shake hands. How classy are we acting on this board right now then?


Registered User
Oct 7, 2006
The more I read this thread the more I'm leaning to the conclusion that local canadian homers are in fact one person.

It's the woman that I know, she's an alright person, but in arguments she gets completley stupid and unreasonable.

Who's whining about Sweden's loss? Who once again I ask you? Nobody is doing that. All the "whining" about this game comes to Cormier's hit. That's all. Nobody is whining about the refs, if somebody does that's an exception.

Now about handshake. Rodin is a "frustrated"? WTF? Who told you so? It's not logical people. There could have been only 2 ways for Team Sweden to avoid this handshake stuff. Either because coaching staff told them or because refs told them. Maybe you in Canada think that swedes are ruled by a Superbrain somwhere near Stockholm, and all swedes think like each other but in fact there are 20 different guys and they couldn't leave the ice just because they are "frustrated".

And as for you Swedes complaining about the "bias" reffs, suck it up. If Sweden had been winning you wouldn't be complaining. So unlike your hockey team try and show some respect for the team that has been continuously beating you.
Oh, Great and Almighty Canadian! We, humble europeans thank you for the lessons you are giving us! We are not worthy. Now we gonna stick up to agriculture or smth. Hockey is for Canadians! Thank you once again. Oh, as you required: RESPECT!

Feel better now?


Registered User
Dec 8, 2006
Hey - if you want IIHF refs for exhibition games, then maybe you people complaining can pony up the dough to pay for them to come over early. Get your cheap ass hockey federations to pay for it - good luck with that! :laugh:
Just get someone with no Canadian or Swedish passport to ref the game. It can´t be that hard? It does not have to be one of the refs of the tournament.

Otherwise shut your complaining mouths up. They were Canadian refs because no other were available. Bring your own frigging refs next time you whiny *****es - we don't care.
It is hosting country´s job to solve the officials. It should not be a problem because YOU HAVE WON THIS TOURNAMENT 5 TIMES IN A ROW -WHICH IS UNBELIVEBLE.

I bet the exhibition games in sweden were with swedish refs - who ****ing cares???
I would say exactly the same thing if that was the case. International games should always have ref from 3rd country.


Registered User
Dec 17, 2008
That's the whole point.

You don't need the refs to help you out, yet they do in every single tournament - both junior and senior.

I have never seen an international game where Canada has gotten screwed by the refs, but I see the other way around all the time.

Last finals, Canada had more penalties.
Canada-US Womens Final 2002, btw.

Schenn Him

Registered User
Mar 19, 2008
I don't understand the fuss about the handshakes. If they decided against handshakes, that's fine, but there were repeated announcements asking the teams to line up at the blue lines for the player of the game awards. Sweden's captain kind of circled back, and Markstrom was still on the bench, but when they saw no one was joining them - they left.

I didn't see either team make any attempt at a handshake line. Team Canada never even looked like they were trying to line up at center ice and were snubbed. They had left the ice for the most part and also had to be called back for the POTG presentations.

They (Sweden) could have easily skipped the handshake line, but why they couldn't be bothered to line up for the post game presentations is beyond me.

Also, I've seen chippier games than this end with a handshake line and there were no brawls. It doesn't say much for the refs opinion of the players and coaches if he thought they were going to scrap.


Poster Excellont
Feb 19, 2007
I'll give you a proper translation (but most of you probably get the idea from the badly translated version above).

Efter matchen lämnade det svenska laget isen utan att tacka sina motståndare.
Det mötte starka reaktioner i Kanada men var enligt den svenska truppen ett rent missförstånd.
– Det blev brÃ¥k efter slutsignalen och domaren sa Ã¥t oss att Ã¥ka av isen för att det var grinigt. SÃ¥ var det tydligen inte, säger Anton Rödin.

After the game the team left the ice without thanking their opponents.
That met with strong reactions in Canada but according to the Swedish squad it was a pure misunderstanding.
- There was fighting after the final whistle and the ref said to us that we should leave the ice due to the bad mood. Apparently that wasn't the case, says Anton Rödin.


i apologize for "badly translating" but nobody else had attempted and since i speak english and italian i put it in some crappy google translator thing. i didnt want to paraphrase or change words, just copy and paste and thats what i got.
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