GDT: Peoria Rivermen @ OKC Barons, Tuesday 12/11 6PM MDT


Flames Suck
Dec 28, 2006
Back to the Sweat Box
okay guys, so i found a silver living for us for this ahl debacle and the NHL lockout. I personally think the team isn't that bad, we will pick it up when we need to.

AS for the nhl, the good news is, we only need to suck for a half a season to pick up a high draft pick. and if Drouin ends up being no.1 overall, that could potentially leave us with mackinnon or Seth Jones, who we both still desperately need.

And if we do succeed when the lockout comes back, then playoffs!

The main reason I want the lockout to end is so that we get another top 5-10 pick. If we are locked out all year and draft 30th that would suck something fierce.

Not looking to stir the pot.....but really a genuine question.

When is enough going to be enough for the Oilers? You already have a stable that most would kill for, but yet it seems that you want/need more.

When does this end? I know that there has always been "disappointment" with Tambo/Lowe, but there always seemed to be a plan in place, albeit a lengthy one. Is this plan not playing out or is it just a matter of wanting more. I suppose it becomes quite addictive to gather the talent you have??

Again, I'm just looking for insight from the fan base.


Aug 8, 2005
What stage is Nelson going to be held accountable here? I have not been a fan of his throughout the majority of this year. It seems as though we are being out-coached and out-systemed repeatedly.

How in the name of God does a team with this much talent lose 5 in a row?

I say Nelson needs a "please explain" phone call from Tambo and crew.

Kinda obvious actually... Barons has had the same coach since it started...There are two options here.

1st, the "NHL" players are stuck in the gamesystem that was Tom Renney and cant adapt...

2nd, too much too soon... the "top dogs" are being outperformed by a defenseman...


Knob Flavored Coffey
Aug 20, 2009
Not looking to stir the pot.....but really a genuine question.

When is enough going to be enough for the Oilers? You already have a stable that most would kill for, but yet it seems that you want/need more.

When does this end? I know that there has always been "disappointment" with Tambo/Lowe, but there always seemed to be a plan in place, albeit a lengthy one. Is this plan not playing out or is it just a matter of wanting more. I suppose it becomes quite addictive to gather the talent you have??

Again, I'm just looking for insight from the fan base.

There is no reason why the Oilers should be in Jones/MacKinnon territory if the season is played, i don't know why some Oiler fans think this.
I'm pretty sure that most Oiler fans are hoping/expecting the Oilers to make a sizeable jump in the standings next season, anything less would be completely unacceptable.
A team with Hall, RNH, Eberle, Yakupov, Gagner, Hemsky, Smid, Petry, Whitney, Schultz's should be vastly improved. If anything, this lockout should help that cause with the young players coming in more experienced whenever the NHL starts up again.
I'm not expecting playoffs but there's no reason why this team can't at least make a push for one of the final playoff spots.


Something in the water
Feb 20, 2006
Kinda obvious actually... Barons has had the same coach since it started...There are two options here.

1st, the "NHL" players are stuck in the gamesystem that was Tom Renney and cant adapt...

2nd, too much too soon... the "top dogs" are being outperformed by a defenseman...

3rd option. The "top dogs" are performing just fine. Eberle is 2nd in league scoring, Hall has 19 points in 15 games and Schultz is the most dominant d-man the AHL has seen in years. Unfortunately thats about where it ends. The actual prospects on the team are massively underwhelming producing next to nothing with the excpetion of a couple. The Baron's strength over the past two seasons, strong veteran AHL players, has become a weakness. The defense is painfully inexperienced and/or just plain bad. The oldest healthy d-man on the team right now is Taylor Fedun at the age of 24.

The AHL is a development league yes, but it absolutely is not a league for kids. You look at any successful AHL team and you will find a team that has experienced professional veterans playing in key support roles, especially at defense.


Checked out
Apr 15, 2005
What stage is Nelson going to be held accountable here? I have not been a fan of his throughout the majority of this year. It seems as though we are being out-coached and out-systemed repeatedly.

How in the name of God does a team with this much talent lose 5 in a row?

I say Nelson needs a "please explain" phone call from Tambo and crew.

Nothing could be more patently obvious that the team doesn't get instruction on how properly setup a PP with 5mins left and one goal down. That whole PP was an out of sync joke with nobody timing the rush, nobody hanging onto a puck to effect gaining blueline in sync, and none of the forwards even realizing that they were out of position, not in time, and were approaching opposition end one or two at a time and being outmanned. With no puck support to hold the line and starting all over.

Then Nelson pulls a time out minutes later after the game is pretty much blown. It was obvious the club was confused and blowing the PP chance which was a big chance to tie. Equally interesting that the Barons barely touched the puck after the timeout and looked even more disorganized. Basically chasing puck until Rivermen got the inevitable empty net goal.

What pains me specifically is I noted how often the kids were not responsive to coaching last year and the results obtained the few times they did play to script.

This is some of the same players being fairly immune to coaching and I don't imagine Nelson gets a lot of regard from these star players.

That Schultz is hands down the best player on this team, has the most pts, generates the most offense, says a lot about how inconsistent the coaching is in this org. I worry what happens when Schultz fallsback to the indifferent commitment to detail that is so part of this org.

The saddest thing is we could be seeing the best Schultz year before he stucks in the usual mire.


Pray For Ukraine
Sep 13, 2004
I find it interesting that the Barons were dominating the 2 previous seasons...

Well they had Omark, and we all know that Omark was the reason that they were so good. Omark >>> RNH, Hall, Schultz, and Eberle.

What stage is Nelson going to be held accountable here? I have not been a fan of his throughout the majority of this year. It seems as though we are being out-coached and out-systemed repeatedly.

How in the name of God does a team with this much talent lose 5 in a row?

I say Nelson needs a "please explain" phone call from Tambo and crew.

IMO besides the whole "the defense sucks donkey" part, IMO his bench management has not changed much from last year, he still rolls 4 lines for the most part while right now he should be relying more heavily on the 1st and 2nd lines. Our 4th line isn't very physical, has no real prospects of note on it, and should be getting less ice than it has been getting IMO.

Not looking to stir the pot.....but really a genuine question.

When is enough going to be enough for the Oilers? You already have a stable that most would kill for, but yet it seems that you want/need more.

When does this end? I know that there has always been "disappointment" with Tambo/Lowe, but there always seemed to be a plan in place, albeit a lengthy one. Is this plan not playing out or is it just a matter of wanting more. I suppose it becomes quite addictive to gather the talent you have??

Again, I'm just looking for insight from the fan base.

We could still use toughness with skill, a top pairing D, and a 2C with strength, physicality, and skill. Even though we've added the guys that we have it doesn't mean that we are a finished product. I expect us to be a playoff caliber team in '13-14, but a bottom 5-12 team in '12-13 if there is a season. Through it all we are still not the best market at attracting UFA's and such so the draft will continue to be a key for us even when we eventually become a good team.

A true tamby team haha

You don't think that most AHL coaches wouldn't be chomping at the bit to coach this club? Yes we have some deficiencies but most AHL coaches will never coach a single player as good as one of our big 4 is.


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