Patrick Kane subject of police investigation IV [READ MOD OP]

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TBL Stanley Cup Champs 2020 2021
Jul 8, 2014
So if I'm too drunk to realize I shouldn't drive, and I drive home, does that give me a free pass if I get pulled over and arrested for a DWI? I mean, after all, I was just too drunk to realize I shouldn't be driving.

Why does a woman get a pass if she is too drunk to consent to sex or not, while EVERYONE ELSE that does things while drunk, are held responsible.

I have a great idea. If you don't want random guys to have sex with you when you're completely hammered, DON'T GET COMPLETELY HAMMERED.

Crazy, right?

Driving while drunk is an action that you are performing. Getting raped is an action that is performed by another person on you. There is a very obvious difference.

Also your victim blaming is complete ********. If you got raped by a man while drunk I doubt you'd be in here saying that it was your own fault for drinking. Or that you should have assumed you'd get raped because you were drinking while men were around. Why is the standard suddenly different because the victim is a woman ?

In my opinion, if you are too ****ing drunk to say NO, I DON'T WANT TO HAVE SEX WITH YOU, well, sorry, life sucks. Next time don't drink so much.

Well never mind. I won't waste my time with someone who blames me for my own rape.


Registered User
Mar 18, 2010
Chicago, IL
Frankly, if the guy in your example was truly that wasted, he'd be drooling on the floor, not dragging the woman somewhere private, removing garments and getting down to business.

I doubt prisons are full of guys who drunkenly had sex and can't remember what happened...

I've been completely wasted a couple of times where I had sex, and didn't even remember it the next day... While being fully functional, according to my partner. As have many, many people.


Sep 28, 2010
Rhode Island
I've been completely wasted a couple of times where I had sex, and didn't even remember it the next day... While being fully functional, according to my partner. As have many, many people.

You can;t consent when drunk, you were raped. File charges please.


Registered User
Dec 13, 2006
Frankly, if the guy in your example was truly that wasted, he'd be drooling on the floor, not dragging the woman somewhere private, removing garments and getting down to business.

I doubt prisons are full of guys who drunkenly had sex and can't remember what happened...

so only men drool drunk on the floor?

I have seen plenty of women young and older doing the same....

do rapes happen? yes and both men and women are perps and both should be held accountable the EXACT same way but alas they are not....

do rapes happen when both parties are so SMASHED that neither can consent or figure out what consent is.......NOPE rape does not exist in this scenario....

will have to see what comes of this case


Registered User
Mar 27, 2014
In my opinion, if you are too ****ing drunk to say NO, I DON'T WANT TO HAVE SEX WITH YOU, well, sorry, life sucks. Next time don't drink so much.

Going a little far there don't you think... I mean... if the individual is passed out, would that be your response for if another individual walks by and decides to have their way with them while they are unconscious?


Sep 28, 2010
Rhode Island
Put the whole Kane incident aside. I'm talking about this hypothetical. If a wasted man and woman have sex then why would the man be considered a rapist? Why not the woman. It just perpetuates the idea of female inferiority that they need to be "protected" from scary men.


Registered User
Mar 18, 2010
Chicago, IL
Driving while drunk is an action that you are performing. Getting raped is an action that is performed by another person on you. There is a very obvious difference.

Also your victim blaming is complete ********. If you got raped by a man while drunk I doubt you'd be in here saying that it was your own fault for drinking. Or that you should have assumed you'd get raped because you were drinking while men were around. Why is the standard suddenly different because the victim is a woman ?

Well never mind. I won't waste my time with someone who blames me for my own rape.

The point is being too drunk to think rationally. You can't just go out and get completely blitzed, do whatever you want, and get a take back the next day when you sober up. Life doesn't work that way for anything else. Why should it be different for a woman and having sex? I'm not blaming women at all. Rape is pretty cut and dry to me. If she says NO. STOP. I DON'T WANT TO HAVE SEX. It's rape. If she got herself so drunk she isn't capable of deciding one way or the other, or saying no, and the guy is just as drunk? Next time be more responsible...and don't drink so much...


Master of my Domain
Jul 8, 2003
I can't I live in Canada

and may I ask why is it the mans responsibility?

why are the females not held responsible?

I will tell you why, cause its sexist...

What if it's two guys and the invitee is hetero and the inviter is not? Takes on a whole different vibe now doesn't it?

Juicy Pop

Apr 26, 2014
Scranton, PA
Put the whole Kane incident aside. I'm talking about this hypothetical. If a wasted man and woman have sex then why would the man be considered a rapist? Why not the woman. It just perpetuates the idea of female inferiority that they need to be "protected" from scary men.

I don't think that the man is necessarily the rapist, even if it seems to be the assumption.

If both are unable to give consent and one initiates an action upon the other that requires consent, then I'd figure that the initiator is at fault. You're still responsible for your 'own actions' after all, even if you can't give consent.

If it happens to be the man, he is at fault. If it happens to be the woman, she is at fault.

Edit: Adding that I'm just laying out a scheme for a situation in which there is clear evidence. For all I know a court may find reason to believe no party is at fault.
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Registered User
Mar 18, 2010
Chicago, IL
Going a little far there don't you think... I mean... if the individual is passed out, would that be your response for if another individual walks by and decides to have their way with them while they are unconscious?

Obviously passed out is an ENTIRELY different scenario... But if both people are conscious...yeah. My point stands.


Sep 28, 2010
Rhode Island
I don't think that the man is necessarily the rapist.

If both are unable to give consent and one initiates an action upon another that requires consent, then I'd figure that the initiator is at fault. You're still responsible for your 'own actions'.

If it happens to be the man, he is at fault. If it happens to be the woman, she is at fault.

If you really have to blame someone...


Master of my Domain
Jul 8, 2003
The point is being too drunk to think rationally. You can't just go out and get completely blitzed, do whatever you want, and get a take back the next day when you sober up. Life doesn't work that way for anything else. Why should it be different for a woman and having sex? I'm not blaming women at all. Rape is pretty cut and dry to me. If she says NO. STOP. I DON'T WANT TO HAVE SEX. It's rape. If she got herself so drunk she isn't capable of deciding one way or the other, or saying no, and the guy is just as drunk? Next time be more responsible...and don't drink so much...

Shouldn't that apply to both of them? Shouldn't the guy be responsible enough to make sure consent has occurred?


Registered User
Mar 18, 2010
Chicago, IL
Isn't that common sense though? I figured it would be. Drunk or not, if the woman/man isn't conscious....yeah. Pretty cut and dry, again.


TBL Stanley Cup Champs 2020 2021
Jul 8, 2014
The point is being too drunk to think rationally. You can't just go out and get completely blitzed, do whatever you want, and get a take back the next day when you sober up. Life doesn't work that way for anything else. Why should it be different for a woman and having sex? I'm not blaming women at all. Rape is pretty cut and dry to me. If she says NO. STOP. I DON'T WANT TO HAVE SEX. It's rape. If she got herself so drunk she isn't capable of deciding one way or the other, or saying no, and the guy is just as drunk? Next time be more responsible...and don't drink so much...

Well that's a completely different and very specific circumstance that's very far removed from "too bad if you're drunk and get raped" which is what you actually said. Also the laws on consent have been posted for multiple states in this thread. Please backread. You obviously need the information.


Registered User
Mar 27, 2014
Put the whole Kane incident aside.

Pretty sure that was done back in part 1 :sarcasm:

I'm talking about this hypothetical. If a wasted man and woman have sex then why would the man be considered a rapist? Why not the woman. It just perpetuates the idea of female inferiority that they need to be "protected" from scary men.

Because it has somehow become PC to treat women like children who need to be constantly protected by and looked after by men. Luckily many women have a stronger sense of equality than that.


Registered User
Mar 18, 2010
Chicago, IL
Shouldn't that apply to both of them? Shouldn't the guy be responsible enough to make sure consent has occurred?

Why is it his responsibility to make sure consent has occurred? How many times have you had sex where the women VERBALLY AGREED? Come on.


Registered User
Mar 27, 2014
Isn't that common sense though? I figured it would be. Drunk or not, if the woman/man isn't conscious....yeah. Pretty cut and dry, again.

So many people have come through here with wildly different opinions, who knows what ideas are going to be tossed out next. Any other time, ya I would have assumed you meant as much.
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