- Hockey MMO


Registered User
Sep 12, 2017
Riga, Latvia
Ever wanted to play hockey MMO on the computer? Control your own player and build your career? Own a team? Not afraid of challenges? Then fear not - the only PC hockey MMO is for you. is a multiplayer ice-hockey game. You need nothing more than a computer, monitor, mouse and a web browser. Each player except goalkeepers is human-controlled; one person controls just one player. The game itself is very difficult and challenging, so advice is to not give up early, it is not that easy as it may look.

You can play by clicking the "Play hockey" link above, but before that I suggest you to register, and don't forget to confirm the e-mail(NOTE: e-mail confirmation might be sent to your 'Spam' box). Also note that if you are outside Finland, your network speed and quality might become an issue, thats why there are 3 different servers, you can change them by pressing 'Settings' button on bottom right corner, then change server from Finland to USA or Germany, afterwards press 'Connect'.(NOTE: the most active server is located in Finland, you can meet a bunch of non-Finnish people there.)

You take control of one player. Players names are printed above them. All other players are controlled by another human player except goalkeepers, which are computer-controlled.
Your player continuously follows the mouse pointer. The pointer is crosshair shaped on the palyfield. Move the pointer where you want to skate.
Mouse button functions depend on whether you have the puck under your control or not, as follows:
⦁ While controlling the puck:
⦁ Left button: shoot towards the crosshair
⦁ Right button: pass the puck to the teammate closes to the crosshair. Wrist shot, if enabled in Settings.(you can also pass manually with left mouse button, usefull for passing in a distance)
While not controlling the puck:
⦁ Right button: block players
⦁ Double-click right button: hooking

To learn the basics of the game better developers have created achievements. You can see your current achievements on website clicking 'My Info', then proceed to 'Achievements'. The game will also occasionally inform you about your achievement progress and once you reach the achievement, the game will give you next task.

Personal suggestion is to complete your first achievements on Beginners queue, but before that try out the movement and shooting in a practice room, by simply clicking 'Practice', then press 'Ready'. To join beginners queue, press 'Autoplay' then click on 'Autoplay Beginner queue' and click 'Spectate' then wait a bit. After learning and practicing you might want to try out other 'Autoplay' rooms, and finally add some stats(Beginner and Practice room points don't add up to your point totals) by choosing 'Autoplay 3vs3 queue' and clicking 'Spectate'.

You are also able to have your own team, by using all the 'VIP' features, what can be found on the games website. After buying your team you can edit your jersey colours, add logo, change goal song and such.
The game itself isn't new, it was made on 2004 and currently is on it's way to rebirth. There are couple of leagues located on Finnish server(Kiekkoleague and Superleague) and also brand new league was made for all the unexperienced players, called 'Power League' in what you all are welcome to participate, by contacting the team owners, that are planning to join the league, or 'Power League' administration board for more details. There have been several international competitions like World Cup, Spectators Cup or National League and many other competitions/leagues.

NOTE: the videos recorded old game version which is based on Java. Kiekko also has Twitch channel, you might want to check that out:

So, get your friends, make a team, and let the fun begin. :)


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