Waived: Jaromir Jagr

Terry Yake

Registered User
Aug 5, 2013
he posted this on his facebook page a few hours ago. can anyone translate? google translate sucks

Ahoj HR,

tady posílám fotku. Ta je sice ještě z letadla, ale já už jsem dávno doma. Takže to je vzkaz pro některé novináře, kteří jsou ještě na letišti, že mohou jít v klidu domů...A můžou to vzkázat i těm ostatním. Tímto se jim omlouvám,že jsem použil jiná vrátka,ale stejně bych jim neměl co říct.
Ale hlavní důvod,proč píšu sem na FCB, je to, že chci informovat svoje fanoušky a lidi, kteří se třeba chtějí jít podívat na hokej,o svých dalších krocích. Jaký mám plán, aby nebyli zklamaní...Spousta z nich neví, jak se věci mají,proto to chci trošku vysvětlit.
Strhnul se tady blázinec,který jsem ani nečekal. Každopádně všem lidem děkuju za zájem. Ale chci, aby ti, co už si lístek koupili nebo o tom uvažují,věděli, jak to se mnou vypadá. Dnes odpoledne zajedu za profesorem Kolářem, protože pro mě je teď nejdůležitější,abych zjistil, jak na tom jsem. Jakým způsobem se budu léčit a jak dlouho to potrvá.Podle toho se rozhodnu. Problémem je,že mi před více než dvěma měsíci začalo otýkat koleno. Nechtěl jsem jenom čekat, co se stane,takže jsem hrál dál, nechal jsem si z toho jenom vytahovat vodu. Ale možná se to tím hraním bohužel zhoršilo. Problém je i v tom,že se mi noha pod určitým úhlem vždycky podlomí,vypne se mi sval. Což je blbý zvlášť pro mě,když jsem měl hru založenou na osobních soubojích.Takže teď hlavně chci, aby mě prohlédnul Pavel Kolář.

Stále věřím,že se nějakým způsobem dám dohromady, než se ve WSM lize začne hrát play off. Pro mě je teď trošku nepříjemný,že vzhledem k pravidlům musím odehrát patnáct zápasů. Proto teď píšu vám, mým fanouškům. Nikde není přesně napsáno, kolik minut musím odehrát, takže chci, abyste věděli,že se může stát, když nebudu moct hrát víc, že nastoupím zezačátku třeba jenom na jedno dvě střídání. Protože jsem nebyl měsíc na ledě,byl jsem se jenom jednou sklouznout. Dopředu tedy nemůžu říct, jak na tom budu. A nechci,aby potom lidi byli naštvaní,že si koupí lístek na starýho dědu a uvidí, jak tam bude belhat... Protože hlavní důvod,proč musím naskočit, je ten, abych měl odehraný zápas...
Proto vám to sem píšu. Abyste věděli,jaký mám plán. Ale vše se samozřejmě může měnit ze dne na den.
Děkuju za pochopení. Věřím, že zítra na tiskové konferenci v Kladně už budu vědět mnohem víc, protože s profesorem Kolářem určitě vymyslíme plán, jak dál. Že se dobereme k nějaké nejlepší cestě, o které vás i novináře budu informovat.

rent free

Registered User
Apr 6, 2015
Hello HR, here I'm sending a photo. It's still from the plane, but I'm already home. So it is a message for some journalists who are still at the airport to be able to go home ... And they can tell the others. I apologize to them for using another gate, but I have nothing to say to them. But the main reason I am writing on the FCB is that I want to inform my fans and people who want to go see hockey for their next steps. What do I plan to avoid being disappointed ... A lot of them do not know how things are, so I want to explain a little. There was a crazy fool that I did not expect. Anyway, I thank everyone for interest. But I want those who already bought or thought about it to know what it looks like to me. This afternoon I will go to Professor Kolar, because it is now the most important thing for me to find out how I am. How I will heal and how long it will last. The problem is that more than two months ago I started to bend my knee. I did not just want to wait for what was going on, so I was playing on, just letting out of the water. But maybe it's getting worse. The problem is that my leg will always undercut at a certain angle, my muscle will turn off. Which is stupid especially for me when I had a game based on personal duels. So now I want to see Pavel Kolar.

I still believe I will come together in some way before the WSM League starts playing play off. It's a little uncomfortable now for me because of the rules I have to play fifteen matches. That's why I'm writing to you now, my fans. Nowhere is it written exactly how many minutes I have to play, so I want you to know that it can happen when I can not play more that I will start from the beginning for just two turns. Because I was not a month on ice, I was just one day to slip. So I can not say how I'm going to do it in the future. And I do not want people to be upset to buy a ticket to an old grandfather and see how he'll be belhat ... Because the main reason I have to jump is to have the match played ... That's why I'm writing it here. To know what my plan is. But of course, everything can change from day to day. Thank you for your understanding. I believe that I will know much more tomorrow at a press conference in Kladno tomorrow, because with Professor Kolář we will definitely think of a plan to continue. That we are going to some better way that I will inform you and the journalists.


Registered User
Apr 13, 2010
Essentially his knee started to get swollen more than two months ago. He didn't want to wait and see what would happen so he decided to keep playing. So he just had fluid removed from it. He thinks that playing on it may have made it worse though.

Terry Yake

Registered User
Aug 5, 2013
the fact that he was injured during his entire calgary tenure is what makes me believe his departure is just a way to rehab and get healthy in time for the last month or so of the season and playoffs


DOPS keeping NHL players unsafe like its their job
Nov 29, 2005
"In a message to his fans on Facebook, Jagr said one of his knees started to get swollen two months ago and his condition has not improved. He said he skated only once in the past month and wanted to consult a leading local expert, Pavel Kolar, on that problem."

Not much reason for the Flames to keep Jagr around in that condition.

I was certain there was a much bigger problem than his groin which usually only stopped him for a few games. Time to put away the shovels and not bury Jagr completely yet...


absolute garbage

Registered User
Jan 22, 2006
Before these knee issues, 2 months ago Jagr had 7 points in 15 games and that was with missing training camp/preseason and with the other injuries (groin?) mixed in too. I watched a lot of those games too, and he looked dangerous on the ice. There were a couple games where he was the most dangerous Flames forward on the ice. Sure he was slow, but he still created a ton of offense (the way he sees the ice and hangs on to pucks is elite). An effective offensive player in the NHL without injuries, but at that age those must be extra difficult to overcome.

If he manages to get healthy and some organisation stops the tunnelvision and sees things past age and footspeed, I could see him coming back to NHL next year. Probably not going to happen, but there's a chance. He's still good enough ability-wise.
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Registered User
Jun 4, 2011
Hello HR, here I'm sending a photo. It's still from the plane, but I'm already home. So it is a message for some journalists who are still at the airport to be able to go home ... And they can tell the others. I apologize to them for using another gate, but I have nothing to say to them. But the main reason I am writing on the FCB is that I want to inform my fans and people who want to go see hockey for their next steps. What do I plan to avoid being disappointed ... A lot of them do not know how things are, so I want to explain a little. There was a crazy fool that I did not expect. Anyway, I thank everyone for interest. But I want those who already bought or thought about it to know what it looks like to me. This afternoon I will go to Professor Kolar, because it is now the most important thing for me to find out how I am. How I will heal and how long it will last. The problem is that more than two months ago I started to bend my knee. I did not just want to wait for what was going on, so I was playing on, just letting out of the water. But maybe it's getting worse. The problem is that my leg will always undercut at a certain angle, my muscle will turn off. Which is stupid especially for me when I had a game based on personal duels. So now I want to see Pavel Kolar.

I still believe I will come together in some way before the WSM League starts playing play off. It's a little uncomfortable now for me because of the rules I have to play fifteen matches. That's why I'm writing to you now, my fans. Nowhere is it written exactly how many minutes I have to play, so I want you to know that it can happen when I can not play more that I will start from the beginning for just two turns. Because I was not a month on ice, I was just one day to slip. So I can not say how I'm going to do it in the future. And I do not want people to be upset to buy a ticket to an old grandfather and see how he'll be belhat ... Because the main reason I have to jump is to have the match played ... That's why I'm writing it here. To know what my plan is. But of course, everything can change from day to day. Thank you for your understanding. I believe that I will know much more tomorrow at a press conference in Kladno tomorrow, because with Professor Kolář we will definitely think of a plan to continue. That we are going to some better way that I will inform you and the journalists.

I think the poster wanted a real translation, not a google translation.


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