Favourite Survival Horror games?

Byron Bitz

Registered User
Apr 6, 2010
With Halloween approaching I wanna get back into this genre. Some of my favourite are TLOS 1 and 2, Alien: Isolation, Dead Space, Outlast and Manhunt. As far as RE goes I think 2 and 4 are my favourites but I havnt played all of them.

PK Cronin

Bailey Fan Club Prez
Feb 11, 2013
With Halloween approaching I wanna get back into this genre. Some of my favourite are TLOS 1 and 2, Alien: Isolation, Dead Space, Outlast and Manhunt. As far as RE goes I think 2 and 4 are my favourites but I havnt played all of them.

I got bored of Alien: Isolation. It was incredibly repetitive for me so I stopped playing. I have no idea how much more of the game there is from where I stopped.

Resident Evil, RE2 Remake, and RE7 are the best of the series for me.


Cloud IX
Mar 5, 2010
Toruń, PL
Great: Everything that is not TLOS (my favourite are Dead Space, Eternal Darkness, and Silent Hill)

Bad: Everything that is or tries to be TLOS


Jul 9, 2012
So California
RE2 will always have a special place in my heart. Me and my buddy would play over the weekend at my house. I remember taking turns and still very much enjoying just watching it lol. Such a great game.


Cloud IX
Mar 5, 2010
Toruń, PL
Actually, I am going to put Gears of War on this list as well. It's not technically a horror game compared to how others in the genre play like such as RE, Dead Space, or Silent Hill, but all the elements of it are survival of humankind and horror in setting. The characters are rad, the bad guys are original, and I loved the difficulty of Insane.

The Walking Dead Telltale Series are also pretty damn good and this is coming from someone who watched maybe 15 minutes of the entire show and hated every second of it.

Another one you can classify as a horror game is Bloodbourne, which is pretty much quintessential of a "Halloween-esque game."


Слава Україні!!
Sep 6, 2006
Silent Hill 1, 2 are my favs

I also remember playing some game but never finished way back , Indigo Prophecy I think it was? Got way to annoying with some control stuff but remember it was pretty cool idea for game.


Jun 8, 2012
Silent Hill 1, 2 are my favs

I also remember playing some game but never finished way back , Indigo Prophecy I think it was? Got way to annoying with some control stuff but remember it was pretty cool idea for game.
I think Indigo Prophecy (I can never remember if I'm supposed to call it Fahrenheit or not) is genuinely beyong classification



Mark Stones Spleen
Apr 19, 2015
Cloud 9
I haven't played a huge amount, but The Evil Within is the only one I never finished.... mainly because I grew frustrated constantly having no ammo after shooting anything that moved. :laugh:

Unholy Diver

Registered User
Oct 13, 2002
in the midnight sea
I haven't played a huge amount, but The Evil Within is the only one I never finished.... mainly because I grew frustrated constantly having no ammo after shooting anything that moved. :laugh:

I got to like the next to last level/area or so and got f'd by an auto save or something and had 2 bullets and was stuck with a couple of the guys with safes on their head and no way to kill them, after a few dozen tries I just shelved it

I would put the Resident Evil games on my list of my favorites, played thru all but 4 & 5 and picked up the recent remake of RE4, so that wrong will be righted soonish


Entertainment boards w/ some Hockey mixed in.
Feb 6, 2014
I second Amnesia: The Dark Descent. It's the only horror game that has ever actually scared me. My then-girlfriend (now wife) showed it to me when we first got together. We'd grab a 6-pack of Mickey's, turn out the lights and..... well you know the rest.... play Amnesia of course!!

The game creates a great atmosphere especially if you pay attention to the lore. It's a great example of not needing combat or over-the-top gore to create a great scary, creepy game.


Entertainment boards w/ some Hockey mixed in.
Feb 6, 2014
While certainly a survival game, I don't necessarily consider it a horror game, I can understand why many people consider Subnautica to fall under the category of horror.


It's a beautifully crafted world that revolves around the player being stranded on an alien planet which consists almost entirely of water. There are a few uncomfortable biomes and if you are someone who feels uneasy or afraid of being in water, especially deep water, this game could definitely be a horror game for you.

It's clearly a very well made game which focuses on environment and immersion (no pun intended). In my opinion it's one of the best games ever made, especially when you consider the production power they had compared to many bigger titles.
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Registered User
Feb 18, 2005
I don't consider Subnautica to be horror, either, but I recently watched someone on YouTube who's deathly afraid of open ocean play it. At the beginning, she even stood on top of her floating escape capsule for a minute, working up the courage and steadying her breathing, before jumping into the water for the first time. She got more comfortable and played about 8 hours, but once she started having to go really deep, she had to quit. Ironically, she mostly plays horror games, but Subnautica was too stressful for her. So, maybe it is horror for some people. Along the same lines, I played Grounded earlier this year, and that's very much like Subnautica in gameplay, mechanics and so on. I wouldn't consider that horror, either, but if you're deathly afraid of spiders or bugs, I suppose that it could be.
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Frankie Spankie

Registered User
Feb 22, 2009
Dorchester, MA
What's TLOS? I don't recognize that abbreviation. Searching for it on Google just pulls up The Last of Us.

With the talk of Alien Isolation, I didn't really see the reason for all the praise. I thought it was pretty good but nothing too special. I think the game got a bit broken when you got the flame thrower. It had so much fuel. All you had to do was tap the trigger to start the flame and the alien would always run away. It pretty much let you just run through areas with full confidence because you'd practically never run out of fuel by just tapping the trigger.

I'm not too big of a fan of Resident Evil but I definitely enjoyed RE7 the most. I thought the change to first person was great and the Baker family was awesome. Seeing all the crazy shit your girlfriend did as her mind was being taken over was really intense too.

My favorite game with any horror elements would have to be the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series though. The atmosphere is so damn scary. It was the only game where I would stop playing because I was too scared to keep going then load the game back up within 5 minutes because I wanted to play more. I absolutely cannot wait for the sequel.

No Fun Shogun

May 1, 2011
Not really into survival horror, but I have a soft spot for the original Resident Evil 2.

Original Resident Evil 4 was better, but aside from the end credits I don't consider that a horror game.


Registered User
Apr 27, 2013
Survival horror is not my thing either, but if TLOU counts, I'd throw in Metro 2033. Particularly on the hardest difficulty. You can get the whole Metro series for like $15 or something, too.


Future Authoress.
Sep 12, 2011
St. Louis, Missouri
Dead Space (the original one).

I was a young adult and played the game at night (never claimed to be the smartest). I was freaked out, but I only ever flat-out quit once (the blood-curdling female scream in the elevator during the fourth level - not a Wilhelm either, someone at the studio obviously paid good money for a woman to scream bloody murder), and I still managed to force myself to play.

I refuse to play Dead Space 2, I simply refuse. Not because it's bad, but because I've watched people play it as it is, no commentary, no funny remarks, etc., and I know there's no way I'd be able to handle playing it myself without giving myself a panic attack.

Less said about DS3 and the remake, the better (Carver being the lone exception).


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