'08 Prospect Interviews.


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Jun 5, 2003
Sarnia, Ontario
I have posted some interviews conducted with some 2008 draft prospects. Feel free to ask any questions or post a comment.

C Justin Florek, U18, USNDP, 6’-3.5â€, 195 Lbs

Question: What was your childhood like growing up? Where did you grow up and what role did your parent(s) and/or youth coaches play in your development as a hockey prospect?

Growing up in Marquette my childhood consisted of being in the outdoors a lot. My both my grandpa's and my dad love to hunt and fish, which they taught me. I love fishing, and could do it everyday if I had the chance. My parents were very influencial while growing up, they never forced me to play hockey. They told me to play as long as I was having fun, but if I chose to play they instilled hard work habits as long as I can remember. As for my coaches they also showed me how to love the game. They were volunteer coaches who coached just because they loved the game, and when they were young they had volunteer coaches, so they were just returning the favor.

Question: What have you done during the off season and did you do anything to improve your game for your pivotal draft year?

During my off season I continued to follow the lift that our strength and conditioning coach gave us to do this summer. That consisted of pretty much everything, and it really helped me make the transition from my NTDP U17 year to my U18 year because it helped make me stronger, faster, and more conditioned.

Question: You have to be thinking about the upcoming NHL draft, how do you deal with the pressure that brings?

The NHL is defintily a dream of mine, and it is so hard for me to believe that this year is my draft year. To even be considered in the draft is an amazing feeling. The pressure I try not to focus on, with all the rankings other things. When I am at the rink it is my time, I focus on what the team, and what I need to do. Sometimes it gets to your head for a little bit who was at the games and everything, I can't deny that, but I just try to forget about it and play my game, and do what is needed to help the team.

Question: In your best estimation, what do you perceive to be your strengths and what are the areas you need to improve upon as well as what type of hockey player do you see yourself as.

I believe I still have a lot of room to improve in many area's, but I think that the thing I do best is being a hard worker. I am not the fastest or strongest kid but I will do what is needed for the team. I also think I have pretty good hockey sense. I do have size to my advantage, and hit when I need to. I need to continue to get faster and stronger, which will come with all the training we do. Within the last couple years I have really come to love watching Tomas Holmstrom play for the Wings. And if i had to choose a player that I play like it would most be like him.

Rapid Fire Q & A:

Favorite Food: Pasta
Favorite Non-Hockey Activity: Fishing
Favorite TV Show: Pardon The Interuption
Favorite Movie: Rudy or Remember the Titans
Favorite Band/Singer: Like all kinds of music
Favorite NHL Team: Red Wings
Favorite NHL Player: Tomas Holmstrom
Favorite Actor/Actress: Adam Sandler
Favorite Video Game: NHL 07
Favorite Shootout Move: Between the legs
Favorite Hockey Moment: Winning 2 International tournaments last year
Father and Mothers names: Tom and Donna Florek
Siblings name and age(s): Joel 14
Family Hockey History: My mom taught me how to skate during her lunch breaks when she was in college at Northern Michigan. My dad played hockey in Marquette like I did growing up, he won a couple state championships. Played for the Electricians like I did, and was the assistant captain. Also played for the Marquette High School team. He made some type of Team Michigan when he was a senior in high school, and got to go to Lake Placid. My Uncle's also played hockey in Marquette. I just had a grandpa pass away, but he would tell me stories of when he was a young kid during the depression, he would skate on beaver ponds and use the cut knot of a tree as a puck.

G Brady Hjelle, Cedar Rapids, USHL, 5’-11â€, 170 Lbs

Question: What was your childhood like growing up? Where did you grow up and what role did your parent(s) and/or youth coaches play in your development as a hockey prospect?

Well I was born and raised in International Falls, MN. I spent countless hours out on the rink in my back yard with my dad, brother, and a couple buddies just having fun and taking a lot of shots. My dad was my youth coach most of the way up, and he helped me a lot just by firing so many pucks at me, but I never really had a goalie coach. I've had to just pick up new techniques here and there as I've gone to camps.

Question: What have you done during the off-season and did you do anything to improve your game for your pivotal draft year?

This off-season has helped me greatly. I wasn't home much with all the hockey, but when I was, Cedar Rapids had a training packet that involved lifting and running that I did every day. The workouts got more intense when I got here, so those have really helped me out so far.

Question: You have to be thinking about the upcoming NHL draft, how do you deal with the pressure that brings?

I actually try not to worry about any of that stuff. I can just hope for the best, and try my hardest to get there, but I just try to take it one game at a time.

Question: What do you attribute your hot start for Cedar Rapids with and do you think t you can keep up the torrid pace you started with?

I have to credit my team for our start. They've been amazing in front of me and make my job that much easier. I have confidence in them and myself so hopefully we can keep it going in the right direction.

Question: In your best estimation, what do you perceive to be your strengths and what are the areas you need to improve upon as well as what type of hockey player do you see yourself as.

I would say my best strengths are my quickness, mental toughness, and rebound control. Obviously I want to improve on everything, but right now I’m focusing on my conditioning and our goalie coach is working on a few little things with me also.

Rapid Fire Q & A:

Favorite Food: Hawaiian Pizza
Favorite Non-Hockey Activity: Hunting
Favorite TV Show: Around the Horn
Favorite Movie: Superbad
Favorite Band/Singer: Rascal Flatts
Favorite NHL Player: Nikolas Backstrom
Favorite Actor/Actress: Will Ferrell and Jennifer Anniston
Favorite Video Game: NHL
Father and Mothers names: Paul and Brenda
Siblings name and age(s): Bryce (17)

RW Danny Kristo, U18, USNDP, 5’-11â€, 172 Lbs

Question: What was your childhood like growing up? Where did you grow up and what role did your parent(s) and/or youth coaches play in your development as a hockey prospect?

I was born in minnesota but grew up playing youth hockey in indiana. There wasnt much hockey there so we had to travel a lot. I played a birth year up my whole life while living there. In seventh grade i moved back to minnesota and started developing more. I devoloped most my freshman year of hs

Question: What is it like to play in the USNDP system and what other options did you have to play in other leagues on your road to the pros that you have turned down?

The NTDP is very demanding and tough on a teenager. You really have to love the game and be coachable to be in the program. After my freshman year of hs i went to the omaha lancers tryout camp of the ushl. I played really well there and made the team. I was having thoughts about going there until NTDP came in to the picture. After visiting here i decided this was where i wanted to play the next two years.

Question: What have you done during the off season and did you do anything to improve your game for your pivotal draft year?

During this past off season i made big strides in the weight room. We had a very good summer lifting program we were supposed to follow so i did that. I didnt work on anything for the draft but mostly just to try to become a better player for this year.

Question: In your best estimation, what do you perceive to be your strengths and what are the areas you need to improve upon as well as what type of hockey player do you see yourself as.

My strengths as a player i would have to say would be my speed. i feel like skating helps me with the rest of my game. i think i have a good head for the game and good hands. I need to get better at moving the puck a little quicker and becoming stronger in the d zone. I see myself as an speedy smart forward.

Rapid Fire Q & A:

Favorite Food: Waffles
Favorite Non-Hockey Activity: Golf
Favorite TV Show: entourage
Favorite Movie: Friday Night Lights
Favorite NHL Team: Toronto Maple leafs
Favorite NHL Player: Zach Parise
Favorite Actor/Actress: Denzel Washington
Favorite Video Game: NHL 2008
Favorite Shootout Move: Fake backhand to forehand five hole
Favorite Hockey Moment: Commiting to UND
Father and Mothers names: Mark and Mary
Siblings name and age(s): Megan 14
Family Hockey History: Dad played college at BSU

D Cody Goloubef, U. of Wisconsin, 6’-1â€, 185 Lbs

Question: What was your childhood like growing up? Where did you grow up and what role did your parent(s) and/or youth coaches play in your development as a hockey prospect?

My childhood growing up was awesome, i always played really close to home and with some really good teams and some awesome coaches. my parents played a monster role in having to get me to the rink every day and sacrificing lots for games, practices and tournaments. I had some really good coaches growing up and the 2 that really helped me develop and become the player i am now are dave gagner and james naylor. They both brought the best out in me and taught me how to really play.

Question: What is it like to be playing with Detroit prospect Brendan Smith and Montreal prospect Ryan McDonagh and what (if anything) have they helped you with this season?

I played with smitty growing up in toronto so it is awesome to be back with him again. To play with those 2 is really great because they have both been through this before and can help me out and do alot whether its advice or just some techniques that helped them be sucessful.

Question: You have to be thinking about the upcoming NHL draft, how do you deal with the pressure that brings?

I dont think about the nhl draft, i just go out there and play my game. the draft is way out of my control so i only control what i can, and that is me playing well game in and game out.

Question: In your best estimation, what do you perceive to be your strengths and what are the areas you need to improve upon as well as what type of hockey player do you see Cody Goloubef as.

I am a consistant steady d-man who consistanly makes the first pass out of the zone. I would consider myself a heads up offensive defenseman

Rapid Fire Q & A:

Favorite Food: Steak and potatoes
Favorite Non-Hockey Activity: Golf
Favorite TV Show: NHL on the fly final
Favorite Movie: Rememeber the Titans
Favorite Band/Singer: Nickelback
Favorite NHL Team: Toronto Maple Leafs
Favorite NHL Player: Scott Niedermayer
Favorite Actor/Actress: Chris Tucker
Favorite Video Game: NHL 2008
Favorite Shootout Move: Fake shot backhand forehand
Favorite Hockey Moment: Playing for team Ontario U17
Father and Mothers names: Peter and Laura
Siblings name and age(s): Ashley (19) and Paige(16)
Family Hockey History: Great uncle Dick Duff played in the NHL for many years and won 6 cups.

RW Vinny Saponari, U18, USNDP, 5’-10â€, 170 Lbs

Question: What was your childhood like growing up? Where did you grow up and what role did your parent(s) and/or youth coaches play in your development as a hockey prospect?

I grew up in Marietta, Georgia which is a suburb of Atlanta. I have an older brother and two younger sisters who I am very close with. I grew up playing hockey with my older brother, and I started skating when i was 3 years old. It has always been a passion of mine, and it has always been a main part of my life. I grew up playing for local travel hockey teams in Georgia until highschool when I left home to go to prep school. I played for Culver Academies until I left there to joing the NTDP. My dad was the one who taught me how to play, and he was my coach through bantams.

Question: What is it like to play in the USNDP system and what other options did you have to play in other leagues on your road to the pros that you have turned down?

The NTDP had done more than I could have imagined for my development as a player/person. It has helped me mature and gain strength while allwoing me to play against some of the best players in the world. I decided to go to college next year at Boston University instead of going to the Ontario Hockey league with the kitchner Rangers.

Question: What have you done during the off season and did you do anything to improve your game for your pivotal draft year?

During the summer i just worked on my strength using the NTDP workout that they provided us.

Question: You have to be thinking about the upcoming NHL draft, how do you deal with the pressure that brings?

I try to focus on each game individually because in the end if your doing your job for your team then you are helping them to win, and if your team is winning then you will look better than if your team is losing.

Question: In your best estimation, what do you perceive to be your strengths and what are the areas you need to improve upon as well as what type of hockey player do you see Vinny Saponari as.

Well I would like to classify myself as a hardworker who makes plays. I need to continue to improve my strength and shot as continue my carear.

Rapid Fire Q & A:

Favorite Food: steak
Favorite Non-Hockey Activity: playing golf
Favorite TV Show: sportscenter, entourage
Favorite Movie: wedding crashers
Favorite Band/Singer: eminem
Favorite NHL Team: Atlanta Thrashers
Favorite NHL Player: Joe Sackic
Favorite Actor/Actress: mark wahlberg/ jessica alba/ denzel washington
Favorite Video Game: ncaa football
Favorite Shootout Move: shot high glove
Favorite Hockey Moment: scoring an overtime goal in the championship game of last Christmas' 4 nations tournament agaisnt Sweden
Father and Mothers names: Gus and Stephanie
Siblings name and age(s): Vic-19, Shelby-14, Sydney-12

G Jacob Markstrom, Brynas J20, Sweden, 6’-4â€, 180 Lbs

Question: What was your childhood like growing up? Where did you grow up and what role did your parent(s) and/or youth coaches play in your development as a hockey prospect?

I grow up in Gävle 20 miles north of Stockholm, and I have always lived in Gävle.
My parents have mean very mutch to me, they have always support me, and drive me to training almost every day when I was younger. And look at the games I have played from as a little boy untill now.
I have been lucky when it comes to coaches, I have always had good coaches so that have mean mutch to me that I just could focus what i gonna do on the ice. And they like my parents have support me and make me train hard to be where I am now.

Question: What have you done during the off season and did you do anything to improve your game for your pivotal draft year?

The Off season is very tough, in brynas we train two times a day, 5 days a week, and each training are about on hour. So the hole team trains togheter. If you train hard at the off seaon you will se results on the ice.

Question: What has it been like playing in the SuperElit and dominating in all goaltender catagories (stats)? Who are some other Swedish players who are top level talents and should be drafted next June?

Its fun to play in superelit, we have a good team and thats make it even funnier.
things are going well for me and Brynas, on and off the ice so thats make the results good.
I try to train hard on the practic and always be concenstrate. SVS % 95,15. GAA 1,38. Sweden have many good players comming up now, Mattias Tedenby HV71.Johan Motin Färjestad, and for next years draft Victor Hedman MODO and Magnus Pääjärvi-Svensson its two big swedish names.

Question: You have to be thinking about the upcoming NHL draft, how do you deal with the pressure that brings?

Actually the draft is nothing I think of, so i dont feel more press, I just try to always do my best.

Question: In your best estimation, what do you perceive to be your strengths and what are the areas you need to improve upon as well as what type of hockey player do you see yourself as.

My strengths It´s hard to tell, you can ask my goalie coach =) I can improve everything in my game, You can never be good enough.

Rapid Fire Q & A:

Favorite Food: Pasta white mothers meatballs.
Favorite Non-Hockey Activity: It will be golf, and footbol (soccer).
Favorite TV Show: Simpsons.
Favorite Movie: Soul Plane.
Favorite Band/Singer: 50 cent, snoop dogg, lil jon etc. I like all kinds of hiphop.
Favorite NHL Team: NY Rangers.
Favorite NHL Player: Of course Henrik Lundqvist, Jagr and the new Monteral Goalie Corey Price.
Favorite Actor/Actress: Jim Carey.
Favorite Video Game: If I play video games it will be NHL 08.
Favorite Shootout Move: I love Datsuyks Shotout move that he did on Tomas Voukon.
Favorite Hockey Moment: When we took gold in Ivan Hlinka.
Father and Mothers names: Anders and Lena
Siblings name and age(s): Big brother Tim 21, little sister Ida 14.
Family Hockey History: No hockey history, just (soccer) history, my father was goalie for Hammarby in the biggest swedish leuge (Allsvenskan).

C Kruise Reddick, Tri-City, WHL, 5’-9â€, 165 Lbs

Question: What was your childhood like growing up? Where did you grow up and what role did your parent(s) and/or youth coaches play in your development as a hockey prospect?

My childhood growing up was revolved around hockey. Hours out on the dugout where my dad made a hockey rink skating and practicing. my dad got me started with hockey, got me skating at age two and was my coach all the way up to bantam. he has helped me so much i wouldnt be where i am without him.

Question: What have you done during the off season and did you do anything to improve your game for your pivotal draft year?

In the off season i worked out with a trainer to become bigger, stronger, faster. Tried to improve my game by becoming stronger.

Question: You have to be thinking about the upcoming NHL draft, how do you deal with the pressure that brings?

I try not to think of it, it has always been a dream of mine but all i can do is play my best help the team win and hopefully good things will come out of it. Its always in the back of my mind but i try not to worry about it.

Question: In your best estimation, what do you perceive to be your strengths and what are the areas you need to improve upon as well as what type of hockey player do you see yourself as.

My strengths are seeing the ice, skating and play making abilities. I need to work on becoming stronger and that will help a lot of the aspects in the game.

Rapid Fire Q & A:

Favorite Food: sandwiches
Favorite Non-Hockey Activity: golf
Favorite TV Show: seinfeld
Favorite Movie: coach carter
Favorite Band/Singer: rise against
Favorite NHL Team: calgary flames
Favorite NHL Player: jarome iginla
Favorite Actor/Actress: Will ferrel, jenifer aniston
Favorite Video Game: nhl 08
Favorite Shootout Move: dont have a favourite one.
Favorite Hockey Moment: first whl goal.
Father and Mothers names: Doug and Linda Reddick
Siblings name and age(s): Kourtlin 19, Karis 14

D Michal Jordan, Windsor, OHL, 6’-1â€, 180 Lbs

Question: What was your childhood like growing up? Where did you grow up and what role did your parent(s) and/or youth coaches play in your development as a hockey prospect?

I started play hockey in Zlin when i was 4. My dad used to play hockey so he make me play it. He is coach in Zlin now. He gave me a lot of good thoughts about playing.

Question: What have you done during the off season and did you do anything to improve your game for your pivotal draft year?

I got hurt at world U18 so my off season wasn't that good I'd like to have it.But i worked out hard with my conditioning trainer after i was ok in order to prove my qualities in OHL.

Question: You have to be thinking about the upcoming NHL draft, how do you deal with the pressure that brings?

I know this season is very important for me because of draft but I just play my best and I wanna help my team to win and make coaches satisfied with me.

Question: In your best estimation, what do you perceive to be your strengths and what are the areas you need to improve upon as well as what type of hockey player do you see yourself as.

I'M offesnsive type of defenceman, I like to play power play but i have to improve play in defensive zone and physical play.

Rapid Fire Q & A:

Favorite Food: subway
Favorite Non-Hockey Activity: tv, internet, soccer
Favorite TV Show: i don't have fav tv show
Favorite Movie: gladiator
Favorite Band/Singer:
Favorite NHL Team: ottawa senators
Favorite NHL Player: karel rachunek NJD
Favorite Actor/Actress: danzel washington,will smith
Favorite Video Game: guitar hero,nhl 08
Favorite Shootout Move: i make a various deke
Favorite Hockey Moment: won silver medail with Zlin last year for juniors,WJ U18
Father and Mothers names: dad-Ales Jordan mom-Renata jordan
Siblings name and age(s): I got brother Ondrej he is 14
Family Hockey History: My dad used to play hockey and my grandpa as well but they never played pro

D Luca Sbisa, Lethbridge, WHL, 6’-1â€, 176 Lbs

Question: What was your childhood like growing up? Where did you grow up and what role did your parent(s) and/or youth coaches play in your development as a hockey prospect?

I grow up in Zug, it's a nice town in the central of Switzerland, with over 100'000 habitants. When I was 4 my parents took me to my first hockey game and since this moment I've been playing hockey. I've played in the same team until I came here to Canada. My Coaches and parents supported me as much as they could, during this couple years.

Question: What have you done during the off season and did you do anything to improve your game for your pivotal draft year?

I practiced with my old team in Switzerland, during the off season. We had twice week Karate practise, which was pretty tough. It helped me a lot to get more condition and it was a big help for my mental training as well. I hit the gym and the bike a lot, because we have a couple nice hills in my town. For the upcoming season I tried to get more strength and weight.

Question: You have to be thinking about the upcoming NHL draft, how do you deal with the pressure that brings?

I try to don't think too much about the draft and just play my game.

Question: In your best estimation, what do you perceive to be your strengths and what are the areas you need to improve upon as well as what type of hockey player do you see yourself as.

I see me as a two way Defender, with some good offensive skills. I think that my skating and my shot are my strength and I need to work to keep my head up more, so I can see better what’s going on and I need to be harder in the corners.

Rapid Fire Q & A:

Favorite Food: a good steak with fries
Favorite Non-Hockey Activity: hang out with friends
Favorite TV shows: Desperate Housewives, Greys Anatomy and Prison break
Favorite Movie: Hitch
Favorite Band/Singer: I don’t have a really one, I listen to all kinds of music
Favorite NHL Team: Toronto Maple Leafs
Favorite NHL Player: Mats Sundin
Favorite Actor/Actress: Adam Sandler
Favorite Video Game: GTA San Andreas
Favorite Shootout Move: Crosby against Montreal
Favorite Hockey Moment: My first Pro-League game in Switzerland
Father and Mothers names: Massimo and Isabella
Siblings name and age: Chiara 19 years old
Family Hockey History: I’m the first one who plays hockey in my family

C Joe Colborne, Camrose, AJHL, 6’-4â€, 195 Lbs

Question: What was your childhood like growing up? Where did you grow up and what role did your parent(s) and/or youth coaches play in your development as a hockey prospect?

My childhood was great, I grew up in Calgary and from age 2 my dad helped me to shoot and stickhandle in my basement. My dad coached me for my first years in hockey and taught me a good base of fundamentals. As well, other coaches helped me greatly.

Question: Why did you choose to go the college route and play in the AJHL instead of Major Junior?

My parents always placed a high priority on education, and college will give me a greater chance to get stronger.

Question: What have you done during the off season and did you do anything to improve your game for your pivotal draft year?

Get stronger, improve my skating, improve my shot.

Question: You have to be thinking about the upcoming NHL draft, how do you deal with the pressure that brings?

I just try to focus on my own season and if I help our team win a championship then hopefully the draft will work out nicely.

Question: In your best estimation, what do you perceive to be your strengths and what are the areas you need to improve upon as well as what type of hockey player do you see yourself as.

Strengths- stickhandling, vision scoring, forecheck
Improvements- strength, quickness

Rapid Fire Q & A:

Favorite Food: Steak
Favorite Non-Hockey Activity: Golf
Favorite TV Show: 24
Favorite Movie: 300
Favorite Band/Singer: Garth Brooks
Favorite NHL Team: Calgary Flames
Favorite NHL Player: Vinny Lecavalier
Favorite Actor/Actress: JEssica Alba
Favorite Video Game: NHL 08
Favorite Shootout Move: Forehand deke
Favorite Hockey Moment: Winning the AJHL last year
Father and Mothers names: Paul and Janice
Siblings name and age(s): Lauren (21) Melissa (19) Claire (15)

With the new HFBoards rule that you can't post a link for your website, I guess I will just post draft content direct and without a link. I will post an article written about Stamkos, Doughty and Pietrangelo as well as a seperate piece tomorrow.


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